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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kal/Mathew on December 14, 2007, 03:20:53 am

Title: A Vigerous Trainging with the Dragoon
Post by: Kal/Mathew on December 14, 2007, 03:20:53 am
Led By: Dragoon Sergeant: Hoagie

Attended By:

Guardsman Recruit: Thomas Scar
Guardsman Recruit: Marcus Kobra
Guardsman Recruit: Azhaal Rhu
Guardsman Recruit: Cor'Vani

It was late in the evening and we were standing about talking to one another relaxing when the Dragoon Sergeant ordered us to the roof. We quickly responded to his order and headed to the roof. Once there we were told that we were going to have a Vigerous training as we bulging bellies, Unlike the Sergeant who doesn't walk too far without his horse haveing to carry him for the weight can hardly be handled by the Sergeant and he gets too tired. We then was told to remove our armour then set out to do ten laps arounf the arena.


After the laps was done were then was ordered to get down and give the Sergeant ten press ups. After they were done we got up and the sergeant rampled on about fighting the bulg he said we all had," He really needs to look at himself in the lookng glass and he would not bother with us younger folks. He then asked if we felt that we were strong and then had two of us stand at his side and the other two to lay down on the ground. The two by his side was told to pick the two on the ground for one day they would have to carry a fellow Guardsman from the battle field.


I was quickly picked up then they were ordered to carry the wounded around the arena five times. The Recruit that picked me up was quite strong as he barely had any trouble carrying me around for five laps. After that we had to switch places, "Ohh Sheet " I said to my-self as I never been in this type of training before, Going to school to learn of the Magical arts does not require this type of training. I did manage to lift the Recruit that carried me but just with all i had to keep from dropping him I did manage to make my five laps around before collapsing to the ground.

We then were ordered to line up and take off all out head gear as the Sergeant undawned his armour and told us that he wanted to end the training with a good olfashen fist a cuf free fer all. We all quickly jumped on the Sergeant and knocked him on his arse to show him that the Younger and more fit Recruits were there to make a point. The fight went on, One by one they fell till that was just two of us left. I still never got that Recruits name but he did handle him-self well but with my fist fighting training I came out the final victor. We were the dissmissed.

Signed Neatly: Cor'Vani: Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: A Vigerous Trainging with the Dragoon
Post by: Hoagie on December 14, 2007, 11:43:43 am
You didn't really capture my good side with that report, but nice pictures.

Hoagie Grayner,
Dragoon Sergeant.

Title: Re: A Vigerous Trainging with the Dragoon
Post by: Raiden Morana on December 14, 2007, 12:50:08 pm
Good work Sarge.

You have a good side...? *shifty eyes*


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.