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In Character Boards => Character Profiles => Topic started by: Elliot Tyrell on July 09, 2018, 07:05:16 am

Title: Elliot Tyrell
Post by: Elliot Tyrell on July 09, 2018, 07:05:16 am

(https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/02cb962ac5/122094.png) (https://www.imgoat.com/v/122094)

Name: Elliot Tyrell
Age: 29
Hair: black
Eyes: silvery blue
Birth place: Jhelom

Elliot was born in the pits of Jhelom, fighting his entire life as his father before him had done. He lost his parents when he was quite young, and was raised by his uncle. As Elliot grew old enough, he began work in local taverns as a bouncer, wielding an axe, he was rarely messed with. He earned the reputation of the “pretty boy” when women began to fall in love with his face.

Even with a tormented past of losing his parents, he is above all a kind soul hidden behind bravado and charming smile. He comes now to Cove, first seeking work at the local tavern, but was recruited into the army by a Officer Cadet with green hair who apparently wanted to look at him more....