Title: A Little Target Practice Post by: Raiden Morana on December 10, 2007, 06:28:09 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Grenadier Captain (led) Graem Carcer, Officer Cadet Arel Mortan, Watchman Cor'Vani, Guardsman Recruit Coin for the coffers 5,000 Carcer and I made haste to the harpy nest in Ilshenar for a little target practice. I arrived first Huah! and made a start while he caught up. We were soon set about by hordes of feathered wenches. We dropped one after another and still they came. Carcer commented that they were not unlike Trinsican wenches... The Cadet obviously goes to the wrong establishments (http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07501/harpyhunt.jpg) We were joined by a new recruit, Cor'Vani and Watchman Mortan Har! and we let loose our fury on the poor birdwomen. The corpses were soon piled high and our packs weighed down with loot. I barbecued the stack of feathered corpses and also the eggs in the nests, this seemed to attract even more foes as Carcer pointed out harpy reinforcements were flying in from elsewhere. We cleared the nest and laden with loot headed back to Cove. I put 5,000 coins in the coffers and shared out the rest. For Cove! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |