Title: (COMPLETE) Saturday 17 November from 7pm GMT Onwards - Market Day in Cove Post by: Axiana on November 16, 2007, 12:34:00 pm Event:- Market Day in Cove
When:- Saturday 17 November, 7pm GMT Onwards. Where:- In Cove Town Market open to all, come along, support the local Civilians of Cove! Bring along items you wish to sell. Calling for; live stock seller and butcher, fishmongers, Sweet seller, Tailors and sellers of other interesting items, come set up you stall on the day! Send a pigeon to Axiana on 398126533 if you are able to assist. Many thanks. Title: Re: (Tomorrow) Saturday 17 November from 7pm GMT Onwards - Market Day in Cove Post by: Raiden Morana on November 16, 2007, 05:10:08 pm *BUMP*