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166  Command Boards / Mariner's Guild Head Office / Company Registration on: December 24, 2010, 12:17:59 pm
Covians wishing to import and export large quantities of goods for sale must register their merchant company with the guild. Applications will then be processed, and if successful the merchant will receive authorisation to transport their goods using ships from Cove docks*.

Application Form
Company Owner**:
Ship Captain:
First Mate:
Crew 1:
Crew 2:

*Note that small vessels may still be used to transport goods, but Companies may wish to register to receive benefits such as exemption from search, organised military escort, etc.
**The Company owner may also be the ship captain or first mate.
167  Command Boards / Mariner's Guild Head Office / Welcome to the Covian Mariner's Guild on: December 24, 2010, 12:06:02 pm

All boat owners are required to become members of the guild. A small 50 gold processing fee is required, upon which you will become a fully fledged member with a support network of other sailors and traders.

Ahoy there! There is a lot of money to be made on the water and beyond, and this organisation is in place to help coordinate and support Covians in their endeavours. From the lowly fisherman to the silk clothed merchant, there is a place in the guild and a support network allowing you to connect with other seafarers and arrange your next profitable expedition.

As with any organisation, there are rules and any breach of these rules will be met with consequences damaging to your ability to use Cove's waters. By becoming a member of the guild you agree to follow the guild's rules.
168  Command Boards / Mariner's Guild Head Office / Membership Roster on: December 24, 2010, 12:01:17 pm
A large tome lies open on the desk, a quill next to it.

Guild Staff:
Guild Chairman: Mr. Campbell

Guild Members:
The Military
     Ship rights:
          Military grade ships and ship weaponry. Inshore anchorage permitted.
Willy Bugle
     Ship rights:
          A rowboat and not permitted to enter the office again. Inshore anchorage permitted.
The Green Goblin & Staff
     Ship rights:
          Company-owned, large, lightly armed cargo vessel. Deep water anchorage only.
     Ship rights:
          Small, unarmed fishing vessel. Inshore anchorage permitted.

Submit applications here.
169  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Covian Mariner's Guild on: December 24, 2010, 11:52:08 am
The official notice is prefaced by a letter from Steward Leso Varen.

Dear Covians,

In order to prevent lawlessness on the seas, encourage trade and secure Covian investments overseas, all Covian seafaring matters are being deferred to a new water authority, the Covian Mariner's Guild. It is with this change that Covian trade is placed more in the hands of self-determining citizens and out of the watchful eye of the military, who must spend what time they have protecting Cove itself. The Covian Mariner's Guild will be the ultimate seafaring authority in all matters not in breach of the laws of Cove. Please refer all queries to the Covian Mariner Guild's head office.

Leso Varen

(OOC: Click to enter)

170  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Found: Head, Missing: Body on: December 24, 2010, 01:42:41 am
Weeks ago!? In that case, I retract my request for increased patrols and submit a request for increased cleaning.

~ TA
171  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The Green Goblin on: December 24, 2010, 01:38:56 am
Hurrah! I'll come take a peek one day soon.  Tongue
172  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Remember When..... on: December 23, 2010, 05:03:31 am
Nice. Grin

Not currently on my own pc, so my picture collection is elsewhere, but keep them coming!
173  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Found: Head, Missing: Body on: December 23, 2010, 03:48:40 am
A vile act has taken place! Murder is afoot! Someone has killed this man. The whereabouts of his body is currently unknown. I suggest that efforts are taken to step up patrols in the area until the culprit is found.

Any witnesses please see yourselves to the nearest guardsman available.

~ Thomas Aylmer
174  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: An old Face!! on: November 28, 2010, 12:07:06 pm
I'm also available on ICQ now and then at various points during the day. Feel free to discuss anything with me! *Feels special for being remembered.*
175  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Expansion Roll Call! on: November 01, 2010, 11:13:34 am
Me and 'Fred have it!
176  Element boards / Citizen Task Board / Re: Ammunition for the Fleet on: October 30, 2010, 04:14:08 pm
Shillings awarded: 66
177  Element boards / Citizen Task Board / Ammunition for the Fleet on: October 25, 2010, 06:47:10 pm
The Covian Flagship stands proud in the harbour. However, its guns ring silent, for we lack the required materials to load and fire them.

The army requires:

Heavy cannon balls - 8 shillings per 50 balls.
Heavy grapeshot - 10 shillings per 50 shot.
Fuse cords - 5 shillings per 10 fuses.
Matches - 5 shillings per 10 matches.
*The fleet requires a large supply of these, and will pay for as much as can be provided until stated otherwise.

Swab x 15 - 15 shillings
Ramrod x 15 - 15 shillings

Due to the nature of these goods, they must be delivered directly to a member of Covian Military Command. Extra shillings will be awarded for a quality report.
178  In Character Boards / The Covian Tome of Law / Covian Law on: October 25, 2010, 06:28:58 pm


* Littering - Punishable by collecting the litter, and a fine of 100 gold.
* Brawling - Punishable by jailing for 10 minutes.
* Public Intoxication - Punishable by jailing until sober, confiscation of alcohol, and a fine of 100 gold upon release.
* Indecent Exposure - Punishable by being ordered to cover-up appropriately, or removal from the area.
* Possession of Illegal Items (Nightshade, Necromancy Books, etc) - Punishable by confiscation of said item(s) and a fine of 200 gold.
* Smuggling - Punishable by confiscation of said item(s) and removal from the area.
* Premarital Sex - Punishable by Church branding.
* Prostitution - Punishable by Church branding.
* Refusal to Obey Authority - Punishable by knocking after warning a second time with weapons drawn and presuming a battle stance.


* Bribery - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes.
* Blackmail (Extortion through means of threats or violence) - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes and no less than 10 lashes.
* Burglary/Trespassing/Mugging/Theft - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 10 lashes, and a fine of six times the stolen items worth (if applicable).
* Infiltration (Intentional spying on military operations) - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, branding, and removal from the area. Trial may occur.
* Banditry/Highway Activities/Kidnapping/Slavery - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 15 lashes, and removal from the area. Trial may occur.
* Piracy (Unlawful acts committed at sea) - Punishable by trial.
* Common Assault (Assault upon a member of the public) - Punishable by jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 20 lashes, and removal from the area.
* Assault on a Guardsman - Punishable by knocking, jailing for 30 minutes, no less than 20 lashes, and removal from the area.
* Manslaughter (Death caused by accident or in self-defence) - Punishable by trial.


* Wytchcraft - Punishable by Church trial.
* Assault on an Officer/Official - Punishable by trial.
* Assault on a Clergyman - Punishable by Church trial.
* Attempted Murder - Punishable by trial.
* Murder - Punishable by trial.
* Treason (Publically defacing the Baron, or going absent without leave) - Punishable by trial.
* Heresy (Publically defacing anything associated with the Church) - Punishable by Church trial.


* Conspiracy (Being revealed to be conspiring to commit crime) - Punishable by the punishment listed for the crime which was being conspired to commit.
* Aiding and Abetting (Perverting the cause of justice via providing incorrect information, or being known to have assisted a criminal in any way) - Punishable by the same punishment offered to the criminal the individual was assisting.
179  In Character Boards / The Covian Tome of Law / The Seafaring Act on: October 25, 2010, 06:04:05 pm
This document outlines the rights and regulations concerning ownership of marine vessels and associated equipment.

SECTION ONE: Boat Classification

Marine vessels fall under the following three categories:
  • Rowboats: Suitable for two men, propelled by oars.
  • Standard Ships: Vessels intended for small groups, propelled by sail.
  • Galleon: Huge vessels for large groups, capable of mounting cannons.

Rowboats are small vessels, and may be owned by any Covian, as they are necessary to the fishing trade on which we thrive.

Standard Ships require a licence, which may be purchased from the Covian Council for a small sum.

Galleons are classified as Military Grade Vessels, and as such have tighter restrictions on ownership.

SECTION TWO: Galleon Ownership

Due to the power that large vessels hold in a body of water, it is declared unlawful for any one person (save, of course, for our Liege Octiovus) to own a vessel on this scale.

Galleons may be licensed as follows:
  • Military Use: Galleons may be owned and managed by Covian Military Command.
  • Merchant Groups: Merchants deemed sufficiently reliable and profitable, having proven that they can fund a vessel of this size and provide a crew, may obtain a licence at the discretion of the Baronship council.


Cannons are available for military use. However, merchants must obtain a SEPARATE licence for cannons, on top of the licence for a galleon.


Piracy is defined as an act of violence, sabotage or theft committed against Cove or her Allies at sea, and in extreme cases, extends to breach of any of the laws laid down in this document.

Taking command of a vessel without the permission of the appropriate body constitutes theft and piracy. This applies equally to a soldier taking control of a galleon without express permission from Cove Military Command or the Covian Council.

Signed and stamped.
Leso Varen,
Covian Council.
180  In Character Boards / The Covian Tome of Law / Cove Bay Ship Entrance Policy on: October 25, 2010, 05:22:33 pm
Due to size constraints imposed by the geography of the Bay of Cove and threats possible from enemy or pirate factions, it is hereby declared unlawful for any UNAUTHORISED galleon to enter the area delineated below.

Merchant ships may transfer their goods to smaller vessels before navigating into the bay itself, or may request authorisation to navigate their galleon into the delineated area from the Covian Council.

Any ship unlawfully present in the protected area will be addressed, and given a reasonable amount of time (at the present commanding guardsman's discretion) to remove their ship from the area. This will be followed by a warning shot, followed by full bombardment from the Covian fleet and coastal batteries.

This notice constitutes fair warning, as any merchant or sailor should familiarise themselves with the laws and customs of any port they sail to. The Baronship Council takes no responsibility for goods damaged or lost.
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