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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Eve Thenasa on November 08, 2007, 02:37:30 pm

Title: (Completed) Wednesday 14 November 7pm GMT. Justice will be done!
Post by: Eve Thenasa on November 08, 2007, 02:37:30 pm
Event:~ Justice will be done!
When:~ Wednesday 14 November 7pm GMT
Meet:~ Outside the Barracks

Benjamin Von Richter has been the victim of a most fowl attack in Yewian territory.  He remains in the care of the healers, until he has made a full recovery.  An attack such as this will not be tolerated, the attacker will not go unpunished.

A few sketches have been drawn to describe the attacker:~
*Short dark coloured pants, shirt and bandana.
*Light brown/ginger hair in a ponytail and beard.
*Generally scruffy looking.
*Carries a dagger or club 

I have visited the Baron of Yew, last eve.  He has agreed to allow us access to his lands, on the condition that if we find the attacker, he be brought to trial at their hands!  We have no choice but to keep to these terms.

We shall leave for Yew at the seventh hour!  Once there we shall search every building in every corner for this man or any evidence pertaining to his whereabouts.

Eve, Grenadier Corporal

Title: Re: (Soon) Wednesday 14 November 7pm GMT. Justice will be done!
Post by: Falconheart on November 11, 2007, 05:00:42 pm

Title: Re: (Soon) Wednesday 14 November 7pm GMT. Justice will be done!
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 13, 2007, 10:16:09 pm

Title: Re: (Soon) Wednesday 14 November 7pm GMT. Justice will be done!
Post by: Eve Thenasa on November 14, 2007, 02:40:05 pm