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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on July 03, 2007, 09:27:13 pm

Title: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on July 03, 2007, 09:27:13 pm
Raiden gave me this idea, probably without knowing about it!

How did you find BoC? Who made you join, was it all by chance, or had you thought about it and finally took the big step? Was it your first role playing experience as well? How did it all happen?

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Mela Arkay on July 03, 2007, 09:29:36 pm
Octi wont remember it! But we chatted about it before it was even made gasp! I was in BoC the day it got on its own stone and since then was on and off.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Delcarakdur on July 03, 2007, 09:41:12 pm
Got in about three months after all started!

Khae told me about the guild and it was my first experience of RP...ever!

 :) 3000th post dedicated to OCTIE btw! For all his great work with the guild, firm leadership and also for some of the best moments of spontaneous RP I have ever seen!  ;)

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Zoie Hayden on July 03, 2007, 09:55:55 pm
Jack Sinist abducted me and forced me to join.True story.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: qom_riyadh on July 03, 2007, 10:00:15 pm
I've met one of the most friendly persons ingame : Lord Paidric, the well-known newbie helper. He introduced me to Vince Valentine. And that's how it went!

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Hoagie on July 03, 2007, 10:00:58 pm
A real life friend (Player of Drachir) made me join! Not regretted it once!

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on July 03, 2007, 10:04:40 pm
Got in about three months after all started!

Khae told me about the guild and it was my first experience of RP...ever!

 :) 3000th post dedicated to OCTIE btw! For all his great work with the guild, firm leadership and also for some of the best moments of spontaneous RP I have ever seen!  ;)

Actually, you and I joined about the same time. The guild was started in the summer of 2004. :P

Jack Sinist abducted me and forced me to join.True story.

Best abduction so far.

My story isn't that exciting, I practically made myself join. :P
I had asked my mate Nec Mera (who joined up on the same day but left shortly after) if there were any RP guilds. And he told me there were a few, but really didn't go into it any further. So one day when I was riding on my new mount and swaying my paladin sword when I saw a bunch of strange looking militia men jumping out of a moon gate, someone was called Greystone, one was called Gimbly, and then I got confused and shut my eyes. Then I opened them again and asked if I could join, they partied me and told me about the site, I was confused and I -think- they gave me an ICQ number to Oct.

Nervous as I was I made my mate contact Oct and we made our characters and joined up. (The same day we came up with John Dell. A normal name the Baron said, what's more normal than a John. :P)

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Octiovus on July 03, 2007, 10:24:31 pm
Well, it was all a bit odd. I got hit by a car and when I woke up, I had a vision. A strange peeing angel informed me that if I build, they will come. Sadly it didn't inform me that "they" were a bunch of ne'er-do-well hobos.

I've been stuck with this lousy job ever since.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: qom_riyadh on July 03, 2007, 10:27:27 pm
I knew that you had to be in some mental state to get into this mess, Chief...

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Kas Valentine on July 03, 2007, 11:51:57 pm
I was fighting off the Orcish invasion of Cove with some close friends when Kas was asked to judge a competition by Whispering Green (I think) who had a large plot nearby which was acting as the prize. I had to monitor how many members of certain guilds were fighting the spawn and how often.

When the competition came to an end the Baronship of Cove was the guild with the most members fighting for the largest amount of time. As I recall there was initially some confusion over who had won due to the method I'd used to record the numbers being misinterpreted.

It soon got sorted out and the plot became the renowned....


I think some potion kegs and resources were included in the win too.

A little while after the competition I decided to jack in the life of the wanderer and become a fully fledged roleplayer with the glorious Baronship. I've had a few massive breaks since then but I've always been loyal to Cove and hope to remain so for a long long time.

(I was certain I had a picture of when the plot got handed over but I can't find it >:()

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Krieger on July 04, 2007, 12:07:32 am
It was when I first started playing UO about 2.5 years ago, and used to hang around Haven (also getting lots of help from Paidric), and suddenly a squad of Cove Guardsmen appeared. It wasn't like the recruitment parade today - they swiftly got themselves into a neat line, shouted off some chants in support of the Baronship, then marched off after a mere few minutes. I was like, "zomg how kl is that!!!111oneone," as I've always been into acting (used to attend drama school) and role-playing really appealed. So it took me about a year of training my first character, and plucking up the courage to get involved in the community (dunno why I was ever unsure), before I finally joined... LB, for whatever reason; I think it was just a recruitment parade of theirs I saw. I spent just under a year there, then finally decided I wanted to join that guild that I saw so long ago - that's fairly come on since then - that got me interested in UO RP in the first place!

.. story of my life, arrr.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on July 04, 2007, 12:10:17 am
I had fought against cove a few times before i joined back in my old =H= and VOA days. I even remember mugging some people in the barracks.
We didnt RP with cove often but when we did it was always good RP followed by a good old fight.

I joined when i came back to the game for the first time and everyone in my previous RP guild (Kiran, Gerek and Jess's old alt i think) had joined BOC. Over time they left but i stayed on. I think this was just after the Kaldorian war, it might have been towards the end.
Iv been in for over a year and half, on and off.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: userjosh5368 on July 04, 2007, 01:40:29 am
It was just after SE had come out and i loved samurai's so i had some armour and was running past Vesper jail when i saw Octiovus after a small,chat he directed me to the Vesper townhall where a tornament was being held Shadwell and Kado were there and soon Shaddie lead me to the barracks! I have to say been with BOC ever since i've had my faults but apart from that BOC 110% best guild on europa!

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Farfar on July 04, 2007, 05:00:53 am

I walked around in the woods, drunk, lost happy, for the moment and stumbled upon the Britain moongate, there were some blankets on the ground, and upon them, a leaflet.
   I took a look into the leaflet, asked a wizard for a gate to the location of the rune. When i arrived, it took little time for some guards to trick me into the guild.

To make a long story short, i only joined! *grins*

*signed in thick handwriting*


Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Khaelieth on July 04, 2007, 05:11:09 am
Hrothgar owed me money. Seriously. Way back during at around AoS's release, I lend Hroth and Mela (didn't find out it was her until quite recently) a mill to place a castle for me. Never saw that money again :D

I then came back to UO, tried finding Hroth, found his guild and tried finding out how to get my money back.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Marcus Kobra on July 04, 2007, 05:44:30 am
Stumbled on a leaflet at the moongate on atlantic.... then came over and found Erik Arkay in the woods (saved me from some moster) and we RP style chatted it up and well I stil havnt managed to log more than a months worth of play into it yet lol thanks to computer troubles constantly assailing me.... this was the one thing that kept me from leaving UO all togethr though .. so im thankful we have a BoC!  and poor octi... got stuck with all of us!!

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Vince Valentine on July 04, 2007, 06:58:52 am
After a year or so of whacking monsters for gold, I lost the spark. I yearned for more, so I packed up my old kit bag and headed for one of the two RP guilds I'd heard the most about. One was a rag tag militia, based in the forests of Yew. The other, Cove.
I mosied into town, and stumbled upon a battle game involving many crates, being held by a shouty man named Arc. As I asked my questions, he began whispering to me. Apparently 'Sir Brent' wasn't a very RP name. I have an archer named Vince Valentine I replied, and the rest is history...

August 2005 I believe that was. My first and only RP guild so far.

Ahh the good old days. Nice thread, Very interesting to hear how people made their way to Cove.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 04, 2007, 07:19:16 am
I had all but given up on UO.

I had never been in a guild RP or otherwise and ploughed a lone furrow as a struggling miner/blacksmith (Amon) and a fledgling warrior (Raiden).

After getting knocked in Covetous one night, my ghost was charging around the woods going 0o0o0o0o0oo0 when i stumbled across a Covian patrol.

They were mostly the old Arcanists squad, I can only remember Arc and Veldrin from the patrol so sorry whoever else was there.

I was such a newb (as i was saying to Dell last night) and after they rezzed and tried to recruit me i was arguing that the forest we were in was in fact part of Minoc and Veldrin was like "Zhis is Cove!" Heh!

Anyway I grabbed a book raced back into Covetous to loot my corpse and then took a look at the web site and forums , which i thought were/are awesome!

A couple of days later I'd signed up and was then immediately thrust into a duel with a Watchman called Seamus (now in LB i think) i was swiftly knocked as I wasn't too sure if i should heal or not and by the time I thought i had better i double clicked, missed my bandies and closed my backpack! ;D

Raiden has been here ever since! That was late August 2005 i think?

Oh! Sorry for rambling here but Dell and I had fun with this topic last night ;D.

I remember my very first gate sentry with Darath Mithar. He told me what a tyrant the Baron was, how dead Covians littered Sosaria as the Baron sought new lands for his own personal gain...

I can remember thinking to myself... Is this some kind of test? :D

Like I said I was a newb!!!

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Tyrael on July 04, 2007, 08:43:09 am
I remember this quite well..

I was at school my account was about 6 years old.. The game was getting boring once again.. I wanted to PvP so I went to myuo and found the guild with the most warring guilds..  At that time it was BoC..  I went to the website and learned that it was an RP guild, which I didn't even know existed otherwise i would have done it along time ago!  So I created a character (Kyte) and it took like 3 days at the time for me to get in since I was still in highschool and my schedule kind of clashed.. but once I got in.. it was like a new game!  And one that I am still addicted to!

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Sean Greyson on July 04, 2007, 12:02:46 pm
I first began RPing years back and joined my first semi rp guild TNC in Britain which then moved to Yew in the building which later became Shirefolk of Yew.  After that I joined KT for a while and then drifted in and out of different guilds.  I first came across BoC when Tib split from T*M and thought it was just a blatent copy of Grd. 

After a few years of trying to find my niche I decided I'd try BoC as I wanted to play a mage, but I also wanted an active guild with lots of members, I got bored of joining guilds where they were going inactive a few months after I joined and finding myself looking for something else to do instead.  I'm very glad I did decide to join and enjoy it every time I log in.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Teagan Grayner on July 04, 2007, 01:49:10 pm
Hrothgar owed me money. Seriously. Way back during at around AoS's release, I lend Hroth and Mela (didn't find out it was her until quite recently) a mill to place a castle for me. Never saw that money again :D

What?! That never happened!

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Khaelieth on July 04, 2007, 01:59:06 pm
Sure it did! Though, I did give the cash to Hroth. Our guild was supposed to be called Valnarath or somesuch.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on July 04, 2007, 06:00:10 pm
Heh, I actually joined BoC out of roleplay motives. At the time the Kotodama was not going anywhere anytime fast, still a good guild but it got old. The samurai of the Kotodama were involved in a war with Cove and Kazuo (being the sneaky bastard he is) used his contacts with the ninja to poison the daimyo, the esteemed leader of the samurai. Before this Kazuo betrayed his kinsmen in a few battles by leaking tactics but his final move convinced the baron of his loyalty to Cove. Kazuo joined up as the baron's new aide, much to the dislike of Daelin. Kasei was recommended to the baron to join his army. After trying it out Kasei just couldn't get used to all those strange customs the Covians had and choose to become a mercenary instead. It all went from there and the whole transition was staged through minor IG/IC events.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Shadwell on July 04, 2007, 11:30:17 pm
Back in Yew I lived basically a few screens away from Octiovus (who then had Tiberius as his main. I actually remember the character Octi bashing skeletons in the Yew graveyard) and we had a chat ingame quite frequently. And let's be honest nothing creates a better bond then being chased arround together by Guards/Skeletons/Orcs/Angry Shire folk and/or Kotodama.

After a year or so the roleplay community in Yew began too decline to a point where it became a big drama fest and Octi told me about this guild he had formed in Vesper (NPC Orcs had taken over Cove). I joined as a Guardsman quickly became a sergeant and played a big'ish role in winning the barracks.

It was mind boggling how fast it all went from a group of 5-6 to the biggest roleplay community in UO.

Also for Kas: (http://www.sugeworld.com/eason/news-contest.jpg). The barracks plot went we got it.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Mercy on July 05, 2007, 12:16:07 pm
I vaguely remember that competition.  But well done to BoC anyway  ;D  Just shows how chance things can make big things happen.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Kas Valentine on July 05, 2007, 03:39:10 pm
Yay, cheers Shadwell ! :-*

Quite a selection of resources too, bonus.

Title: Re: How did you find BoC?
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on July 06, 2007, 12:48:23 am
Octi persuaded me into BoC :D
Sooooo long agooooo.

Was in SoY for a good while beforehand, and then when CoY went kaput, Cam asked if I wanted to join BoC.

I added Kelly as a citizen, then went inactive in UO for a while. Kelly then somehow ended up in Grd for ages and then.. I ended back up in Cove in the army side half way through last year! Best move I've made yet.

So yeah. I basically got here through mine and Octi's friendship :)