Title: Sunday events : Post by: Octiovus on April 22, 2005, 10:31:44 pm 16:00 GMT - Mass - Cove church - bring tithe money and your faith!
17:00 GMT - Theatre auditions (POSTPONED) 19:00 GMT - Blind date the Baron - the search for a wife continues - Baron's office (POSTPONED - Octie ill IRL) 20:00 GMT - Acts Of Secrecy * Meet outside the Altmere guardpost (NPC post), north of Cove. * Bring full combat gear, and a helm that covers the face. * Guardsmen, mercenaries, and fighting citizens are welcomed. Title: Re: Sunday events : Post by: Bayne on April 24, 2005, 07:26:42 pm I cannot find the Guardpost. Is it the one in cove town? Nobody there if it is.
Title: Re: Sunday events : Post by: Gregor Eason on April 24, 2005, 11:56:17 pm (OOC: I was referring to the NPC guardpost on the road going up to Britain. Tonight was a bit of confusing mess, with Oct down and out for the count, and Vesper wishing to step up arrangements by a fair bit. The next Yew event shall be a lot better organised.)
Title: Re: Sunday events : Post by: Bayne on April 25, 2005, 06:41:15 am (OOC: Yea was a bit of a shambles in the organisation department. Still a great fun battle, should put a rather large dent in the arrogance of those guards heheh. Also, out of interest when will the theatre auditions be moved to? Thanks.)