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Guardsman Boards => Watchman Duties => Topic started by: Darek Milako on August 11, 2009, 05:59:30 pm

Title: Watchman Duty ~ It's a Picnic!
Post by: Darek Milako on August 11, 2009, 05:59:30 pm
Alrigh' Watchmen! I want ye' to hold a Picnic for the people of Cove!.

-Pick a nice big spot and make sure to use a huge quilt.
-Ye' got to find a way to supply food for us all.
-Hold some mini events such as games or contests with awards.
-At least 6 other Covians must attend your event.
-Post a full report on the event.

Extra Information
If we're bored ye' will get beatin' by Buttons an' his club Annabelle!!

Post it on the events board to let everybody know.
An' nay think t'is impossible. 'cause I 'ad to do this exact same thing.

Jus' because t'is can be considered a big task. I'll let you have one Co-Leader of the event. Which can only be another Watchman. So partner up and get it done. I'm hungry!!!

Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ It's a Picnic!
Post by: Serj Eason on November 11, 2018, 10:27:12 pm
As it isn't quite the season for picnics, I took to arranging a Soup Kitchen for the locals of Cove.

In Attendance
Serj Eason
Kelly Sanderson
Ilyana Drachen
Carolin Kazami
'Logan The Beggar'
'A Chef'

Soup and bread was provided for all guests, courtesy of Miss Axiana Masteen. We talked, told stories and sang songs.
T'was nice.

The kitchen was setup in a quiet meadow outside Cove.

Sergeant Sanderson tells a story.

Watchman Eason recites "Lost In Love" by Regular Guardsman Nicholi Ravnthorn.

A classic.

With the kitchen packed away, the reporting begins.

Serj Eason, Watchman
Covian Army