Title: Theatre Auditions - 7.30pm GMT, Tuesday 26/04/05 Post by: Cedric Bale on April 23, 2005, 02:33:40 pm This Sunday I, Cedric Bale, Junior Playwright of the "King's Men Theatre" of Britain, shall be hosting auditions for an up and coming play.
"A Love Lost"; a romantic tragedy set in the midst of the Orc occupation of Cove. Positions Available * Male actor for a Leading Role * Female actress for a Leading Role * Three extras for Supporting Roles Audition Time: 7.30pm GMT, Sunday Where: Docks, Cove Bring: Your deepest emotions! Cedric Bale, Bale Theatric Productions Title: Re: Theatre Auditions - POSTPONED Post by: Peggy on April 25, 2005, 02:10:02 pm Well when its back up, i'll play the female part!
Title: Re: Theatre Auditions - POSTPONED Post by: Dellamona on April 25, 2005, 02:31:38 pm :'(
Title: Re: Theatre Auditions - 7.30pm GMT, Tuesday 26/04/05 Post by: Cedric Bale on April 26, 2005, 05:02:25 pm I have rescheduled the Auditions for this eve! Fairly hastily I might add, but I am a hasty man!
Cedric Bale, Bale Theatric Productions Title: Re: Theatre Auditions - 7.30pm GMT, Tuesday 26/04/05 Post by: Cedric Bale on April 26, 2005, 08:55:31 pm Excellent auditions! I must admit I was VERY impressed. Oh, how this shall make choosing the two leading roles hard...
Cedric Bale, Bale Theatric Productions |