Title: patching Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 12, 2007, 04:45:45 am Well, I'm patching the 14 day trial right now... and im on 5.0.0a right now *dies* its slow, I have to go outside, and the 220V over heats my laptop and makes it shut itself down. I get about 45 minutes on battery so i take that time to patch.... thhen i get cut off. Its slow but maybe I'll be getting into the game??? Cross your fingers and say prayers to whichever higher being or thing you pray to!!
hope to see you all soon, oh bother... having to build a plausible story for this abscence... prehaps abduction by Succubi?? ;D Title: Re: patching Post by: qom_riyadh on November 12, 2007, 06:33:43 am I think that you should get some OOC reward for being the most determined player :)
When you'll get back home, you should write something like "Ultima Online: How They Do It In Q8" ;) Title: Re: patching Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 12, 2007, 09:48:26 am *cough*Kuwait*cough* ahem... excuse me. ::)
Title: Re: patching Post by: qom_riyadh on November 12, 2007, 01:03:50 pm *cough* corrected *cough*
Title: Re: patching Post by: Mela Arkay on November 13, 2007, 06:15:37 am Not sure you should be correcting anyone luv' :D Theres a 14 day free trial?
Title: Re: patching Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 13, 2007, 06:24:06 am actually you can get the UO:gold with a free trial.. maybe its 15 days but anyway guess what i just did?? Took a screeny of Marcus on his walk home to Cove ;D YAY!!!