Title: Barracks Sentry Post by: Raiden Morana on December 10, 2007, 06:03:31 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Grenadier Captain. (led) Graem Carcer, Officer Cadet Arel Mortan, Watchman Cor'Vani, Guardsman Recruit Thomas Scarr, Watchman (joined part way through) Having spent the long afternoon bashing harpies in Ilshenar I decided a nice relaxing... Sentry was in order. *Smirks* The men and Arel set about the construction while i put some loot in the coffers. With Carcer taking the lead a fine sentry post was constructed in no time at all and we then manned it and kept a look out for any threats. (http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07501/sentry2.jpg) Nothing much to report... Kal ShadowHand managed to sneak into the sentry post... But that's what he's paid fer. *shifty eyes* Thomas Scarr joined us a little later, and Carcer got his revenge for losing out in our duel earlier by subjecting us to some Minocian folk singing. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |