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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kelly Sanderson on December 19, 2007, 06:34:04 pm

Title: Cleaning Cove
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on December 19, 2007, 06:34:04 pm
Cleaning Cove

Led by:
Kelly Sanderson, Corporal.

Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout (Left early)
Thomas Scarr, Watchman (Left early)
Dah'Han, Guardsman Recruit
Justice Forum, Guardsman Recruit
Bunny Man, Dweller.

The Barracks was filthy. Kal's place had just had a reconstruction, so the place was covered in dust and wood chippings. The Town hall was also dusty and underused. Same could be said for the church; the benches were layered in dust, due to the lack of rear ends being parked on them.

So this called for a major dust-down.

All the available guardsmen lined up outside the barracks, and were divided into the following 2-man teams:

Hoagie and Bunny Man = Team Bunny

Justice and Dah'Han = Team Recruit

Kal and Scarr = Team Shadow

Team Bunny was allocated the entire Barracks to clean until it was spotless. Team Recruit were given the new building to the left of the Barracks to clean (the new market), and in addition, they were given the Town Hall's first floor to clean. Team Shadow were to clean the Church. However, Scarr got called away, so I filled in to be on Team Shadow with Kal.

So... The dusters, cloths, mops and pinnies were handed out, and the armour was off! Cove was about to get a run for its money.

Here is my perspective on the Cove Cleanup:

*A few sketches are pinned*


One member from each team was requested to post their persepectives on the cleaning below, seeing as I could only be inside one building at a time.

Kelly Sanderson, Corporal

Title: Re: Cleaning Cove
Post by: Hoagie on December 19, 2007, 06:38:59 pm


Hoagie Grayner,
Dragoon Sergeant.

Title: Re: Cleaning Cove
Post by: Raiden Morana on December 20, 2007, 09:41:27 am
Good work Corp'.

Keep the buggers busy I say.

Good ter see the Dragoon Sergeant doin' summat useful fer once.


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.