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Command Boards => Thieves' Den => Topic started by: Kiran on September 17, 2009, 03:43:18 am

Title: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 17, 2009, 03:43:18 am
Dear brothers. A list needs to be made up for the people who are to be taxed within cove. Due to the new system we need a list, what race they are, how many windows on houses if owned, and if they posses the gift of wytchery, and exactly the ammount of spells in which they carry. It is important you write below this note in this format any information gathered, if you taxed anyone, and the information of that person. I have taken the liberty myself of doing a person (You can choose to do a report following it, it is not required however)

As more people are added to the list, it shall hopefully in the end encompass all of Cove. If any other information you wish to also notify which you find important, such as if they own a shop, please feel free to add it. If it is a human with no spells, house or odd information, a normal tax of 50 coins applies regardless. Goes for any rank or job.

Name: Jessica Hawkins.
Windows on house: Fifteen.
Race: Human.
Number of spells: 0.
Total tax: 375 shillings. - PAID - Collected by Kiran.
Other information: Has made it known she wishes to use our services once more, we can lower her tax in turn for this.

Name: Edward Striker.
Windows on house: 32
Race: Human.
Number of spells: 0
Total Tax: 750 shillings - Paid. - Collected by Kadere.
Other information: Owner of the Green Goblin tavern, rumoured to posses a heavy quantity of coin in his bank.

Name: Anna-Jones.
Windows on house: Not counted yet
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 320 shillings - PAID - Collected by Kadere
Other information: Leads a treasure hunt weekly, would need investigation the number of coins brought from each hunt.

Name: Railen Morana.
Windows on house: Approximately twenty five.
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 625 - Paid - Collected by Kiran.
Other information: Currently working against us, and is a bar manager of the Green Goblin. Unsure whether she has a informant or not in our ranks. To be seen

Name: Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist.
Windows on house: No house.  Lives in the Arcanist tower.
Number of spells: 64
Race: Human
Total tax: 640 shillings - PAID - Collected by 'Derek' (Kalam Ravenscar)
Other information:

Name: Aliryl Trefenwyd, Scout Corporal
Windows on house: Unknown.
Number of spells: 64
Race: Elf
Total tax: 100 shillings - Paid -  Collector?
Other information: Uncooperative

Name: Me'an Silen
Windows on house: (Unknown)
Race: ELF
Number of spells: 64
Total tax: Rounded up to 800 - Unpaid
Other information: A most uncooperative vermin that will only pay once dealt a severe painful lesson.

Name: .Llinor Silen
Windows on house: (unknown)
Race: ELF
Number of spells: 0
Total Tax: 150 Unpaid
Other information: Apparently owns a shop, but would not specify where it was or how many windows it has either. Must also be dealt a painful lesson.

Windows on house: Not counted yet
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 50 shillings - paid - Collected by Kadere
Other information: Goblin barmaid, was reluctant at first.

Name: Kelban
Windows on house: (Unknown)
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 50 - Paid - Collected by Kadere
Other information: A most dreary person with a foul temper, should be marked for a lesson.

Name: Keitaro siblings.
Race: Human, and elf
Number of spells: 0
Total Tax: 200 - Paid - Collected by Kadere
Other information: Cooperative.

Name: Suzy Fairweather.
Race: Elf.
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 150. - Paid -
Other information: Unwilling and down right insane, proceeded to try cut her own ears as a demostration, was handled by Captain Hoagie who then proceeded to pay the ammount due.

Name: Elizabeth "Pickles" (surname unknown)
Windows on house: None
Race: Human
Number of spells: 64
Total tax: Rounded up to 640 - PAID - Mask "Roland"
Other information: Not very cooperative.  Only paid up after repeated orders by Cadet Milako and other officers.

Name: Madeline Warmbow
Race: Human
Taxes: 50 shillings - PAID - Collected by Kadere
Other information: Damn bitch that I wouldn't mind cutting up...demanded a reciept.

Name: Van Cocidius
Race: Human...as far as I could tell...
Taxes: 50 shillings - PAID - Collected by Kadere
Other information : Evolution would be better off if he was eliminated.

Name: Malibaum
Race: Human.
Number of spells: 0
Taxes: 200 shillings - Paid - Collected by Kiran.
Other information: Was a excentric but rather rude individual, has also taken a long time to pay taxes owed...

Name: Penny Freckletip.
Race: Human
Number of spells: 0
Taxes: 1600 - Paid - Collected by Kiran.
Other information: Wasn't rude, however she did take quite some time to pay her taxes, even with a high number of letters send to her personally. Nothing is to be done however as she is a high ranking figure in the Covian citizenry. For now.

Name: Marcus Kobra, Regular
Windows on house: 37
Race: Human-wytch
Number of spells: 12
Total tax: 2,125 - unpaid-

Notes: Assecced by walking about his home on the exterior, and on the number of spells he has been witnessed casting. . . .

Name: Kal Shadowhand Officer Cadet
Windows on house: (Unknown)
Race: ELF
Number of spells: 0
Total tax:  Rounded up to 100 - Paid - Collected by Maccen,
Other information: Bad news indeed. This Shadowhand, is infact Kelban After reading the Baronial Decree in a public place I chose to don my uniform and tax a local elf whom did not appear on the ledgers. Upon requesting only the 100 Gold for his ears, he asked for a word in his office. I assumed to gather the payment or attempt a negotiation. No he chose to reveal to me a mask in the exact resemblance of Kelban's face. He then told me that if we tried to tax him again or caused any woman to get hurt he would use his "information" to have Kiran Burned. He then threatened me with harm and handed me a sum of 10,000 Coins. I assume as advanced taxes. . .  or to flaunt his wealth. He then pulled a kryss and told me to leave after I had informed him that the Grenadiers would see the Barons law upheld. He claims this whole thing was fabricated by Kiran. . . .  he just will not accept that his Baron would tax him so. We shall have to deal with him. . .  and the other elves, not one should be left standing in Cove.

Name: Cor'Vani
Windows on house: Unknown
Race: Elf
Number of spells: Unknown.
Total tax:Hundred fifty shillings - Paid 10000 by Kal Shadowhand however.
Other information: Seems to be working closely with Kal shadowhand and is not to be taxed in future from now on till said otherwise due to the high tax coins paid in to the Bailiff.

Name: Kalam. 25/10/09
Windows on house: 8
Race: Human
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 200 shillings - Paid - Collected by Kiran.
Other information: Was kind and willing, paying the taxes when he knew they were due.

Name: Jassi Cowin 25/10/09
Windows on house: 40 - a tavern of some sort.
Race: Human
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 1000 shillings - Paid - Collected by Kiran.
Other information: Was unwilling at first and a bit cheeky, but paid and worked it out in the end. Also is a untrusted recruit he claims, recently returned to the army.

Name: Gabriel Drachen  29/10/09
Windows on house: 8
Race: Human
Number of spells: 64
Total tax: 840 shillings - Paid - Given to Kiran, not collected.
Other information: None.

Name: Geoffrey Allis
Windows on house: None, no house owned.
Race: Human
Number of spells: None are known..
Total tax: 50 shillings -Paid- - Collector - Kiran
Other information:
I have set up a tenancy agreement with him, currently writting a letter to the Steward to assure a house can be set up for the new miner Geoffrey Allis.

Name: Maccen Korten.
Windows on house: 0
Race: Human
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 50 shillings - Collected by Ameilia Pond - Paid -
Other information:

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 17, 2009, 03:49:48 am

This could be a report, however it is a long one, and is not required, filling out the information as it is, is fine, brothers. However more shillings are awarded of course to the larger reports, I like to see you, my brothers, working hard...


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 18, 2009, 11:43:26 pm
Name: Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist.
Windows on house: No house.  Lives in the Arcanist tower.
Number of spells: 64
Race: Human
Total tax: 640 shillings - PAID - Collected by 'Derek' (Kalam Ravenscar)
Other information:

Name: Aliryl Trefenwyd, Scout Corporal
Windows on house: Unknown.
Number of spells: 64
Race: Elf
Total tax: 100 shillings - UNPAID -
Other information: Uncooperative


Had an interesting first day as a taxman.  The bad news first. 

Suitably disguised as Derek the Taxman, I found my first would-be contributers.  Officer Cadet Darek Milako and Scout Corporal Aliryl Trefenwyd.  As an elf, I pointed out to the good Corporal that she owed 100 coins.  She was disinclined to pay.  The Grenadier Milako backed her up, even threatening me with a crossbow.  They both claimed they had no proof I was a taxman.  The elf even went so far as to pour wine over me.  I pointed out that as a Taxman I was part of the Household and that Grenadiers should be assisting me.  This did not sway them.  In the end they left.  I suggest you get some warrants signed by the Baron for us and perhaps ask him to issue a decree to avoid this sort of unpleasantness in the future?

It might also be an idea if you could let the Baron know that Derek has vanished under mysterious circumstances.  Mentioning a grief-stricken wife and several children worried about their father might not go amiss.   

The good news is that Arcanist Aylmer was finally coaxed into handing over 640 shillings.  He is a member of the Arcanist squad but does not own a home.  He lives in the Arcanist tower.  I'll try and discover if the owner of this tower should be paying taxes. 

I also met a Guardsman named Dem who says he knows you.  He uses the Chivalry spell book which he says holds 10 spells.  So he will owe 100 gold.  Do you know this man?

In the meantime, perhaps a group of taxmen might have more luck against this elf? 





Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 19, 2009, 05:09:53 pm
Splendid work, brother, I shall have a bag of 25 shillings awaiting your next meeting with me, we do have many things to discuss.

I shall update the list to include these two people. I have informed the Baron of our need for announcement, however he mentions it will be first done Sunday. Hopefully before the parade, I wish to bring this Corporal's attitude down a notch...

Good work, Brother.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Adrian Harrowell on September 19, 2009, 10:55:45 pm
Name: Me'an Silen
Windows on house: (Unknown)
Race: ELF
Number of spells: 64
Total tax:  Rounded up to 800
Other information: A most uncooperative vermin that will only pay once dealt a severe painful lesson.

Name: .Llinor Silen
Windows on house: (unknown)
Race: ELF
Number of spells: 0
Total Tax: 150
Other information: Apparently owns a shop, but would not specify where it was or how many windows it has either. Must also be dealt a painful lesson.

Windows on house: Not counted yet
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 50 shillings - Collected by Kadere
Other information: Goblin barmaid, was reluctant at first.

Name: Kelban
Windows on house: (Unknown)
Number of spells: 0
Total tax: 50 - Collected by Kadere
Other information: A most dreary person with a foul temper, should be marked for a lesson.

Name: Keitaro siblings.
Race: Human, and elf
Number of spells: 0
Total Tax: 200 - Collected by Kadere
Other information: Cooperative.

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 20, 2009, 01:52:26 am
A delightful collection my new brother, have twenty five shillings waiting for you when we next meet.

I am uncertain to all these people declining to pay tax, as I mentioned, I shall be sure to look into it personally.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 20, 2009, 05:54:00 am

One more to the list.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 22, 2009, 04:57:16 am

Auribus Tenere Lupum

At the suggestion of the Bailiff of the Household, it has been decided that new taxes are to be enacted to raise funds for the Baronial Household and the good of the Covian Empire. It should also be noted that staff hired for the Bailiff are counted as Household staff and are thus entitled to collect taxes as they see fit.

A taxation on all elves consisting of 50 gold pieces for each pointed ear they have about their personage.
A taxation on all Arcanists consisting of 10 gold per spell they possess within their books of wytchery.
A taxation on all Army Members under the rank of Senior Guardsmen who own a home, consisting of 25 gold per window in their house.

*Signed flamboyantly*

Octiovus Von Richter


Official copies placed by the Baron has now been set out. Now there is no excuse from the commoners and guardsmen alike not to pay taxes..

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 22, 2009, 02:03:57 pm

Excellent news.   A signed parchment with the Baronial seal and signature for us Taxmen would help us overcome the excuse that they've no proof of who we are and that anyone can wear armour.  A general document such as: The Bearer is tasked to collect all Taxes on my authority, signed Octiovus Von Richter, Baron of Cove  *Baronial seal* would be most useful.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 22, 2009, 03:54:05 pm
I shall have some documents from the Baron copied so it can be used. I am sure he won't mind if I use the seal on a couple of books as such, no..


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 23, 2009, 01:21:45 am
Bersi has paid 300, he's an arcanist thogh tried to fool me with an empty book.  He'll pay the rest when he has it.  I'll update a full report then.

Me'an still refused and got into some bother with Cadet Milako who seems slightly better disposed towards us after the Baron's announcement, I'll wager.  Me'an's sister Llinor showed up.  She wore a hat though I'll wager she's an elf too.  She also threatened me.  A lesson is required here also.

AKA Taxman Rufus.

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 25, 2009, 02:00:33 am
Name: Elizabeth "Pickles" (surname unknown)
Windows on house: None
Race: Human
Number of spells: 64
Total tax:  Rounded up to 640 - PAID - Mask "Roland"
Other information: Not very cooperative.  Only paid up after repeated orders by Cadet Milako and other officers.

The Grenadier Sergeant seems most helpful to our cause.  Corporal Trefenwyd again refused to pay, saying she had no money on her but the Grenadier Sergeant ordered her to the bank to get it.  She eventually did this and paid.  100 shillings paid to Mask "Roland".

(OOC: apologies, my screenshots cant be found.  I think I may have deleted the wrong ones :<  )

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 26, 2009, 03:26:06 am
Splendid work my brother, ten shillings await you for your delightful contribution, I am quite pleased the Corporal has been taxed...


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Adrian Harrowell on September 26, 2009, 11:30:34 pm
Madeline Warmbow
Race: Human
Taxes: 50 shillings - PAID
Other information: Damn bitch that I wouldn't mind cutting up...demanded a reciept.

Van Cocidius
Race: Human...as far as I could tell...
Taxes: 50 shillings - PAID
Other information : Evolution would be better off if he was eliminated.

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 27, 2009, 01:53:41 pm
Delightful brother, I have moderated the tax list to include the two new Covians. I assume next time they will have a house to be taxed on of course hm? Seems odd such rich people are homeless...

Not to worry, I shall have ten shillings awaiting your arrival my brother for your deeds.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Maccen on September 28, 2009, 06:24:19 am
Name: Kal Shadowhand Officer Cadet
Windows on house: (Unknown)
Race: ELF
Number of spells: 0
Total tax:  Rounded up to 100
Other information: Bad news indeed. This Shadowhand, is infact Kelban After reading the Baronial Decree in a public place I chose to don my uniform and tax a local elf whom did not appear on the ledgers. Upon requesting only the 100 Gold for his ears, he asked for a word in his office. I assumed to gather the payment or attempt a negotiation. No he chose to reveal to me a mask in the exact resemblance of Kelban's face. He then told me that if we tried to tax him again or caused any woman to get hurt he would use his "information" to have Kiran Burned. He then threatened me with harm and handed me a sum of 10,000 Coins. I assume as advanced taxes. . .  or to flaunt his wealth. He then pulled a kryss and told me to leave after I had informed him that the Grenadiers would see the Barons law upheld. He claims this whole thing was fabricated by Kiran. . . .  he just will not accept that his Baron would tax him so. We shall have to deal with him. . .  and the other elves, not one should be left standing in Cove.



Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 29, 2009, 02:18:58 am
Curious development, Maccen, I believed that this man was killed by non other then Hoagie the days in which I returned to Cove.. but a staggering ammount of ten thousand coins is quite an achievement my dear. I feel is time we deal with some of these traitors once and for all my brothers... I shall have ten shillings awaiting your arrival Maccen as per good work.

Done me proud brother.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Maccen on September 30, 2009, 01:32:56 am
Name: Marcus Kobra, Regular
Windows on house: 37
Race: Human-wytch
Number of spells: 12
Total tax:  2,125 1,045 - unpaid- *Scribbles of math can be seen and corrections made*

Notes: Assecced by walking about his home on the exterior, and on the number of spells he has been witnessed casting. . . .

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on September 30, 2009, 04:10:40 am
Five shillings await you, brother, as you did not collect the coins I cant exactly reward you fully...

Good work though, quite a sum, seems higher then required mind you.. But I shall not question your methods.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Edward on October 05, 2009, 12:59:21 am
Brothers, I was wondering if it might not be a idea to tax one another, in public, be subserviant about it, then after the coins are given back, with a bit of extra for your troubles... could work to make the public think we are all about the rules, no?

Just a thought brothers.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on October 09, 2009, 02:39:09 am
Splendid idea, be sure to do this in public brothers however, infront of a crowd or in the tavern.

Remember brothers, enough time has passed now for you to tax everyone once more, use the old numbers and claim is a new tax week or such.

Be sure also to get people who have not yet taxed, I shall be sure to update the lists as we go along.

Lets get our dues.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Darwin on October 18, 2009, 09:13:57 pm
Me and Edward taxed this Me'an Silen fellow, rather.. unsmoothly. Seems he's not a fan of our taxsquad, not only did he threaten us repeatedly, also tried to have my comrade jailed and what not. Disturbing indeed, perhaps a lesson of dicipline is in order? Your call boss!

Eitherway. While his record says he's a wytch with 64 spells, seems he aint using none. And some Grenadier fellow backed him up, so we only mannaged to tax 100 shillings from him. So in other words..

Name: Me'an Silen, Watchman
Windows on house: 0
Race: Elf
Number of spells: 0
Total tax:  100 - Paid- - Darwin and Edward

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on October 22, 2009, 07:11:25 pm
Good work Darwin and Edward, I have rewarded you both shillings already.

on a further note, I am hearing that certain citizens paid taxes, but no records of it is up, I would hate for my own men to be withholding my coins... insure you write down who you tax as per usual..

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on October 24, 2009, 11:40:42 pm
Thank you Kalam, that is all that is required, you know of what I speak of. 10 shillings for your work, ontop of your delightful apples returned.

Remember brothers, tax one another in a public place... We want this to look as legal as possible.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on October 25, 2009, 03:43:32 am

Paid in total 1000 shillings.

Jassi Cowin.

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on November 19, 2009, 07:32:28 pm
Brothers, it is time to re tax everyone on the list, and add new names. Good luck out there.


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on August 15, 2010, 10:58:20 pm

I have hired on this girl to help with the taxes, as it seems to have slowed down in my prolounged absence, I hope to see some new relevant improvements...


Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on August 29, 2010, 04:09:09 am

Title: Re: The tax list.
Post by: Kiran on August 30, 2010, 12:15:41 am