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196  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II on: June 03, 2010, 08:38:11 pm

Sergio Jarrett
197  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sheering Yew's Ewes on: June 03, 2010, 01:24:04 am
In attendance:
Sergio Jarrett

While sitting at the barracks earlier today Bersi sent out a message to available guardsmen to report with a pair of scissors and a dagger and left it at that.  Upon arrival we were told that we were off to Yew to give there sheep hair cuts and return them to the yewish.  After rounding up all the sheep and sheering them Cor'Vani making friends with a local dog it was time to bid our new found woolie friends a fond farewell and turn them over to the Yewish for there eventual molestation and horrible treatment.

Upon entering stonekeep we met one of there trainees and told him our intentions of escorting their sheep back to them like the good people we are and that we were happy to help.

The sheep were over joyed to be returned home but the trainee didn't welcome them back with open arms, perhaps he didn't like there haircuts or he didn't recognize the animals.  Either way he began to slaughter the helpless creatures.

After trying to tax us and making the outrageous accusation that we were witches we decided to leave knowing that we had done the right thing even if they didn't know it.

With our task complete we were dismissed.

Sergio Jarrett
198  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Fort Building Pratice on: June 02, 2010, 08:31:36 pm
Two days ago I was given a task to find three locations in cove shire and build a fortification in each of them to see how it would work out.  My first attempt was rather horrid, it was cramps and in the open without any foliage to cover any man made structure and I wasn't happy with it.

My second attempt may have been my best as I had found a natural path way of trees with a lot of brush cover and few holes to exploit as entrances.

My third fort was a result of my trying to cover a side with leather to fool enemies into thinking the fort was a pile of dead animals, needless to say that was a stupid idea and I quickly stopped and continued to build is as I had the second fort.

What I learned from this is, I hate building forts I'd rather live in a tree and I hope I don't have to do this very often.

Sergio Jarrett
199  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Sergio's Training Log on: June 02, 2010, 08:11:19 pm
Those in Attendance:
Keitaro Kazami
Kal Shadowhand
Yukina Kazumi
Sergio Jarrett

Yesterday a church chaplain decided to teach the guardsman about zombies.  We were to learn how to dispose of them properly and how to really kill them.  The chaplain had a zombie tied up in the cove lighthouse which was kind of suspicious and a bit creepy as I'm not sure where he got the zombie from.  As the lesson went on we each were told to hit the zombie and see how it didn't effect its ravenous hunger for our kidneys.  After we took our turns beating it the chaplain had it dragged out in front of the lighthouse and set on fire.

Sergio Jarrett
200  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: May 31, 2010, 01:58:31 am
Davion/Haleorn ‎(7:21 PM):

Davion/Haleorn, note:
Pendulum - Immersion (2010). God damn.

Scarst ‎(7:22 PM):

Davion/Haleorn ‎(7:22 PM):
So, need a hang sorting out your mage then?
I'm in the moohoood, for dancing.

Scarst ‎(7:22 PM):

Davion/Haleorn ‎(7:22 PM):
But also for mage training.

201  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: May 28, 2010, 04:47:38 am
After Lucas mentioned putting pie in pants

202  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sergio's Training Log on: May 26, 2010, 03:23:09 am
Those in Attendance:
Sergio Jarrett
Keitaro Kazami

The trying started out with a choice of Combat drills, Parade drills, Or Pain.
After I picked pain the lesson was shortly over and we started on Parade drills.
In the middle of parade drills Soraya Davion approachedand I was told to go talk to her, I shortly after aquired a date with her for a later time and also aquired Commander Keres disapproval at how I was questioning them.

After they left for a short period of time we resumed only to be interrupted by a strangly powerful zombie that just shambled along and did nothing of importance and when it finally left Soraya Davion had returned with her sister.  It wasn't long before the whole thing turned into insults and history.

And in the middle of it all Keitaro Kazami came into our line. After heated argument Commander Keres told them to leave as they admitted it was a patrol and that they were on Covian land as they headed north the commander ordered us to follow as and escort.  Half way to to the border we all stopped and the insulting continued and when I confirmed the commanders reasoning I lost my chances with Soraya.

When we got to the border it broke off into a standoff of insults from a private of the Vesperian army who seemed to think the Covian army was loyalist and our Commander Keres. The whole thing broke down after about 10 Minutes leaving everyone a bit more bitter and me dateless. Maybe I can find a woman who doesn't spew bile someday.

Sergio Jarrett
Gaurdsman Recruit
203  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: May 26, 2010, 02:34:20 am
On the subject of cultist in the cove.
204  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II on: May 26, 2010, 12:11:35 am
Ten Banners

Sergio Jarret
Guardsman Recruit
205  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Learning the Proper us of Guardsman Recruits on: May 25, 2010, 05:53:40 am
On patrol were:
Kal Shadowhand
Gregor Eason
Yukina Kazami
Tsukiyomi Mori
Marcus Kobra
Sergio Jarrett

It started out as a normal day in cove when I joined duty, I was told to get wood to help make the barricade, some rather dire events had occurred in the cove that required it.  When doors were to be made none of of us had the skill to craft a suitable door so Senior Guardsman Gregor Eason decided to show us the proper use of guardsman recruits like myself and Yukina Kazami.  He had us stand as doors to the barricade.  I'm fairly certain Gregor may be senile.

After repeated offers of holding hands and being denied by Yukina, I gave up on it. Then Yukina and myself were led on a patrol where shortly we encountered a Dragon and her young. I was told to run back to the barricade and and get the others but when I told Gregor about the dragons he first thought I was suggesting a new name for him and than he insisted that I had seen a llama with a large shadow. When I finally got them to follow me we formed up to take out the dragon family.

We quickly dispatched with the dragon family and were led on a cleansing of the cove graveyard, It was here where we encountered liches and other undead, I was to busy fighting to sketch and drawing but It was a successful patrol with few injuries.

When we got back we had found that the patrol had made over nine thousand gold, a nice sum for anyone who wanted to get hammered later that evening as we split the gold with the majority of it going to the baron.

Sergio Jarrett
Guardsman Recruit of the Covian Army
206  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Orc Patrol on: May 23, 2010, 03:20:13 am
Sorry no good with art but.

*Signed Sergio Jarrett*
207  Guardsman Boards / Completed Guardsman Duties / Re: Recruit Duty ~ Pigeon Cage & Skills on: May 23, 2010, 03:15:09 am
Done, Although there are two Sergio Jarrett's because I screwed up creation the first time so now I have to wait about 6 days but the one that counts shows.
208  Guardsman Boards / Recruit Duties / Re: Recruit Duty ~ So, What's Yer Name..? on: May 23, 2010, 03:09:09 am
Figured I'd just do it there.
209  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Sergio Jarrett on: May 23, 2010, 03:01:15 am
Name: Sergio Jarrett
Place of Birth: Serpents Hold
Age: 32

Sergio stands at a bit over 6 feet tall with a lean muscular build that would suit someone for running more than heavy labor. His hair is black and usually tied in the back where it reaches just past his shoulders and his eye are dark blue.  On his arms are various small scars most of them are faded and his face always seems to be clean shaven.

Sergio grew up in the Serpents Hold once he learned how to walk he would frequently venture off into the jungle for hours at a time finding and playing with snakes.  It was such a problem that his parents gave him a knife and a first aid kit to use if he ever got into any real trouble for his third birthday.  When he was around the age of five he started playing with the more dangerous serpents in the area and eventually began dissecting them and gathering their poison which he applied to his knife to kill other local fauna.  He sustained many injuries on his arms between the ages of five and eight and was well known to the healer by the age of six.  Nearing his ninth birthday his father died of old age and not being able to support him his mother sent him off to the continent to live with relatives in Britain where within a few years he lost his accent.

Mainland Years:

At the age of 11 he was sent off by his relatives to find work as an apprentice so he could eventually make a stable living.  He went from apprenticeship to apprenticeship without meeting any real success in any of them with his mediocre crafting skills he eventually settled on working as a skinner for a tanner in Jhelom for a few years until he was 17.  He had gathered enough money to buy a shield and travel for awhile before he would have to find another real job. After two months of traveling and fighting off brigand on the roads he found his way back to Britain where he found work at the docks hauling crates of fish off the boats.  After a year of monotony he finally had enough and left after collecting his pay and chartered a ship to take him to Maginicia but a storm knocked it off course where he landed in Haven and was stuck due to the crew having to do repairs. He ended up working for a local armory supplying leather for armor until he could charter another ship nearly a half a year later to take him anywhere.  The ship he chartered took him back to Jhelom where he took back his old job for another two years.  At the age of nearly 22 he decided to leave again and took up the life of a traveling vagrant traveling up the continent getting rides in fishing vessels in exchange for work eventually making his way back to a drastically changed Haven a year later. A week after arrival he met the Covian army and decided to join up because he had nothing better to do.

Army Years:

After joining the Covian army, Sergio rose to the rank of Junior Guardsman quickly in the span of a month, and into the Scouts two months after that before quickly clawing up the a Regular scout before his half year mark, being promoted by the baron during the anniversary of the Covian liberation. Army life suited him all to well, he'd found something he was good at and was glad to have it.

In his early days Sergio had the bad habit of trying to court various women including some that were behind potential enemy lines, he keeps to this day a box of love letters he's written and received. His bad habit of flirting was eventually tempered through a series of failed attempts at romance as well as loyalty to Cove. While he is no longer a compulsive flirt he will engage in his former behavior around those he feels comfortable with.

Sergio's sense of duty led him to taking a post in the colonies as Coveshire was becoming increasingly calm and relations stabled in the region to a simmer. He honed his skills of tracking and deduction and information gathering in the colonies policing any crime that came about. Upon hearing of the increasing hostilities between cove and vesper and the return of the Baron, he made his way back to cove to rejoin into the main force.

To this day Sergio remembers his rather dubious honor of being the only active duty scout for years, He takes the history of the Scouts seriously including the multiple failures the scouts have suffered and corrupt members. He is determined to ensure the future of the Scouts does not allow for corruption or failure.


Sergio sees the church as a means to an end. He is not a faithful avatarian but he understands it has it's uses. He can play the role of a faithful servant of the avatar just as well as any role he needs to adopt. He has a fondness for the people of his past and will do his best to protect them.
210  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Orc Patrol on: May 23, 2010, 01:12:33 am
What started out as a normal patrol quickly turned into a slaughter of orcs that seems to have played a bit to much to be ordinary mindless creatures.

The first sign of this was a strange note next to a tree that said "Las womp oomies ... burzum mojo skahh"

After finding the note we proceeded in formation to the first two towers and quickly took care of the orcs look outs.  As we were about to move forward into the fort Corporal Bersi caught up to us and joined our patrol and we quickly changed formation to accommodate our new fifth member.

As we delved into the fort there was scant resistance something was amiss and Valiro pointed out a strange shimmering.

We grouped up in a middle structure while Valiro and Kal Shadowhand scouted ahead and within a minute came running back due to an ambush. where we got into formation and destroyed the orcs.  After the ambush we fell back to a safe range where Corporal Bersi portaled us all back to the barracks where we counted up a collection of over nine thousand gold peices.
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