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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kelly Sanderson on January 13, 2008, 08:43:27 pm

Title: Attention ALL Watchmen
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on January 13, 2008, 08:43:27 pm
If your name is not on this list, then you can return to your duties:

Arel Mortan

Marcus Tel'var

Jon Trent

Thomas Scarr

Talpa Europea

Arel Mortan - You have not fulfilled your Watchman Trials. Please attend to them as quickly as possible.

Marcus Tel'var - Your Watchman Trials have been up a long time. If these duties are not attended to, I shall be seeking you out to question you further about it. You can find your Watchman Trials in your Administration files.

Jon Trent - These trials have only been up a short while, and you are attending to them efficiently. Keep it up to gain a speedy promotion.

Thomas Scarr - You are around too much to not be fulfilling your requirements. Your Trials cannot be issued to you until you have fulfilled said tasks. You can find your outstanding tasks amongst your administration papers.

Talpa Europea - You were here for an exceedingly brief amount of time, but yet seem to be a guardsman with a lot of potential. Where have you scarpered off to? The trials are soon in your hands! If anyone knows the wherabouts of Watchman Europea, then report to a superior as soon as possible.

There will be available advice and aid in your trials, as long as you can show that you are capable to carry out the tasks yourself. Seek me out if you require further advice.

Either seek me out and get on with it, or suffer my wrath of stalking.

-Kelly Sanderson,
 Corporal and Administrator