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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on January 10, 2008, 06:34:29 pm

Title: One of our citizens is missing...
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 10, 2008, 06:34:29 pm
Attended by:

Hrothgar, Sergeant. (leading)

Raiden, Grenadier Captain.
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant.
Eve, Grenadier Corporal.
Marcus Tel'var, Watchman.
Justice, Guardsman Recruit.

Khaelieth, Citizen.
Sonja, Petty Thief.

I was up to my ears in paperwork... again, when a rather bedraggled looking pigeon flapped it's way through the window. The note it carried was as follows:

"All available guardsmen rally at the barracks. A Covian citizen is being held in Trinsic."

A faint groan left my lips but at least it got me out of the paperwork and so I headed to the barracks where the makings of a lineup was forming under the command of...

"Hroth'! Good ter see yer Sergeant. I thought I recognised the scruffy pigeon." I grinned.

"Good to see you too Raiden sir. I've just received word that one of our citizens is being held in the Trinsic gaol."

"What for?"

"Sexual harassment..."

"I thought that was allowed in Trinsic? Ye'd think their women would be glad of the attention... Which citizen?"


The whole lineup groaned.

* * * * *

With the help of recruit Justice's spells we arrived at the Trinsic portal where we stood ready, waiting to hear word from the Trinsic gaol. Hrothgar appeared to be receiving plenty of messages as the pigeons flustered around him, but no word from the gaol.

"What's that one sir?" Justice enquired.
"Fan mail." Hroth' replied.
"Shouldn't you pass it on to the rightful recipient." Justice giggled.
"Indeed. Hand it here Hroth'." I grinned.
"Actually it's another death threat." Hroth' said straight faced.
"Ah... Must be for Hoagie then." I smirked.

Eventually the Trinsicans allowed their prisoner his one pigeon and we received word that we could approach the gaol.

* * * * *

Inside the gaol we were greeted by some guards and a fellow wearing a girly bonnet and sandals claiming to be the Mayor, Saji-hairy-arms or summat he said he was called.

It seems in Trinsic that lowly guards speak before officers and nobles. With accusations flying around, permission to see the prisoner denied, an audience with the Duke denied in fact very little co-operation was offered by our Trinsican hosts no matter which style of "diplomacy" our veteran Sergeant used.

We were invited to wait at the Keg and Anchor until either the Duke made an appearance or further developments to occur. This was no bad thing and we settled down to an ale when a somewhat familiar figure entered the tavern quietly.

* * * * *

A darkly clad Covian lass with browny red hair approached the Sergeant and myself and began to advise us of the strength of the Trinsican garrison. It seems she had been in the shadows while we had been unsuccessfully negotiating in the gaol and she wanted to do her bit for Cove.


We offered her our thanks and she left to walk the shadows some more just as Grenadier Corporal Eve sent out word to try and muster some reinforcements in case things turned nasty.

Who did the Trinsicans think they were, holding a Covian subject to rot in their cells... When he should be rotting in ours!?

* * * * *

Those reinforcements would not be needed however as shortly afterwards the Mayor of Trinsic entered the tavern and invited us back to the gaol. It seemed he'd had a little change of heart. We accompanied him back to the gaol where Khaelieth was promptly released.

Looking a little worse for wear, nursing a wound to his face and rubbing his bottom the purple garbed civilian walked sheepishly from his cell. We paid our respects and gave our thanks to the Trinsicans and made our way back to Cove where Khaelieth... the git was given a stern telling off by Hrothgar, a vigorous shaking by the throat from myself and a few short sharp slaps from Grenadier Corporal Eve.

After promising under pain of death to never make out with a Trinsican guard again, even the female ones, Khaelieth was allowed to walk free.

Another Covian diplomatic victory!



Raiden, Grenadier Captain.