Title: Successful Patrol becomes hunt. Post by: Tweeso Pebble on April 23, 2005, 03:30:45 pm From the start lining up outside the barracks those here showed up.
* Watchman Valiro Gryphonclaw (me) * Reruit Kendor * Junior Ryan Greystone * Recruit Bengard * Regular Tiberius (After a while) We did enter cove town and patrolled the area. I did split up our company to make it fast and quick. As the company told me it was nothing in the town , nothing to worry about that means , All was clear. (http://img200.echo.cx/img200/7772/splitup7af.gif) After tha' we was about to patrol the forest but an ogre lead us on other tracks. We did follow the tracks down to them orc forts. And there we formed! the two new and not so young recruits did do very well! (http://img200.echo.cx/img200/4961/formation2zj.gif) After that Tiberius came and did assist us with them nasty orcs! And Regular Tiberius rememberd wha' we did learn on my training and used whirlwind attack which was exellent! Advancing slowly into the fort forgetting to watch our back we were almost falling , surrounded. The shout surely reached miles away! - CHARGE!! And charged we did , all way down to the docks to make a stand. We did hold for long but prepared for another charge. (http://img200.echo.cx/img200/5990/charge2tw.gif) After that we was out of the forts and made a forced march back to them barracks where we happily shared aproxmately 12,000 coins and gave some to the coffert. *Signed* Watchman Valiro Gryphonclaw Title: Re: Successful Patrol becomes hunt. Post by: Gregor Eason on April 24, 2005, 02:29:02 am Smart report, Watchman Gryphonclaw!
Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |