Title: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: Kelly Sanderson on January 13, 2008, 08:28:25 pm I would like the names signed below of all recruits in need of a Cadre.
Thank you. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Corporal Title: Re: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: Justice Forum on January 13, 2008, 08:31:05 pm I want to remain a recruit longer than hoagie!
Title: Re: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: Justice Forum on January 13, 2008, 09:57:06 pm and what is a cadre?
Title: Re: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: Raiden Morana on January 13, 2008, 10:11:01 pm It's a promotional requirement fer recruits where they are taught the ways of the army.
As yer nay know what it is I suggest ye attend lass. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. Title: Re: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: Marcus Kobra on January 14, 2008, 06:35:08 am I Marcus Kobra, Guardsman Recruit do need a Cadre in order to make advancment. Thank you.
V/r, Marcus I Kobra, Guardsman Recruit, Army of Cove {OOC: Not sure when I can be online, I'm now in the GMT + 10 timezone! Using the WiFi at the urger king across from my barracks ATM. Cheers! } Title: Re: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: alfred on January 14, 2008, 04:21:52 pm I Alfred, guardsman recruit, will also need one. Thank you for the enlightment.
- Alfred, Guardsman Recruit, Army of Cove ((OOC : atleast I think so ? )) Title: Re: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: Kelly Sanderson on January 14, 2008, 05:11:12 pm I thank you for your quick responses. The following active-working Recruits are in need of a Cadre:
Cor'Vani Justice Forum Marcus Kobra Shayne Alfred and Azhaal, you have both completed your Cadre's. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Corporal. Title: Re: Attention ALL Recruits Post by: Kal/Mathew on January 19, 2008, 07:08:15 pm I Recruit Cor'Vani never seen or been in a Cadre before, What is it?