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136  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Hunt to The Gypo Area! on: January 06, 2007, 05:20:54 am
Orc!there were three Dragoons, and I was one of them!


Regular Dragoon, Kurt Alimar
137  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Declaration of war: on: January 06, 2007, 05:17:37 am
Hmmmm More men that wish to die at our hand....  Let them march to their deaths so we can send them back to the pit of the Guardian!  For Cove!
138  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Here for a little while on: January 02, 2007, 03:43:31 am
I'll be on sometimes during the day just eventually I'm going to be gone for a bit.  I won't be gone forever though... I could never leave you guys Wink
139  In Character Boards / Old Events / {CANCELLED}[Tuesday 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM] TAVERN NIGHT! on: December 04, 2006, 12:05:33 am
Tavern Night!

Where: The Green Goblin
When: 7:00 PM tommorow 19:00 GMT
Bring: The most comfortable clothes you can, money for food, and your wits for the games

A night off for you Guardsmen and women, just be ready for a good time!


Kurt Alimar, Regular Dragoon
140  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *Assignment: Kurt* on: December 03, 2006, 11:59:13 pm
Aye I'll get this done this week!
141  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: [RTR] ROLL CALL! on: December 01, 2006, 01:05:27 am
Kurt Alimar, Regular Dragoon!
142  Command Boards / Task Board / Re: Select your Mentor or Apprentice here! on: November 29, 2006, 01:38:09 am
I'd like to say I'm accepting any dedicated few to the army.  By that I mean they won't flee from duty or die in a week.  Perhaps Falcon he seems to be dedicated, but nay write it in yet.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Dragoon
143  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Report: Gargoyles on: November 10, 2006, 04:31:42 am
OOC: Honor
144  In Character Boards / Old Events / [COMPLETE] Cove Games Festival [Thursday] [8:00 PM While scouts train] on: October 17, 2006, 10:41:00 am
Covian Games Festival

When: [Thursday] [10/20/06] [8:00 PM]
Where: Inside the City of Cove.
Bring: Nothing required to bring just a set of formal clothes or armor if you're to lazy to change.

There will be a few games there including the classic boom box game, and a few other events you can sign up for.  Just remember to bring some gold for the games and food will cost money.  All the money earned will go to the army coffers, and prizes in games.  The more people the better the prize.  For you scouts out there the festival will be going for a while so after you are done training you may attend.  Just remember training comes first before leisure.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Dragoon
145  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Parade Drill - Dragoon Task on: October 04, 2006, 10:14:14 pm
Parade Drill - Dragoon Task

Commanding Guardsman:
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar

Attending Guardsmen:
Regular Dragoon, Hoagie
Watchman, Desmond Krieger
Guardsman Recruit, Del'Zar
Guardsman Recruit, Garnett
Guardsman Recruit, Tyrael Styx
Guardsman Recruit, Irz Sanguistat

This was my first time leading a parade drill, and I am pretty sure I did well for the most part in keeping the men in line.  At first when I called "Sound Off" They did it in a disorganized fashion.  By the end of the Drill everyone sounded off on time, and in order.  I was very proud to see how much they improved in sounding off and numbering off. 

After that I moved on to the Turn Left, Turn Right, About Face orders.  They seemed to have had that down very well, and none of them were out of order.  After I ordered them to face Joey Lanai I ordered them to Salute him.  They did it very well and without hesitation.  After they saluted Joey I gave them the about face order.  Which they also did very well.

Afterwards I gave them the Ready Arms, At Ease, and Hold Parade Arms command.  They did it all better than I had thought they would have.  It would seem that we have a sharp new bunch of recruits.

Good Job everyone that attended.  Ye all did very well and I hope to see ye out prooving yourselves to the Baron, and the Army!


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
146  In Character Boards / Old Events / [TODAY] Parade Drill, [Wednesday, 10/4/06, 21:00 GMT] on: October 02, 2006, 11:01:46 pm
When:[Wednesday] [10/4/06] [21:00 GMT]
Where: [Barracks]
Bring: [Everything you always should have or else ye'll be doing alot of running.]

Be ready, if ye are not prepared for a long difficult drill.  If ye are, be ready for a short difficult drill.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
147  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Ethereal Palace on: September 28, 2006, 12:12:03 am
Attack on the Four Control Rooms

Commanding Guardsman:
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar

Attending Guardsmen:
Grenadier Sergeant, Vince Valentine
Senior Grenadier, Raiden Morana
Regular Dragoon, Hoagie
Regular Scout, Edmund Rufus
Regular Scout, Kal ShadowHand
Guardsman Recruit, Averion
Guardsman Recruit, Flina Trix
Guardsman Recruit, Yella

We lined up at the moongate waiting for any stragglers.  I ordered everyone through the moongate to the shrine of Spirituality.  When we got there I had Kal show us the way to the entrance of the ethereal palace.  We stopped at a forest filled with webs, and through the thick forest of webs we saw a cave.  On the walls of the caves were thick webs with giant spiders on it.  After we disposed of the spiders, I told everyone to stick together and nay break from the group.

When we entered the caves we encountered arachnids I had never seen.  The vile Terathans were inside along with a horde of arachnids.  After we got towards the exit we encountered a Golden Matriarch.  We slayed it and exited the Spider Cave.

After we navigated through the Spider Cave we saw a heap of marble structures, and in the middle of the marble pillars was the Entrance to the Palace.  After we all stepped onto the teleporter we appeared on a beach.  As we looked up the beach we could see the palace in front of us.  I ordered the men to line up, and gave them the rest of their orders.  We saw no towers, but we ventured inside anyway.  Once inside we found a hole that seemed to lead to a tomb of some kind.

After we fought are way through the lesser undead to the throne room.  I ordered everyone to relax for a moment and catch their breath.  Afterwards I gave the order to move out.  Then we started destroying every room we came across.  Pretty much the whole lair.

Then I found a scroll that teleported us to a secret area.  There we found a maze, and in the maze were traps waiting for us.  Flina and Raiden decided to go ahead from the group and enter a room before everyone else.  They seemed fine for a while, but then out of no where they fell to the ground.  I ordered everyone to stop and nay move.  Then had two guardsmen pull Raiden and Flina back as fast as possible.  I looked around the corner and saw a crystal pedastel eminating and evil aura.  After Flina and Raiden were awoken, I had everyone go the other way.

We headed the other way up a hallway to a door, and when we reached that door we heard a horde of moaning and other dreadful noises.  I had edmund scout the room, and report to me what he had found.  He said that there were too many undead for us to take.  I pondered for a bit, and looked back to Flina and Hoagie who were asking to be excused.  We were now at a group of five.  I looked to the door and then to the guardsmen, and said "I'm opening this door and when I do we will retreat to the hallway momentarily."  After I opened the door I saw a horde of undead reaching through trying to pull me in.  I broke off of them and retreated with the rest.

I had Yella stay in the hallway incase we were knocked.  After the doors closed, we looked up to find a Rotting Corpse, Bone Knight, and an Ancient Lich.  I ordered Edmund, Raiden, and Vince to remain with me, and to heal each other more than they ever had before.  We fought the group for a short time before slaying all three of them.  I looked to the Ancient Lich and claimed my trophy it's staff.

Afterwards I peaked through the door and found that no matter how many we kill.  They'll keep comming faster than we could kill them.  So we left, and when we got to the barracks.  Only Raiden and Edmund were left, so I said, "Since ye two were the only ones to stay and share our treasure."  After we split up the gold I took the Ancient Lich Staff, and leaned it next to my Bone Daemon Skull trophy.  FOR COVE!!


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
148  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Re: The Dragoon Squad Idea's Thread on: September 26, 2006, 07:03:27 pm
Well guess we should get all Juniors to regular.  Not like it's that hard to do anyways.  Can't throw an idea out if there's one problem with it. 
149  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Re: The Dragoon Squad Idea's Thread on: September 25, 2006, 09:17:18 pm
A new way to identify the class of a Dragoon.  Such as an apprentice has the normal tan belt, and the Dragoon Master has a Dark Black Belt.  Sort of a way to signify combat ability much like Martial Arts belts.
150  In Character Boards / Old Events / [COMPLETE] Hunt Too Illshenar - Monday 8:00PM on: September 22, 2006, 08:45:40 pm
Hunt to Ethereal Palace

Where: Barracks.
When: Monday 8:00 PM
Bring: Standard fighting equipment.

Be ready for a hunt on monday.  I don't think any Covian has ever ventured inside this palace.  So be ready for anything!


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
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