Title: 26/11/07 8pm GMT - Drill Instructor Trials Part I Post by: Graem Carcer on November 26, 2007, 12:55:39 pm When: 8pm TONIGHT
Where: Barracks Rooftop What To Bring: Parade Arm, Dress Uniform Bedroll Torch At least 300 bandages Lumberjacking Axe Fletching Tools Carpentry Tool Skillet For my Drill Instructor Trials I have to lead the following: Lead a Recruit Cadre so our newest guardsman are familiar with basic orders and formations. Lead a Parade Drill including full uniform and and equipment check to instill some discipline in the ranks. If anyone is found lacking punish them accordingly. We shall swiftly complete these tasks. Recruits are HIGHLY recommended to attend. *Signed* - Graem Carcer, Officer Cadet. Title: Re: 26/11/07 8pm GMT - Drill Instructor Trials Part I Post by: Raiden Morana on November 26, 2007, 01:10:26 pm *BUMP*
Recruits! The Cadre is a promotional requirement. If ye have nay passed through the Cadre yet, ye are advised ter attend! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |