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226  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Highlander tasks - Kurt on: January 21, 2006, 07:18:41 am
Collecting the Shadow Iron Ore

Lead By:
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar

Watchman, Vincent Redfield

We first went into the fort and practiced our forming on the minions of the Orc Brute. 

*Vincent and Kurt slay large group of Orcs*

After that we took on the leader of the smaller orcs and killed him with ease.  Upon the corpse lay the piles of Ore.

*Covians Drop Brute*

Afterwards we headed back and deposited the Ore in a box in the barracks.

*Kurt Deposites the Ore*


Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar
227  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A Weapons Delivery (Part 2) on: January 10, 2006, 11:20:28 pm
Finding Cillitha, The Tree Elf

Lead By:
Junior Guardsman, Delcarakdur

Commander, Erik Arkay
Officer Cadet, Vince Valentine
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar
Junior Guardsman, Darath Mithar
Guardsman Recruit, Bayne
Guardsman Recruit, Geit Arma


Behind Enemy Lines

After we left the cursed cave we happened upon yew, and found that we'd have to sneak into the center of the city to get where we wanted.  So we tried our hardest to get through without being seen by Yewish guardsmen.

*Us trying our hardest not to be spotted*

After we got to the center of yew we found the entrance to heartwood it was quite different.

*Covians looking to Heartwood gates*

Heartwood, The City of Elves

When we came out the other side it seemed like we stepped into a different world.  A world full of elves with no humans to be seen.  I looked over the side of the great tree and saw Yew below.  I spit off the ledge onto stonekeep and laughed.  Now we began to search for Cillitha.

*Covians admiring the beauty and the view*

*Covians looking for Cillitha*

Cillitha, The Bowcrafter

After a long trip we finnaly found the orginator of the bow.  We spoke to Cillitha herself she was hesitant at first, but she ended up handing her bow over to the charming humans.  I guess elves are to used to looking at them ugly Yewish folk instead of us handsome Covian men! 

*Covians find Cillitha*

*A picture of Cillitha*

After we had gotten the bow we set off home, and saluted each other.  Then we went about our own business.

*Covians salute before going to bed*


Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar

228  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A Weapons Delivery (Part 1) on: January 10, 2006, 03:32:13 am
The Cave of Treasures and Death

Lead By:
Junior Guardsman, Delcarakdur

Commander, Erik Arkay
Officer Cadet, Vince Valentine
Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar
Junior Guardsman, Thomas Sendrich
Guardsman Recruit, Bayne
Guardsman Recruit, Geit Arma


Favor to a Vesperian

We first undertook a favor to a member of the Vesperian militia to slay a Golden Meer Mage.  It took a while but we took the creature down with a few bumps and bruises.

*Covians Prepare for the Meer Mage*

*Covians Engage the Golden Wytch*

*The Wytch is Felled*

The Start of our Task

The Covians defeated the golden wytch and then after set off to their primary objective, finding the lost Caravan.  The task seemed to be a simple one to us but we were wrong... Very wrong! 

We stood in front of the cave amidst an erradicated Ratman army we thought that it would be a walk in the park, after seeing so many slewn.  We then found a paper with a note on it saying something about the caravan.  Here's what it read.

*The Covians stand amidst a slaughtered army*

*Covians find a note*

After we found the note we knew what we had to do, Enter the Unknown.

*Covians Look too the Unknown Entrance*

The Cave

We entered the cave and found earth elementals and more ratmen.  We killed them and looked around but there was no captured caravan in sight.  So we headed to the next level of the cave confident in our skill nothing could stop us.

*Covians look to the second level*

The next area of the cave tested our skill and our loyalty to each other.  Three skeletal dragons attacked us one by one.  Yet we still held in formation and took two out whilst retreating after the third one showed, to see if we could find what we were looking for.

*Covians take on first dragon*

*Covians Slay the dragon*

*Covians continue to fight after second dragon is slewn*

*Covians find to much gold to carry home*

The Broken Bow and The Wood Elf

After we found nothing we retreated to the entrance.  Outside Geit Arma displayed a broken bow to Commander, Erik Arkay.  The bow had a name engraved on it "Cillitha, Tree Elf."

*Covians look to the broken bow*

After we found this we new where to go Yew...  I will post the next part in a different report so it can be read to maximum efficiency.


Regular Guardsman, Kurt Alimar
229  In Character Boards / Old Events / Recruit Cadre 9PM, Wednesday 11/01 on: January 09, 2006, 01:36:01 pm
[Recruit Cadre] - [9PM], [Wednesday] [11/01]

Main Message
When: 9PM, Wednesday
Where: Barracks Rooftop
Bring: You and your gear

Make sure you come the recruit cadre is required for promotions.

230  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Buying Poison Kegs on: January 04, 2006, 01:50:18 pm
Sure I can go IC about it.  Raiden I'll buy the greater from you, and the regular poison kegs from Kazuo.
231  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Buying Poison Kegs on: January 04, 2006, 04:20:37 am
I'm buying 5 Regular potion kegs and 5 Greater Poison Kegs.  2k-3k each for Regulars, and 5k each for greater. 
232  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrol to Altmere on: January 04, 2006, 02:39:39 am
Vincent.... It's good ye're into going on patrols, but patrols go into the patrol log.  The only time they don't is if it were more than one, or if it's a long patrol with lots to report.  Tis alright I made the same mistake when I joined the militia. 

All in all it's a very well written report.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
233  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Militia Record on: January 03, 2006, 09:35:32 pm
Oh ok thanks I was just a little confused because both the training was in one day.  and someone counted only once for that day.  Tongue
234  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Militia Record on: January 03, 2006, 01:31:25 pm
Umm for the record it should say 5 training sessions because I had 3 training sessions done, and yesterday I went to two more training sessions.  So all I should have left to do is my Junior course.  There is two posts about it, Raiden Morana's training, and Joey Lanai's training.
235  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: January 02, 2006, 03:01:35 pm
Patrol To Yew Bridge

Lead By:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Kell Board
Guardsman Recruit, Conner Roberts

After we got out of the swamp we headed towards the yew bridge on patrol towards enemy lines.  As we headed towards we slew brigands and saved a lucky hostage.  We reached let the man go somewhere safe then ran to the bridge.  After we saw no resistance at the bridge we headed back to Cove which was a very very long run.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
236  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: January 02, 2006, 02:56:51 pm
Patrol To Swamp

Lead By:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Kelly Board
Guardsman Recruit, Conner Roberts

After we reached the crossroads I decided we'll patrol two more areas.  The first was the swamp.  When we got in I found out that one of the recruits nay had bandages.  So I ordered awl three of us to skirmish a bog thing.  We eventually felled the huge beast and left the swamp after slaying smaller spawn.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
237  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: January 02, 2006, 02:51:36 pm
Patrol To Altmere

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Kell Board
Guardsman Recruit, Conner Roberts

We took a patrol to Altmere all the way up to the crossroads from yew to the swamps.  All we found along the way were gypsies, and a few weak monsters slewn by usually one or two hits.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
238  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: January 02, 2006, 01:05:49 pm
Patrol of Cove Borders

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Hoagie

Junior Guardsman, Kurt

We patrolled through the thick woods at night and found nothing out there, but some animals wandering about.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
239  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: January 02, 2006, 12:22:42 pm
Patrol of Graveyard

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Thomas Sendrich

Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Naything much was going on we killed a few deadites and two liches in the graveyard.  Also two Ogres in the graveyard as well.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
240  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: December 31, 2005, 06:46:09 pm
Patrol of Cove

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Officer Cadet, Vince Valentine

We patroled cove and kill us a witch that was walking on water near the light house.  Everything else was smooth sailings.
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