Title: Alchemy and Pots Post by: Celuvian on December 21, 2007, 05:22:16 pm So I have a char with gm alchemy...recently made him a fighting template. So if I joined him in BoC...would I have to wait to become a Grenadier to be able to use my offensive potions?
Title: Re: Alchemy and Pots Post by: Marcus Kobra on December 21, 2007, 05:52:49 pm Pulled this from under the announments board, and guild rules, is by mithar and states:
"Item & Skill restrictions Noone is allowed to be mounted during RPvP combat. Only Dragoons are allowed to ride a mount of any kind outside of combat No magic/runic jewellery, items or weapos are allowed. This restriction is valid at ALL times. When RPvPing, when PvMing, training skills or even when hanging about Only Grenadiers are allowed to use Conflagration/Explosion potions Only Scouts may use Greater Poison weapons and must have atleast 70 poisoning skill Bushido, Spellweaving, Ninjitsu, Necromancy and Spirit Speak are all not allowed unless given special approval by Command Only the Quiver of Rage and of Elements is allowed and must be dyed Shadow The Elven Spellblade, the magical shortbow and any other ML Weapons that require special ingredients are not allowed Contact Command to know which pets are allowed to assist you in battle No offensive area spells of any kind are allowed Archers may not use serpent arrow or lightning special moves" Title: Re: Alchemy and Pots Post by: Celuvian on December 21, 2007, 06:58:49 pm Blast....thanks:(
Title: Re: Alchemy and Pots Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on December 22, 2007, 10:26:39 am You could just join another guild that doesn't have these restrictions ofcourse.
:D Title: Re: Alchemy and Pots Post by: Celuvian on December 22, 2007, 12:09:10 pm That character will be forced to do so :o