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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Marcus Kobra on December 14, 2007, 01:37:14 am

Title: *Note left at the church*
Post by: Marcus Kobra on December 14, 2007, 01:37:14 am

To The Earthly Servant of Avatar Whom it may Concern,

While out with the other guards in Ilshinar we laid a number of Liche, As you are aware they have quite the evil in them. A mockery of life! Hmph, well to the point of this letter. I have no qualms about picking through the left overs of the unjust. It was as I did this that I was drawn, yes almost called towards some very old parchment, evil can be felt about them. I took them, O' corse. I couldn't contain myself. I didn't tell  a soul, except that merchant Mr.Evinyatar, he suggested I should turn them over to you. I figure its best that Avatar deal with these parchments.... I have, by force once been made familiar with the Arcane.... this is of a different more sinister nature. I feel it in my soul...and their presence weakens that soul, and my resolve. It is imperative that I turn these over to you at once!

Avatar Preserve us all.

Thank you.

*Signed Modestly*
  Marcus Illinius Kobra-Dain, Guardsman Recruit, Army of Cove 

Title: Re: *Note left at the church*
Post by: Siegfried on December 14, 2007, 09:16:55 am
See to it that such tainted objects are turned over to myself before night-fall this evening. Thy efforts and faith hath been noted, Recruit.


Father Siegfried,
Templar Seneschal.