Title: [Report] Swaggers Invasion! Post by: Celuvian on November 13, 2007, 10:06:41 pm Leading:
Kelly - Scout Corporal Attending: Perrin - Jr Guardsman Joey Lanai - Sr Dragoon Raiden Morana - Grenadier Captain Hoagie - Dragoon Sergeant Celuvian Haap - Watchman Graem Carcer - Officer Cadet Kal ShadowHand - Regular Scout We lined up infront of the Barracks, and was briefed by Kelly. We were to march to the Swaggers Inn at the Vesper coast, and Search the premisis of any illegal content such as drugs. Without too much fuzz we got there, and searched the building. We found a few Nighshade in the Basement so we proceeded in Arresting those we could. All in all it was a successfull bust. For Cove!(http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07462/vesperfinal.JPG) Title: Re: [Report] Swaggers Invasion! Post by: Mela Arkay on November 13, 2007, 11:15:10 pm Try extend on the report next time.
Scout Sergeant, Mela.E.Arkay. Title: Re: [Report] Swaggers Invasion! Post by: Raiden Morana on November 14, 2007, 12:21:45 pm Aye, try and extend it indeed Watchman.
There's nothing in there about me being entangled in some rather suspicious looking vines nor the banana that Hoagie took away for questioning. *shifty eyes* *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. Title: Re: [Report] Swaggers Invasion! Post by: Celuvian on November 15, 2007, 09:09:10 pm Ayeh yarr sorry, me writing hand is hurt badly, so wont go into writing too long a thing quite yet. *grins inocently*