Title: [27/1/08] Drill Instruction & Inspection - 7pm GMT Post by: Graem Carcer on January 14, 2008, 12:05:04 pm WHEN: Sunday 27th January 2008, 7pm GMT (NOTE: This event starts at 7pm GMT; log in 10 minutes before).
WHERE: Barracks Rooftop WHAT TO BRING: Full uniform & equipment, plenty of bandages (300 minimum). Every Sunday evening from now on, an hour before the weekly parade, I will be holding an event that will vary week after week, here are some examples of what they could be:
Towards the end, a full kit inspection (including the state of your armour) will close the hour, ensuring you are all fit for duty before I prepare you for the 8pm Parade, and hand over command to the Officer in-charge (NOTE: Ample time will be given to get your equipment repaired/self-repaired following any physical training in battlegear). To avoid time-wasting, ensure that you have full equipment prior to your attendance; every day tools are a necessity, as are survival supplies - I don't feel I need to write you out a shopping list, but if you have any questions please send me a message at 138-231-193. As this is the second occurrence of this event, the length may increase or decrease based upon realistic achievability and experience. *Signed* - Drill Instructor Carcer |