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151  In Character Boards / Old Announcements / Re: Covian Dog Fights! on: September 17, 2006, 05:04:21 am
Sorry to say this but isn't killing a domestic animal in Cove animal cruelty?
152  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Studying the Brittanian Language on: September 16, 2006, 02:11:06 pm
Studying at the University of Moonglow

I went to The University of Moonglow where I met the professor who teaches the language of Brittania.  There I spent all night attempting to learn how to speak "normal."  He first taught me how to greet people, and then taught me how too say sentences.  The first sentence was, "I would like to buy a bucket of fish."  I said couple instead of bucket, but I still learned none the less!

After we went through the night on the sentence I finnaly started too get it.  Eventually I was speaking almost completely clearly with only a few slip ups once in a while.  He gave me a book too take home which I studied, and eventually through it away because I didn't need it anymore.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
153  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Poor Steve :( on: September 15, 2006, 02:31:07 am
No he was pretty much dead.  It pierced through his heart, and whats worse is that very few people in history have died from stingrays.  RIP Steve Irwin.
154  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Re: Interested in becoming a Dragoon? Apply here. on: September 15, 2006, 01:10:28 am
Hmmm... Time to choose a new squad to join.  I am interested sign me up!
155  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: To military command on: September 14, 2006, 10:31:35 am
*Kurt walks up to the sign and peers at it*
"They left a watchman in charge of a Recruit Cadre?"
*He then walks away shaking his head*
156  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Hunting for The Armor of Sirrus on: September 13, 2006, 08:53:10 pm
A Trip to a Den of Evil

Commanding Guardsman:
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar

Attending Guardsmen:
Dragoon Sergeant, Joey Lanai
Regular Grenadier, Gimbly
Regular Dragoon, Hoagie
Retired Scout, Kal Shadowhand
Junior Dragoon, Vince Redfield
Guardsman Recruit, Anthony Poena
Guardsman Recruit, Flina Trix

After being savagely whipped for actions that were nay my own.  I rallied everyone that was awake for the hunt to Doom, and too see if taking the lashing for them was worth it.  They did prove themselves, and yes they were worth the lashing I received.

After all of the guardsmen were rallied I ordered everyone too the city of Umbra.  We marched too umbra, and then we headed too the dungeon of Doom it's self.  There we met up with Joey Lanai, and marched into the dark dungeon.  Upon clearing the first hallway of undead, we marched too the summoning room.  There we were met with heavy resistance from undead forces, but they were nay match for us.  We shattered them by the dozen leaving many bodies on the ground.

After I ordered the groups too split even more savage undead headed to my group.  The same skeletons, but there were more of them this time.  We fought for a long time against this horde, but they kept pooring through the hallways in unlimited numbers.  Eventually Vince came too aid us.  I told him too go get Joey and the others before we were overrun.

After a long time fighting we found that two ravagers and abysmal horrors came into the battle.  We thought all was lost, but then from the darkness the cavalry had arrived!  The Dragoons and Flina trix came through and helped us vanquish our enemies.  We were grateful that they had made it in time.  Afterwards the beast we long awaited for, pulled together from the shattered remnants of his minions.  Then we began the fight for our lives against this beast.  I ordered everyone to skirmish the beast.

After a long hard fight we tended too our wounded, and I claimed my trophy from the beast.  I hacked it's head clear off and put it in my backpack.  We thought the fight was over, but it was not.  We still had a long way too go!

After we stood before the headless bone daemon, we felt a large rumbling and from the ground a giant Bone Daemon broke through.  The beast looked at us battle worn guardsmen, and laughed the most sadistic laugh I had ever heard.  It cast a spell, and hundreds of skeletons unearthed from the ground.  We readied ourselves and charged the beast, and hordes of skeletons.

We fought the beast for a long time it knocked guardsman after guardsman including me once.  We all ran at it with everything we had then tore it to pieces.  I claimed my second prize after by hacking the second daemons head off as well.  I then ordered everyone to slaughter the remaining skeletons that still resisted.

After we had triumphed over the evil we headed for the summoning pentagram.  Instead of glowing red there was a treasure chest in the middle.  I walked up too the front of it, and opened it up.  Inside we found The Aim of Sirrus, tons of treasure, and an old parchment.

We decided then was not the time too loot it.  So we picked it up and ran it out of the dungeon to the entrance.  The escape was nay easy for we had too run through many beasts.

After we reached the surface we marched on home too split up the loot amongst the guardsmen.


-The Aim of Sirrus
-Magical Artifact
-Given to Joey Lanai, who I believe is donating it too a good cause.

- Gold
-The Crowns were divided amongst the Guardsmen, for their contribution.  3,000 Gold each.

-Treasure Chest
-Filled with gold, diamonds, and magic scrolls.
-Given to me, for leading the hunt, and figuring out the riddle Over 30,000 Crowns worth of treasure

-Two Bone Daemon Skulls
-Two Trophies for my hunt.
-Taken by me, for leading the hunt I earned their skulls.

I believe that's all there was too it.  This was the greatest hunt I had ever led, and by far the greatest group I had ever led.  Thank ye all for helping Cove recover this important artifact.  FOR COVE!


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
157  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Free House in Cove on: September 13, 2006, 08:20:25 pm
I'll take it if she changes her mind or whatever.  I don't really care I just really need a house in Cove so I'll take anything.
158  In Character Boards / Old Announcements / Re: The Legend of Sirrus (The Story So Far) on: September 13, 2006, 01:47:02 am
The Legend of Sirrus
Part 5 - (Continued)

*After the Covians had beaten the horde of minions a deep dark laughter echoed through the dark room.  The remains of the shattered enemies began lifting from the ground and started too pull together.  The guardsmen watched in horror as The Bone Daemon took form.  The adversary they sought too fight had finnaly shown it's self, and began it's rampage of destruction.*

*The covians attacked the Bone Daemon in the dark bashing, hacking, slashing, and smashing at it.  The first Covian too charge at it was the brave Flina.  Who was hit hard by the bone daemons massive fists, knocking her into the hallway.  The rest charged at it hitting it and running.  Vincent tried to stand and fight it by himself, but even his agility and strength was no match for it.  The bone daemon picked Vince up and through him down hard leaving him unconcious.*

*Kurt Alimar ran at the beast, but it grabbed him, and started squeezing him.  The wounds from his lashing he recieved earlier reopened, and started bleeding.  Kurt screamed in pain and swung his mace at the beasts skull as hard as he could.  The daemon dropped him, and the Guardsman passed out from the pain.  Just as the beast was about too finish Kurt, Joey swung at the beasts leg shattering it and making it fall too the ground.  Kurt awoke too see the beast helpless on the ground.  He then ordered everyone to beat the Guardian out of The Bone Daemon.  After it lay slewn Kurt hacked it's skull off, and put it in a large bag.*

*The guardsmen looked at the remains beleving it was over, and just as they were about too rejoice they found out it was far from over.  The walls and ground shook with a violent tremble.  The guardsmen prepared for the worst when out of no where Joey Lanai shouted, "look another one!"  The covians unified and fought the beast with savagery and valor.  The beast was not alone it had an army of skeletons too it's aid.  It seemed the covians would not make it out alive.*

*The Covians stared at the horde with horror and despair.  The morale was low but just as they thought all seemed lost.  Hoagie gripped his sword and charged into the horde slashing the skeletons, and bashing the others with his shield.  Flina shouted, "Hoagie!" then charged in right after him slashing and hacking like never before.  The rest charged in like they had nothing too lose!*

*The guardsmen fought valiantly as the undead clawed and their armor, and soon the undead numbers had decreased.  Anthony Poena and flina attempted to strike down the beast, but were struck down fast.  The spawn of the Guardian attempted too finish Flina off, but as it brought it's foot down Hoagie dragged her back.  The daemon the slammed Hoagie down too the ground after it saw him save her.  It then turned to Hoagie, and as it walked toward him, Anthony awoke and swung his axe into it's shin.  The creature stumbled backward.*

*After the bone daemon stumbled back all the covians stood before it amazed.  The covians all charged at it in unisen, and hacked the beast apart piece by piece.  After Kurt added the daemons head too his collection.  He stood before it and kicked it's motionless corpse.*

*After beating all the odds the Guardian had against them.  A call rang out, "look what I've found!"  The Covians ran towards the area and found a chest.  Kurt Alimar walked forth and found The Aim of Sirrus inside a chest full of riches.  The first piece of armor had been found, and those that found it were rewarded for their valiant struggle.  All the brave guardsmen made it home, and The Aim of Sirrus was handed over too Joey Lanai from Kurt Alimar.  On this day these valiant guardsmen have earned their way into history, but it is not over for this was only the beginning.*

159  In Character Boards / Old Announcements / Re: The Legend of Sirrus (The Story So Far) on: September 13, 2006, 01:18:32 am
The Legend of Sirrus
Part - 5 The Aim of Sirrus

*The wounded soldier Kurt Alimar punished for deeds he had nay done.  Rallies a number of brave Covian guardsmen in a search for the first piece of armor.  Only the bravest dared ventured with the wounded leader.*

*Through the dark woods of Umbra the Covians ventured.  The Eyes glowing from the creatures in the dark woods struck fear into the Covians.  Even then the group continued forth until they found the entrance too the Dungeon.  Before they entered, they ran into a familiar face Joey Lanai who had already braved the woods on his own.  Before they entered the Covians prepared mentally for the horrors that lurk beneath the ground.  They looked too what little light shun upon them before shouting FOR COVE, and running bravely inside.*

*Upon entering the dungeon the denizens off the dark stepped forth with hordes of undead and dark warped creatures.  The Covians slew all they could find on the way too the summoning room.  Too the brave guardsmen they believed that they were doing well, but they still had a long way too go.*

*The guardsmen fought there way too the summoning room.  Upon entering they were met with a large group of Undead creatures.  The Covians charged the group smashing the enemy with their shields, and slashing them with their swords.  In the end the Covians stood over shattered remnants of the enemy.  It looked too be that the room had been taken, but the guardsmen were wrong.*

*The wounded leader ordered all of the Covian dragoons too split from his group and look elsewhere for the bones.  The names echoed forth in the cave, "Flina, Joey, and Hoagie go look elsewhere for the bones!" "The rest o' ye Anthony, Gimbly, and Kal stay with me and hold this position!"*

*As the other Covians left, deep dark whispers and cackles were heard in the darkness, the Undead threat was moving again.  Kurt Alimar, Anthony Poena, Gimbly, and Kal Shadowhand readies themselves for a fight.  Eventually the evil horde of undead poored through the dark halls and into the summoning room.  The hunt had begun!  The undead came from all sides hacking wildly at the covians shields.  Anthony Poena shattered multiple enemies in one swing.  Gimbly smashed enemies with his large shield and hacked away on the others.  Kal Shadowhand snuck around killing many enemies with quick swift jabs off his spear.  While Kurt Alimar decimated enemies with his favorite mace.*

*When all seemed lost, out of no where the dragoons, lead by Joey Lanai and Vince Redfield charged forth and shouted FOR COVE! As they ran Joey smashed through several undead and Vince swept his mace so hard that the mere wind from the swing knocked the skeletons heads off!  Hoagie and Flina followed behind slaying the rest of the undead that remained.* 

*The battle worn Covians looked grateful too the saviors, and with no delay they made there way too summon The Dreaded Bone Daemon.*

160  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: {TODAY} Search for Sirrus Armor in Doom {9PM} on: September 12, 2006, 10:45:12 am
Off we go today be ready
161  In Character Boards / Old Events / {TOMMOROW} Search for Sirrus Armor in Doom {9PM} on: September 11, 2006, 01:56:16 am
Hunting for The Legendary Armor of Sirrus

When: 9PM GMT.
Where: Meet at Cove Barracks, and we'll be heading too Dungeon Doom.
Bring: Everything needed too bring down a Legendary beast.

We will be heading too Doom to slay the Legendary Bone Daemon, and look for a piece of the Legendary Armor of Sirrus.  Hopefully this is the correct place too search.  Be ready this will be one of the greatest battles ye've ever witnessed.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
162  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: [TOMORROW] Training For Recruits, Watchmen & Juniors - 8pm GMT Monday 11/09/06 on: September 10, 2006, 08:25:59 pm
*Kurt Reads the sign and smiles then walks off saying*

"About damn time someone did something about it."
163  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Report: Recruit Training 9/07/06 on: September 08, 2006, 01:08:00 am
As stated above I showed Exillion what weapons too use at what times, and I showed him when and why too do special techniques.  He learned how too fight alot better by the end of the training, and is improving quite significantly.  This was a special one on one training which I wish too incorporate too more of our soldiers.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
164  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: September 06, 2006, 11:24:09 pm
Patrol Through the Covian Woods

Commanding Guardsman:
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar

Attending Guardsmen:
Guardsman Recruit, Exillion

Nay much too say vile creatures exist out in the woods still.  So me and Exillion decided too help purge the forest of this evil.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
165  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: September 06, 2006, 11:20:40 pm
Patrol Too Orc Fort

Commanding Guardsman:
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar

Attending Guardsmen:
Guardsman Recruit, Exillion

We were looking around the barracks and found nothing too do there.  So we decided to patrol for Cove.  We headed too Orc fort and slayed a brute and dozens of orcish minions.


Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
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