Title: [16/12/07] Mass - 2pm GMT Post by: Siegfried on December 10, 2007, 12:39:48 pm When: Sunday 16/12/07 2pm - GMT
Where: Church Bring: Faith, Tithe. † ATTENTION † Children, This Sunday, Mass shalt be held. I do hope to see thee all in attendance; lest thy fall prey to that which I shalt speak of. Parish documents shalt also be available for those who hath yet to complete one. Individuals found in the surrounding area during the time of Mass shalt be severely dealt with. He who feigns absense from Mass, shalt eventually become absent in Britannia! † Signed † Father Siegfried, Templar Seneschal Title: Re: [16/11/07] Mass - 2pm GMT Post by: Farfar on December 10, 2007, 12:43:31 pm [OOC]Is it really november now? :P[OOC]
Title: Re: [16/12/07] Mass - 2pm GMT Post by: Siegfried on December 16, 2007, 02:49:24 pm Children,
Thy attendance this afternoon was somewhat lacking, to say the very least. Yet, I shalt attribute thy lack of attendance to the rather 'unsocial' hours of a Sunday afternoon, and not thy lack of faith; for I am certain that thou art all firm believers of His grace. As a result, Mass shalt henceforth be held regularly on Monday evenings at 9pm (GMT), starting tomorrow, to allow those of thee who may miss the opportunity on a Sunday, to attend regularly as I am sure thou wouldst like to. Be warned, purposeful failure to attend shalt result in thy branding as a heathen, and treatment as such. † Signed † Father Siegfried, Templar Seneschal |