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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Graem Carcer on December 05, 2007, 11:25:30 pm

Title: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 05, 2007, 11:25:30 pm
There's something I have never seen in RP history, but I think it'd be amazing. I can imagine there will be a lot of opposition to this, but I still think it'd be cool.

What if you were to wipe away a BIG section of the Covian buildings, and instead plonk down a MASSIVE Castle Deed (The one with the centre stronghold, and grass inside).

"Whoa! You're crazy!" I hear you say, but wait - My story gets better!

Inside the castle you have:

1.) Gatehouse with archer-windows inside.
2.) Square grass patch around the centre stronghold.
3.) 2 floors of the centre stronghold.
4.) 4 interior Battlements (Leading to the external Battlements).
5.) 4 exterior Battlements.
5.) 4 towers, with 2 floors each (8 rooms!).
6.) 4 lower corridors.

So, in total you're getting A LOT of space to work with.

My idea, is that you can fit EVERYTHING a guild needs in 1 building; each section provides a different function, for instance:

Two of the internal corridors may be the armour stores and the library.
The lower floors of the 4 towers could be torture chamber, prison etc
The upper floors of the 4 towers could be a bar (A full-blown tavern would be EXTERNAL to the castle), a practice range, triage centre.
The centre stronghold could be the barracks (lower floor) and something else for the upstairs.

As you can see, I'm having difficulty deciding what each room could be which is surely a good sign; there's A LOT of space!

What prime advantages does a castle have?

4 battlements to shoot from
Everything in 1 building (1 set of keys for all!)
The interior grass patch can be used to awesome effect for: Citizen stalls, trainings, general combat!

What do you guys think about this concept?

 - James

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Celuvian on December 05, 2007, 11:32:16 pm
I think its a good idea.

Altho an 18x18 can fit alot of stuff/rooms...if its designed and built correct. :)

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Tyrinion Carr on December 05, 2007, 11:34:24 pm
Yeah I think it's a grand idea mate :) and well it would be less hassle as well which will take a load off pepole mind eg if the barracks were say to be condemned again

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 05, 2007, 11:34:34 pm
I think its a good idea.

Altho an 18x18 can fit alot of stuff/rooms...if its designed and built correct. :)

But a castle is a what? 30x30?

Title: castle idea reply
Post by: SOPHIE on December 05, 2007, 11:34:58 pm
i think its a very good idea... if it fits.... im all for it.... BoC needs a castle

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Pistia on December 05, 2007, 11:51:45 pm
Yeah good idea, would you take the castle? * Grins *

Then smaller dwellings can be buillt around it, although, Cove has already got a castle wall.

But the seperate building may do good.

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 05, 2007, 11:53:04 pm
Yeah good idea, would you take the castle? * Grins *

Then smaller dwellings can be buillt around it, although, Cove has already got a castle wall.

But the seperate building may do good.

We can't build inside Cove though!

And yes, other buildings can be built around the castle (tavern for instance).

I imagine the castle would be taken by Octi etc.

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on December 05, 2007, 11:58:06 pm
I can agree to disagree here - You can only have a certain amount of co-owners on this castle and everyone has different needs of access. Having lots of seperate buildings stops this complication and having lots of buildings also helps when people need to take care of certain things. You can't access enough things in the right places if you aren't co-owned.

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on December 06, 2007, 12:01:49 am
I don't think a Castle fits in the Cove area

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 06, 2007, 12:08:30 am
Remove the barracks, Kal's house, and the town hall; HEY! Space!

As for co-owners, co-own the most active command members / room function members (Librarian etc)

Squads can have their own, external buildings if needed :)

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on December 06, 2007, 12:10:40 am
I'd check it on some sort of Testshard if one is up...I don't remember people staking out the Cove spot when they created Trammel so I think for some reason or another it wont fit. (Every possible castlespot on the shard was camped when they created Trammel)

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 06, 2007, 12:16:31 am
When trammel was created, plots were still obscured by little rocks and brambles; it's been a long time since then and has since been removed; I imagine a castle will fit:

A.) Currently buildings take on grid-like form - That's evidence to me that houses can be placed! The number of current buildings also makes me believe a large castle would fit.
B.) Even if there were obscuring landscape features still about; Cove seems to have got around them; so could a castle!
C.) Even if there is ONE rock stumping placement, we can fit the rock inside the interior grass-patch - I've seen castles with trees inside them!




It can be done ;)

PS. Before you say "Whoa that takes up A LOT of space":

A.) Aye, it's a castle = /
B.) That's a careless placement, LOTS of space around the edges. It could be placed more neatly to maximise the space surrounding it.

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on December 06, 2007, 12:22:05 pm
If we are doing this we should try to get the help of EA, or at least a GM.
Ecspecially since we are publicly discussing this there is a very real chance that a griefer may try to fuck us over.

"MuWaHaHa dIz iZ mY kAztL n0w!!!1one"

Other than that I am all for the idea.

Another problem may be getting all the home owners active at the same time.
Houses need to be cleaned out and demolished which will be ALOT of work.

I think this could work but it will be hell organization-wise.
(althought a decent Organization rocks, it has been proven before!)

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Celuvian on December 06, 2007, 12:27:31 pm
Place it as far up(north) as possible...as the ass of a building is always...unused. :D

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Khaelieth on December 06, 2007, 01:09:42 pm
I'm all for it! Get someone to siege us!=D

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Mela Arkay on December 06, 2007, 05:34:19 pm
I like the idea of a castle.. but what story would be behind it? Also removing the barracks for one is not going to happen;)

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 06, 2007, 05:36:44 pm
Story? We get rid of all the buildings and build a castle = /

Mela, the barracks are in the CENTRE of the plot... Just because you own it doesn't mean you need to sit on the doorstep in a rocking chair with a shotgun ;)

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Mela Arkay on December 06, 2007, 05:37:50 pm
I don't 'own' it.. I'm holding it. Why would the army be based in a castle? O.o

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 06, 2007, 05:46:40 pm
I don't 'own' it.. I'm holding it. Why would the army be based in a castle? O.o

Own as in, you have ownership.

And, the army are employees of the Baron, they're not just "An army", the castle would be Fort Cove or whatever xD ...Where all our military shin-digs go down!

Seriously, I don't think you can UNjustify the relationship between an army and a castle.

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Marcus Kobra on December 06, 2007, 06:02:23 pm
Chateaux de Richter the most fortified private home in all the land, incuding its own entire army!! Red light district, stable, etc..

yes yes?

Somehow i think Melas gonna be granny witha gun until command votes 99 to 1 against her

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on December 06, 2007, 06:06:47 pm
Yeah, we could have an "Under Siege" scenario and Kasei could go all Steven Segal on people!

Still, what should be decided first is which buildings would have to be sacrificed, get in contact with the owners, determine the owner of the castle (I agree it should be Oct) and see if you can get GM support when doing it.

What you should NOT do is discuss the full details of the plan in this thread on this public board.
Get on icq, get the right people together, keep the rest of the plan a secret as much as possible and surprise us by having is gawk on the amazing BoC castle when we wake up someday.

I recommend from now on this thread should be confined to a discussion of how to decorate the theoretical castle (and which parts of it are gonna be donated to Kazuo to make it an office, I would prefer the middle halls).

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Khaelieth on December 06, 2007, 06:08:14 pm
Citadel von Richter..

But the army could just be based in the castle, with another, probably a hint smaller, barracks some other place. With a bit of reorganisation, it could look even better=)

It should be the Baron's personal castle, with a special part for grenadiers perhaps. But the barracks isn't irreplaceable, just place it somewhere else=)

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Marcus Kobra on December 06, 2007, 06:11:29 pm
agree with khae on purpose and morain about secrecy of said fairytale castle.  Personaly we need some female vampires!!

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Shadwell on December 06, 2007, 06:19:53 pm
You must be kidding? I've lived in a castle and it's ten times worse then a 18*18. Can't shoot down the walls. No good areas at all, except maybe at the center. Can't modify anything and no place for a jail? Offices? Armoury? Haha. It would be a stunt tho. But in the end it's just not practical and even ugly.

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Mela Arkay on December 06, 2007, 06:31:16 pm
Somehow i think Melas gonna be granny witha gun until command votes 99 to 1 against her

Which I doubt will happen.

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Marcus Kobra on December 06, 2007, 06:44:43 pm
how bout  it be a huge 3 story custom?

Title: Re: An idea I've often toyed with...
Post by: Graem Carcer on December 06, 2007, 06:48:11 pm
Somehow i think Melas gonna be granny witha gun until command votes 99 to 1 against her

Which I doubt will happen.

I do too.

how bout  it be a huge 3 story custom?

Castles are automatically made into 20x20 plots when they go into custom mode; in which case we may as well just keep the current barracks :P