Title: Mela's games of Ultimate pain.. Post by: Radek Wilkes on December 12, 2007, 07:46:32 pm Leading: Mela A. Arkay, Scout Sarge.
Attending: *Hoagie, Dragoon Sarge *Ihiniar Tel'var, Junior *Haap, Watchman *Kobra, Watchman *Sanderson, Corporal Sergeant Arkay called up a small line up, consisting of a few guardsmen, and told us we were in for some ultimate games of pain. We got divided into teams, and given different colours. Each team had to push a dye tub, to the bandages and back, once for every person in the team. My team; Mela and Kobra won this game, which left Hoagie, Haap and Sanderson in pink robes. We then played 'bulldog' with eventually Sergeant Arkay winning, then moved onto Shame for a team drow hunt. In which team pink won, with a few thoursand more than team green. Over all, team green won, two - one. (http://xs222.xs.to/xs222/07503/melasgames.png) *Signed* Tel'var Title: Re: Mela's games of Ultimate pain.. Post by: Mela Arkay on December 14, 2007, 01:02:44 pm Good report and good job those who turned up.
Scout Sergeant, Mela.E.Arkay. |