Title: My last 15000 gold: Post by: Scarlet Grayner on November 24, 2007, 11:01:16 pm Attendees: Myself (Flina Trix)
Where I went: Uhh..Shame.. I guess.. Well you see, i need 15000 gold to become promoted to regular so after begging people for it I knew it wasn't going to happen, so I grabbed my mace and shield and head to shame. When i was there I encountered lots of rock beasts who of course died a very quick death! (http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3938/earthellyud1.png) After I had counted every single coin out I realized I had just over 15000 so i head home and enjoyed a good cup of apple tea! (http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/8430/goldlolgj1.png) Oh..yea..FOR COVE!! Flina Trix [OOC:] What really happened was... "Raidy?" Flina asked, the sweetest smile she could spread across her face "Can i have 15000 gold?" His reply was not what she'd expected or what she'd hoped either for that matter as a raspy wheeze sounded from his throat. "If I had the money lass you know I would!" he replied, but that wasn't good enough for the crazed ginger strumpet. "KYTE!" she spoke loudly, and the bartender looked up quickly. "Want to hire me for 15000gold? I'll clean your house.." he shuffled uncertainly with a small frown before she added.. "In a short skirt.." he pondered and was obviously tempted until Raiden but in.. "I'll fight ye for 15000 Kyte, if I win.. I get the gold.. if you do you get the 15000." this time..Kyte was quick to agree as he was obviously confident in his fighting abilities. The fight didn't last long and Raiden was victorious! Stuffing the freshly written cheque in her bag Flina smiled widely and mumbled to herself. "To the easy way out!" (http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/7545/thefightwi4.jpg) |