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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Siegfried on November 22, 2007, 02:04:37 am

Title: Mass & Redocumentation of Parish Records - 2pm GMT [25/11/07]
Post by: Siegfried on November 22, 2007, 02:04:37 am
*This notice is pinned to the bottom of the scroll (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,9779.0.html)*

When: Sunday 25/11/07 2pm - GMT
Where: Church
Bring: Faith, Quill, Tithe



This Sunday, Mass shalt resume within the Church of Cove.

As Sunday service hath not been conducted in a while, I shalt presume thy Parish Records are out of date. Following Mass, every citizen and soldier is hereby required to complete a compulsory form acknowledging thy personal and professional background. The forms shalt be provided, though, thou shouldst bring with thee a quill and thy full co-operation to ensure a smooth process. Once thy form is completed correctly, thou shouldst return it to myself.

A supply of uncompleted personnel forms shalt be made available to those who happen to be out of town during the time of this Sunday's Mass.

Individuals found in the surrounding area during the time of Mass shalt be severely dealt with.

He who feigns absense, also tempts fate!


Father Siegfried,
Templar Seneschal

Title: Re: Mass & Redocumentation of Parish Records - 2pm GMT [25/11/07]
Post by: Siegfried on November 25, 2007, 11:07:53 am
I shalt see thee all this afternoon, children.