Title: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Kelly Sanderson on December 29, 2007, 05:49:55 pm *Another request for the trials made its way onto Sanderson's desk: "Jon Trent, Watchman". One of the harder working guardsmen lurking around nowadays. Kelly picked up her quill and set to work. It was going to be a tough two weeks for this one...*
Jon Trent - Watchman's Trials (http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8265/uotrials1uu4.jpg)
Conditions: 2) Five thousand coins must be retrieved from each patrol. 3) All of these short expeditions must last for at least twenty minutes, and information about each environment must be included in your report. NOTE: (http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7034/trials2nn5.jpg) 2) A full equipment check will take place. (This involves things such as: Bandages, light sources, bedrolls, fully repaired armour, food stocks and tools.) 3) Ask relevant questions to attendees so that they gain knowledge from your training session. (http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7442/trials3nw5.jpg) You shall drop 6 banners every day at places of your choice for one week. You can repeat where you drop them, but do NOT just place them all at various moongates for the full seven days. Guardsmen may accompany you if they wish, but the choice is yours. A full report for each banner drop must be posted below each day. NOTE: A full report for EACH TASK must be posted below, otherwise you have failed these trials. Good luck, Jon Trent. These are difficult tasks, so you shall need it. *Signed* [/list]Kelly Sanderson, Corporal Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on December 30, 2007, 09:30:06 am TASK THREE Banner Drop - Day 1, Saturday. (http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07520/jttr1.jpg) JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on December 30, 2007, 10:23:14 am TASK TWO - Part 1, The Swamp!
Led by: Jon Trent, Watchman. Attended by: Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Eve, Grenadier Corporal Edmund Rufus, Junior Scout Perrin, Junior Guardsman Bardicous, Guardsman Recruit Several guardsmen gathered at the barracks and when all were ready we headed out to the swamps near Compassion. As we approached the air became muggy and sticky and as we entered the swampland the smell became worse. The swamp was home to many animals such as snakes and alligators as well as deformed creatures made from slime and the vileness of the swamp itself. We battled our way through the swampland from side to side and top to bottom slaying the terrors as we went. (http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07520/jtswamp.jpg) With our uniforms covered in blood and filth and our weapons caked in slime or even scarred by unclean blood we trudged back out of the murky waters and back onto dry land to dust ourselves down and head back to barracks. We collected over 8,000 coins for the coffers and when asked what we'd learnt about combat in the swamps the line up answered... "It's rubbish and smells of arse!" "It gets your boots ruined." "And it's yuki!" With the extreme conditions of the swamps it is indeed a tough task to wage war there, but then again not too tough for Covian guardsmen. JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on December 30, 2007, 10:27:18 am TASK THREE Banner Drop - Day 2, Sunday. (http://xs322.xs.to/xs322/07520/jttr2.jpg) JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on December 31, 2007, 11:03:43 am TASK THREE Banner Drop - Day 3, Monday. (http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07011/jttr3.jpg) JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 01, 2008, 10:37:26 am TASK THREE Banner Drop - Day 4, Tuesday. (http://xs323.xs.to/xs323/08012/jttr4c.jpg) JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Kelly Sanderson on January 01, 2008, 12:03:04 pm Well done so far, Watchman! You are doing very well indeed!
*Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Corporal. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 02, 2008, 07:12:02 pm TASK THREE Banner Drop - Day 5, Wednesday. (http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08013/jttr5.jpg) *signed* JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 04, 2008, 07:26:09 pm TASK THREE Banner Drop - Day 6, Thursday. (http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08015/jttr6.jpg) JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 04, 2008, 07:43:28 pm TASK THREE Banner Drop - Day 7, Friday. (http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08015/jttr7.jpg) JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Kelly Sanderson on January 06, 2008, 01:00:42 pm Trent: You appear to have written "Day 6, Saturday" twice, with two seperate batches of banners. I shall now confirm this the end of task 3.
COMPLETED TASK THREE. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Corporal Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 06, 2008, 05:57:01 pm Sorry ma'am, I've amended it.
JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 08, 2008, 07:47:27 pm Desert Patrol.
Attended by: Jon Trent, Watchman. (led) Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout. (had to leave early) Falconheart, Junior Grenadier. I sent word to the available guardsmen to meet me at the Altmere Outpost and we headed northwards to the desert of Compassion. Unfortunately Kal was struck by illness on the road and was dismissed so it was left to Falconheart and myself to brave the desert elements. (http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08022/jtdesert.jpg) We were immediately swarmed by desert creatures... Swarms of scorpions and sand vortexes, orcs, harpies and ettins were dealt with. The sun beating down on us and sweat dripping from our brows I thought I spied water. Was it an illusion or real? We headed towards it and thankfully the desert spring was real indeed. We refreshed ourselves and battled our way back out to greener pastures our packs laden with with loot. We split the loot with Falconheart's share 2,832 going into the Grenadier coffers. JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Falconheart on January 10, 2008, 03:05:40 pm What a find led mission from Watchman Trent! Aye it was hot and our water supply low..but we adapted, improvised and overcame the ordeal ahead of us!!
*signed* Falconheart, Junior Grenadier in the Covian Army Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 13, 2008, 01:44:37 pm Task 1 - Jungle Expedition.
Attended by: JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. (led) Eve, Grenadier Corporal. Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout. Garand, Junior Scout. Thomas Scarr, Watchman. Bunnyman, Local Adventurer. My next task was to test those present in jungle comabt conditions. So we headed to the jungles of Honesty in Ilshenar. The first thing we noticed was the humidity and the second thing we noticed was a large group of unfriendly looking ratmen coming towards us. We stumbled upon a deserted villa where the ratmen had made their home. While we slew them Mr Bunnyman took to the shadows and checked the basement. He reported back that it was inhabited by mad mages so we went down to clear them out also. With the villa cleared we went deeper into the jungle where once again we were attacked by ratmen, who would have though so many cheeseaters would have dwelt in the jungle? (http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/1256/jtjunglejf5.jpg) In a clearing we found a hole in the ground spewing red molten rock... And slime... And fire monsters forth but we stood firm and beat them down. Weary we then hacked our way through the jungle undergrowth into the open where we rested a minute before heading back to Cove. We lined up at the barracks and piled up our loot to find we had collected over 20,000 coins which was shared out between those who had returned. JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on January 15, 2008, 09:41:33 pm TASK 1 - Orc Fort Raid.
Attended by: JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. (led) Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant. Kelly, Corporal. Cor'Vani, Guardsman Recruit. Alfred, Guardsman Recruit. Justice, Guardsman Recruit. Siegfried, Templar Seneschal. For my final combat mission I was to locate and attack an orc stronghold outside of Cove to assess any difference in tactics, numbers and strength to our local orcs. A Templar was to join us to oversee the orc cleansing and destroy any tainted orc artifacts that may be recovered. Our destination was south Yew, orc valley and with the help of recruit Cor'Vani who opened up a portal we made our way there. The valley was crawling with orcs as well as ettins and harpies too. Many of the orcs carried axes and seemed to be gathering lumber while orc shamen and lesser orc warriors kept watch. We gave battle to them as we made our way through the valley, their mindless tactics no different to their kin in Cove. We eventually came across a road and with our packs already half full we quick timed it south by west along the road until we reached the outskirts of the orc stronghold. (http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08032/jtorc944.jpg) We made our way cautiously through the forest, advancing upon the fort and were met with stiff opposition but we battled our way to the fort gates which were sealed until Sergeant Hoagie and myself chopped a passage through. Once inside the fort it was a slaughter as we slew every orc in sight. This particular tribe didn't boast a war boss like their cousins in Cove but they seemed to have greater intelligence. Not only did the bar the fort gates upon our approach they had a firing platform on the fort walls from which they hurled missiles as well as civilised sleeping quarters, a forge and crafting area as well as a war machine! I gave orders to burn the catapult and overturn the forge before we had to withstand a counterattack from the regrouped remnants of the fort. With the stronghold now decimated we made our way back to Cove thanks to a portal from Justice. We gathered over 10,000 coins in loot so as we hadn't recovered any orc artifacts as such I tithed 5,000 to the Church via the Templar Seneschal and gave the remaining guardsmen 1,000 each for their efforts. I hope this information along with that from the swamp, jungle and desert missions is off use Corporal Sanderson along with the experience gained from fighting in such areas. JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent Post by: Jon Trent on February 17, 2008, 02:08:40 pm Attended by
JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. (leading) Hoagie, Sergeant. Eve, Grenadier Corporal. Jenny D'griff, Guardsman Recruit. Darren Wolfe, Guardsman Recruit. Onlookers Gregor Eason, Senior Guardsman. Justice, Guardsman Recruit Rodrik, Commoner. For the final task of my trials I had to lead a training session and with some new recruits around I thought now was the time to do it. I started with a kit inspection. Halberds, light sources, bedrolls and bandages were checked with some exercise handed out to those who failed the test. Next i questioned the group on battle orders as well as fully explaining them for the benefit of the new recruits. The orders were understood and followed well. (http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/1246/jttask2cz7.jpg) I then asked everyone to delve into their packs again to check their survival kit and rations. It turned out that few of the guardsmen present carried basic tools such as a saw or scissors let alone a skillet. One of the recruits didn't even have any rations unlike Sergeant Hoagie who was well stocked with pies. To finish the training session we had a free for all. Corporal Eve had to leave so the rest of us battling it out. The two recruits were knocked down early leaving Sergeant Hoagie and myself to battle it out. The duel lasted longer than I expected and I almost got the better of Hoagie but he eventually knocked me off my feet. My thanks to everyone who attended, especially the new recruits, who i hope learnt a thing or two. JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Jon Trent [COMPLETE] Post by: Kelly Sanderson on February 18, 2008, 05:59:53 pm Trial Completed!