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106  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: June 07, 2007, 11:11:12 am
Zoie Hayden (BoC) :
What ISP do you have?

John Dell/Dellucius ‎:
I don't even know what it is

Zoie Hayden (BoC) :

John Dell/Dellucius :
What are you asking?

Zoie Hayden (BoC) ‎:
Oh sorry; are you in a university?

John Dell/Dellucius :
I am, why?

Zoie Hayden (BoC) :
Becuase that'd be why you don't know the college's ISP hehe

John Dell/Dellucius :
Well I'm not on the student net.

John Dell/Dellucius ‎:
I don't know WHAT an ISP is so

Zoie Hayden (BoC) ‎:
Damn it Tony

Zoie Hayden (BoC) ‎:
You and I talk like Abbot and Costello sometimes you know

John Dell/Dellucius ‎:
Haha, do we?

Zoie Hayden (BoC) ‎:

Yes we do
You do know who they are right?

John Dell/Dellucius :


Just a sample of the kind of conversations John Dell/Jack Sinist and I have on a daily basis.

107  Element boards / Citizen Board / Re: Embracing different cultures ? on: June 05, 2007, 11:47:37 am
It is a posted rule on the site, so it's not like anyone is being out of line by disliking it. And as Qom said, some people in the real world will discriminate against you and call you a danger to society without even meeting you because of wild hair or clothes; especially in the period of history BoC is set in.

In my opinion, if you're a civilian, weird hair and clothes should be tolerated as you're a free person of Cove. Just be aware and be ready for the countless people who will be prejudiced against you and treat you harshly for your weird hairstyle. Just think if you had a neon green mohawk in real life, old people and posh high society women will look at you as if you're a criminal; and police will pay more attention to you as you walk past. If you want green hair, you have to be able to handle that.

However if you're a member of the army, it's easily understandable that something that unique wouldn't be allowed as it undermines the purpose of a cohesive army. I'm not really sure what part of Cove your character belongs to...
108  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Our land on: June 04, 2007, 02:39:32 pm
Everyone knows the lands up to Altmere,and to the mountain range are ours. Even the Yewians concede that fact.
109  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The End of a Bloodline on: June 04, 2007, 11:30:41 am
(OOC- He better not be dead; Frankly, I'm getting quite sick of people killing off their characters for little reason  Angry)
110  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Dances with Ogres on: June 04, 2007, 11:29:00 am
3rd of June, Evening

Watchman Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Recruit
Watchman Jakob D'Stoke, Dragoon Recruit

I was just about to start my Recruit Cadre when my partner Jakob informed me that our mentor Sergeant Hoagie had ordered us to carry out a task at our earliest convenience. So, as soon as my cadre was complete, Jakob and I plopped on our helmets, armed up, and made our way to Despise; the only place we knew of where we would find a Lord of ogres.

We were rather nervous about the task given us; to extract a tooth as a trophy from a dead Ogre Lord. We both knew the stories of such a beast and how hard it can be to take one down; especially one in it's own lair with possibly countless lesser ogres as guards. But we are to be Dragoons someday and such impossible tasks are expected of us, and to an extent, even beneath us!

With that in mind, we arrived at the dungeon entrance and made our way inside. We chose to take the steps downward and from there ran as hard as we could to get past the Ettin and Elemental guards. We made it to the second set of stairs down without incident and descended.

On the third level of the dungeon, we ran into all sorts of monsters including Trolls and Ogres, which were no match for the two of us. We killed more than a few as we made our way deeper, headed for a place Sir Hoagie had suggested as to where we might find the Lord.

Before we knew it, we came face to face with the Ogre Lord. Having dispatched his guards beforehand, it was just him against us. He charged at us right away, and Jakob quickly suggested we use a skirmishing technique to so as not to be easy targets for his large mace, to which I agreed. For the next few minutes, we ran circles around the beast, cracking and stabbing him as we passed, sometimes receiving a knock in return. We could see him begin to wear down as blood streamed from his wounds and tired from the constant chase; not to mention Jakob's constant banter which would sap any enemy's morale to fight!

Before long, we had the upper hand as the tired and wounded Ogre fell onto some rocks and was only barely able to defend himself. We wasted no time in finishing off the beast and were flush with victory and confidence.

As soon as the life left it's body, Jakob carved out one of the Ogre's molars as a trophy of our victory and we left the dungeon as quickly as we had come in. After making our way back home, we brought the tooth to Sergeant Hoagie who congratulated us and took it to place in the Dragoon display case.

Zoie Hayden
111  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Recruit Cadre! Sunday, 3rd of June on: June 03, 2007, 09:00:07 pm
Please sign below if you attended this Cadre.

Report to follow.

Zoie Hayden
112  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Re: Making Do with Doo Doo on: June 03, 2007, 10:07:04 am
*Laughs* Well done partner!
113  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Completed] Recruit Cadre! Sunday, June 3rd, 9pm GMT on: June 02, 2007, 08:27:15 pm
When: Sunday, 3rd of June, 9pm GMT

Barracks Rooftop

Any and all recruits who still need to complete a Cadre

I will be hosting a Recruit Cadre on the date and time above for any recruits who need to complete one in order to be promoted. I highly suggest you take the opportunity to attend this so you may have a chance for promotion later in the week.
(Other ranks are of course welcome to attend as well)

Be there or be left behind!

Zoie Hayden

[OOC- I'd really appreciate it if some recruits would turn up this time; I'm sick of postponing it due to lack of interest when I know many still need it]
114  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Gold for the coffers! on: June 01, 2007, 01:35:02 pm
30th of May, early afternoon

Though I'd already donated a good amount to the Baron's coffers, I still needed a little bit more to fulfill my requirement as a Watchman. So, with permission, I decided to venture alone to Shame and see if I couldn't wrestle some gold from the Earth.

When I arrived at the mouth of the dungeon, a nervous feeling came over me, but I quickly pushed it aside and prepared for the fight ahead.

As I'd hoped, there were many earth elementals inside doing whatever it is earth elementals do. I then set about slaying as many of them as I could, which not only helped my fighting skills, but found they also carried gold coins and gold nuggets as part of their being. Once I'd slain one, it was easy to extract the gold and find another.

Once my pockets were full of gold, I decided to make a hasty retreat so as not to lose what I'd already gained. I retreated from the dungeon, then made my way back to Cove. When I arrived back home, I immediately went to the barracks, and counted and sorted the gold I'd come away with. I set aside a large pile of 2,500 gold coins, then took it straight into the storeroom and dropped it onto the pile of gold there. that brings my total donated to the militia to 10,000.

Zoie Hayden

115  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: UO:KR NDA Lifted! Post your pictures here. on: May 31, 2007, 09:22:40 pm
It does look nice, but some of the graphics make me puzzled such as the runes. They just look like blobs, especially if they are coloured.

It's also still extremely buggy which is a bit of a turn off Sad
116  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Green Goblin Vendor's [Qom, Raiden] on: May 31, 2007, 02:45:35 pm
What! I hope you're moving it even closer to the barracks! Or better yet, INSIDE the barracks!
117  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Gone for a month or so. on: May 31, 2007, 10:46:10 am
Screw Spain! Go to California!
118  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Postponed] 1st of June - 9pm GMT - Recruit Cadre! on: May 29, 2007, 11:48:26 am
When: Postponed until next week

Barracks Rooftop

Any and all recruits who still need to complete a Cadre

I will be hosting a Recruit Cadre on the date and time above for any recruits who need to complete one in order to be promoted. I highly suggest you take the opportunity to attend this so you may have a chance for promotion during the Sunday parade.
(Other ranks are of course welcome to attend as well)

Be there or be left behind!

Zoie Hayden

[I'd really appreciate it if some recruits would show up next time it's offered]
119  In Character Boards / Old Events / [COMPLETE] May 29th - 9pm GMT - Guardsman Duties - Taxing Travellers on: May 29, 2007, 11:38:39 am
Right! After much planning, I have decided to hold the Altmere taxation sentry post Tonight, the 29th of May at 9pm GMT.

Every able bodied Guardsman not on other tasks will be expected to attend. This is an order from the Baron himself to bolster our funds, and therefore more important than a usual sentry.

Zoie Hayden
120  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recovering Ale for Cove on: May 29, 2007, 11:03:45 am
Vesperian ale is made from sea water anyway! *Blech!*

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