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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The player of Sioned has passed away on: June 19, 2019, 02:55:15 pm
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The player of Sioned has passed away on: June 17, 2019, 04:02:43 pm
Hey guys and gals, I’ve put together a JustGiving page to buy a flower arrangement from us as a community for her funeral. The donation goal is Ł100 and we can buy the arrangement that is shown in the picture. You can donate any amount and please remember to give your in game name with guild handle with your donation. This way I can add your name on the ribbon. Let me know if you have any questions. Link: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/motherofswaggers
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / The player of Sioned has passed away on: June 17, 2019, 12:05:28 pm
By Harry Biggins of -V-

This morning I was informed that Sioned's player Dorthe has passed away last night. Of course we will hold a memorial service for her in game, details on this will follow later.

Sio was one of the kindest and longest playing souls in the community

I will inform you on more details once I know them. It would be cool if some of us could show up for her memorial
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Any active Pokémon Go players amongst us...? on: April 13, 2019, 06:38:59 pm
Hey Kas!

I haven't touched the app since way too long. Tho make sure to get Gen 8 of Pokemon that is coming out later this year, so we can do some battles Cheesy


Leanne / Ilyana
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Until duty calls again... on: April 13, 2019, 06:33:58 pm
Leanne stood silently at a window in her manor, gazing upon the plains of Altmere, which was drowned in a crescent moonlight. The usual stern look switched for a peaceful smile and a spark in her eye. Thoughts and memories went through her mind, of all she experienced during her time in Cove. The many people that had passed, the friends who became lovers, as well as those who she once called enemy.

Serj Easons passing was a while ago. And while she still felt sad about that loss, she did no longer thirst for vengeance. What good would it do?, she thought to herself. Leanne's life was always accompanied by bloodshed. Violence only causes more violence, she knew that. Serj would be remembered for as long as she'd live. By her, Ilyana, and many more.

Even though this Ilyana wasn't "hers", she loved her as if she'd be. And even though she recently caused an explosion with one of her many experiments with Pickles, which resulted in a hole in one of the plaster walls, she'd never trade her again. Ilyana came over the loss of Serj. She still cried sometimes in the night tho.

As for Pickles, she finally seemed to be that joyful self again she was so many seasons ago, wearing her famous jingle hat more often than not. Leanne still loved her deeply. She already went through the abyss more than once protecting that green haired arcanist with her amber eyes, and Leanne knew, Pickles would do the same for her.

One man she once called an enemy was Declan O'Conner. These days however, passed. Even Hoagie, one of the few souls she was able to call a friend, was found to be visiting Leanne at her house every now and then. And all of them found to be laughing, eating and drinking all together in happiness. It was an odd sight to see this always grumpy, bald man grinning. But Leanne valued every moment among her closest friends and family.

Leanne had seen a lot in her time of duty. She lived long enough to become the leading huntress in the Huntsmaster score who was still alive, became an Officer for a period of time and was a veteran who came out alive of many battles.

She hanged her old bow, which accompanied her on many adventures on the wall, gave it a final pat, as her wife called her for bed. "Until duty calls us again, old friend." One last time she glanced out the window and thought of the many memories to come. But for now, she enjoyed the peace in the North. And all else, is a story for another day...

6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: I just logged in here because...I dunno :D on: January 19, 2019, 06:31:43 pm
Reanimate an old thread, because you KNOW it'll happen again

For now, I am the last Covian lurking these boards

7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: PIE HARD on: December 15, 2018, 08:47:06 pm
Due to unexpected circumstances, it has to be postponed for now.

8  OOC Boards / Scribe's Trove / Never forget you on: December 09, 2018, 08:25:32 am
I will never forget how me met
You didn't care what the other said
Instead you came to me
And picked me up from the gutter

I will never forget how much we laughed
How much we pretended to be
And I have to say, yeah
I was never as happy as with you

I will never forget how we talked
About flying away somewhere
Faraway, maybe Paris maybe New York
About all our dream come true

I will never forget the night we kissed
Under the halo of the street lamp
The night was warm and fireflys around
And I felt what was love for the first time

I will never forget how I feared
That this excitement would just stop
And you grow bored of me
But you said to stick me, that this is true

I will never forget how we got caught
How we got scolded and insulted
They seperated and insulted us for who we were
You tried to keep your promise, but we failed

I will never forget how it was for you
And all the things you did miss out
How your life turned upside down
And twisting your yet young mind

I will never forget how much I missed you
All these past years, after our forced seperation
And to not know how you were doing was
A pain, yeah, and I felt it every day

I will never forget when I found to courage
To search for you, hoping you'd remember me
Maybe thought about me the same as I did
And maybe get to chat for just a little bit

I will never forget the pain I felt
When I learned of your early perish
I still cry and cry and curse the heavens
For taking away my angel for eternety

What I'm trying to say, my dear
Is that I will never forget you
And that maybe one day
We will meet again, and start a new
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Scouts Diary on: December 07, 2018, 07:16:50 am
Friday, 7th December

It's been three days... I still lack to find the words to describe how I feel...

Serj Eason... he's dead.

It was during the Avamass Market, shortly before the announcement of the most appreciated Covian. Standing next to Pickles' apprentice Hope, I heard a fight from the other side. Serj Eason and that Kaldorian scum Reg were at it again. I went over and both were already threatening each other. Reg asked me if he could punch him. Bloody hell, I told him if he did, I'll shoot him.

Serj did not back down and it took my direct order and Hope speaking since months to calm him down.

But as Reg left, he spit at Serj, which enraged him once more. With drawn blade he went after the Kaldorian. It all happened so fast. Within a few seconds, the cursed savage stabbed down Serj, his body just lying there.

It seemed no one was realizing what just happened. Everyone thought it was Serj just being himself again, theatrical as usual. But he was not. As if things couldn't get any worse, his grandfather showed up. I tried to bring Serj back by stimulating his chest. But it was too late...

A lot of emotions came out afterwards. A lot of sadness, anger, bargaining... It felt weird getting comforted by Declan...

I went home, told Ilyana and Pickles the news. We all cried. Pickles tried to stay strong, but there was nothing she could do against the tears. Ilyana just sobbed. The past weeks she was so happy having a crush on Serj. And within the blink of an eye, all that stopped.

None of us slept that night. We shared some of our favorite Serj stories with each other. The one time Pickles had to run back the whole Fan Dancer Dojo to get him out. Or of course when Serj saved Ilyana from her watery grave in Nu'jelm.

Serj... I promise you: That Kaldorian scum will pay for what he did. If not by court, then by my hand...
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Prisoner Log on: December 07, 2018, 06:59:04 am
Cocks McGee (most likely a fake name)


Place of Birth:

Possibly an assassin

Accused of being a part of a group who kidnapped people in Vesper and Cove, including Burgher Khae and Sergeant Sanderson's sister


Duration of imprisonment:
Until further investigations had been made by myself and Declan O'Conner of Yew, as Sergeant Sanderson wished personally

Leanne Martin, Regular Scout

11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Horse Race on: December 07, 2018, 06:51:10 am
In attendance:
  • Hoagie Grayner, Commander
  • Leanne Martin, Regular Scout
  • Fritz Segur, Junior Guardsman
  • Alexander Hawke, Watchman
  • Serj Eason, Watchman
  • Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant (not participating)
  • Carolin Kazami, Commoner (not participating)

Over the past weeks, I've sent several pigeons to a representative from Britain back and forth, scheduling and planning a horse race for the free people of Britannia. Arriving with our very own (borrowed) horses, we arrived at the Event Hall in north of the city. Many a strange folks had been there already, riding polar bears and llamas. Quite a heretic scene!

But things got even weirder as later the evening got. It either seemed to me that I've had too much Nightshade been too close to someone else smoking Nightshade or I really did write letters to a talking steed!

Either way, this weird horse took us to a dark dungeon of I do not know its exact location. Upon several rounds and laps we competed with our horses. Dark magic was sending us backwards if we touched obstacles along the course.

While some of us had some really slow horses, a couple of Vesperians as well as the Commander and myself showed our skills in riding a horse back and managed to actually get in first place at least one of the rounds.

Leanne Martin, Regular Scout

12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: PIE HARD on: December 07, 2018, 06:38:21 am

Despite the recent loss of Watchman Serj Eason, the Play will still take place to honor our beloved bard for his grand work on the script of PIE HARD.

*Alexander Hawke - Commander
*Hoagie Grayner - Sexy Rogue
*Garrofi - Rogue
*Serj Eason Leanne Martin - Less Funny Guardsman & Grenadier
*Sa'hera- Funny Guardsman & Arcanist

Date of performance: 16th December, 7pm GMT at the Meadows, just outside of Covetown
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / PIE HARD on: December 07, 2018, 06:32:33 am
On Sunday the 2nd December, various Guardsmen and people from Vesper gathered at the Covian fields to get a role for the upcoming theater play of PIE HARD. The only role that caused more than one person to be interested in was that of the Sexy Rogue. Hoagie Grayner and Serj Eason both performed a scene and the other people around gave in their vote.

In the end, it was Hoagie who secured the role for himself!

14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *A letter sent to Gregor Eason* on: December 05, 2018, 06:05:36 am
Dear Senior Eason

It has been not longer than twelve hours since the tragic loss. Sleep will not have been granted to most and I still lack the words to express my sadness of his demise.

Instead, I want you to know what kind of man your grandson Serj was...

He was couragous, never backing down to a foe no matter how much in disadvantage he was.

He was humble, to always keep his rank in mind over his friendship, even though he was told several times not to.

He was honest, to always speak his mind freely, regardless what others thought of him.

He was compassionate, when he returned to save me from my wet grave in Nujelm Bay while others already declared me dead.

He was just, though even he had his personal disputes and believes, he never judged me even though I was judged by others.

He was honourable, as he always kept his family name up all the time and honoured Cove above all else.

He was sacrificial, as he'd always protect others even if it would cost him his own life.

He was spiritual, not just by following the Avatarian church, but because he understood the principles of Love, Courage and Truth.

Serj Eason was more than just a comrade and a friend to me. But he will always be remembered deeply in our hearts. If you will ever need anything, I will do my all to aid you.

*teardrops are seen all over the letter*

Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist
15  In Character Boards / Events Board / Sunday, 2nd December 7pm GMT - PIE HARD Casting on: November 29, 2018, 05:24:45 pm
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