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Guardsman Boards => Arcanist Board => Topic started by: Leanne Martin on September 27, 2018, 08:29:49 am

Title: [Training] Theory lesson in Arcane Arts
Post by: Leanne Martin on September 27, 2018, 08:29:49 am
Lesson led by:
  • Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist

Attended by:
  • Sheriam "Quickhand" Palmer, definitely not a mage but a Junior Guardsman
  • Hope "Mute Harp" Tyrell, Guardsman Recruit
  • Joaquin "Coughs-a-lot" Quincil, Guardsman Recruit

I called for a training, and it seemed the call only reached the aspiring Arcanists and the lass scared of fire. So I decided to lay focus on this training session for our young mages. I did let them choose between a more practical training and a more theoretical. As it was expected by young mages, they were fully interested in theory.

(https://i.imgur.com/BpbsKUA.png) (https://i.imgur.com/w2TYSqh.png)

As Junior Palmer seemed sort of being on edge, I attempted to redeem myself to her from last time when I may or may not have ignited her hair. I asked her what she does when an evil mage runs at her with flames coming out of his hands. I gave her a moment to think and put it to the test. Hope voluntarily raised her hand to play the scenario out with Palmer, which was...

  • Palmer runs towards the evil mage, in this case Hope
  • Palmer gets stunned by Hopes spell
  • Palmer is unable to move and gets hit by an Explosion-Flamestrike combo
  • What is Palmers best response to this?

Palmers response to this were a few quick bandages. Hope didn't have the timing of her combo that well trained yet, so the firepower she used on Palmer was not too impressive. So bandages by Palmer were definitely the best answer to the situation.

(https://i.imgur.com/3O4qrb5.png) (https://i.imgur.com/pLo53fD.png)

Afterwards, I showed the young mages how the combo was done, and to Palmer what a more experienced Arcanist can do. Same scenario played out, with me as the evil mage. Perfectly I timed the combo on Palmer which resulted in a lot of bruises for her. However, she still applied bandages quickly. But I kindly informed her to have a back up plan to keep up, so I suggested Yellow Potions. Because if two strong Arcanists, like the boss and myself for example, do such a combo together, not even her quick hands would help and a Yellow Potion could save her arse.

(https://i.imgur.com/1OWtHNk.png) (https://i.imgur.com/GsyLfdk.png)

I continued my lesson focusing on the young mages, as Palmer asked to be dismissed, which I kindly granted her. I told Joaquin and Hope again on what to focus on this specific combo, also taught them how to block an enemies, no matter if mage or warrior, healing as an Arcanist. They both proceeded to try to perfect the combo on me. Needless to say, they both still need a lot of practice, but their ambitions are high.


I finished the lesson with a practical test after all: A free for all, or more like, these two versus me. Masterfully I awaited their first attack wave to see what they were up to. Hope preparing a curse on me meant she'll curse herself because of my reflection spell, as to a response I cursed Joaquin. And him, instead of weakening my reflection shield, he went fully offensive which resulted in a backfire of his own spells, which made it able for me to take him out in less than six seconds. Afterwards, I toyed around with Hope for a moment and she tried really hard to stay on her feet. However, with the power of elven magic it was easy for to stay up as well. Hope showed some variety in her spells, but she seemed to panic after a while and so she went down as well.

(https://i.imgur.com/xWiovNm.png) (https://i.imgur.com/omDPwJ7.png)

I gave them a couple more hints of how to work as a team, because as we all know, us Arcanists are very dependent on good teamwork. When we work in harmony, there is almost nothing that can take us out.

Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist

(https://i.imgur.com/iJQhMi8.png) (https://i.imgur.com/aNgit6i.png)