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61  Element boards / Citizen Board / Re: A Sketch of Cove on: July 12, 2007, 09:31:14 am
Very good job!
62  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Hunt in Blackthorns Castle on: July 10, 2007, 09:59:00 pm
Watchman Brandy did indeed give me the coins and they were placed in the coffers.

Zoie Hayden, Officer Cadet
63  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Re: Dragoon Quest: Zoie Hayden on: July 10, 2007, 09:56:34 pm
Task #3: Brotherhood

Guardsmen in attendence:
- Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
- Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon
- Jakob D'Stoke, Junior Guardsman (Aspiring Dragoon)

What better way to get to know my future fellow dragoons than to take them all out on a camping trip! After I lined up the few dragoons that turned up, and checked that they had their bedrolls, we set off.
I had chosen a clear spot deep in the Covian forests near the graveyard and led the dragoons to it. When we arrived, I started assembling logs, kindling, and grasses into a neat pile. I then lit the fire and the center of our camp was established.

We all then decided to sit down on the two large logs that flanked either side of the fire, and I began passing out the food. I had brought mostly vegetables, some stew and tomato soup that Hoagie and Flina weren't keen on, so they killed a nearby harpy and we roasted it instead.
While we waited for the bird to cook and my stew to heat up, Sergeant Hoagie and Flina began bickering about Avatar knows what. They discussed bedrolls, Flina's love life lives, and Hoagie's peach fuzz robust beard.

It was getting dark quickly though and that meant only one thing: Ghost stories!
Jakob set the mood by reciting a dark, but sweet poem about death which we all loved.

Then it was Hoagie's turn. He began his tale of a soldier haunted by mysterious sounds at his door in the dead of night. When the soldier plucks up enough courage to check behind the door, he is scared out of his skin! As spooky as the tale was, the ending was far scarier.

When he had finished, I recited a true tale I'd heard spoken of late. It was about a Countess called Ezmerelda who was brutally murdered after moving to Cove with her husband; except she didn't know it. She was dead, but had no idea and wondered why everyone she spoke to ignored her, including her own husband. Now she is doomed to wander The Shire somewhere between life and death willing others to see her and help her.
When I'd finished my tale, we suddenly noticed an eerie sight in the woods! A hazy image of a lady clad all in white accompanied by a strange sound. We all saw it and it had to be Ezmerelda!

After we settled down after seeing such a sight, Jakob told a story that he was reminded of, of an elderly farming couple called the Cutters. Mr. Cutter suddenly became ill and died leaving his widow to care for the farm herself. But when the Baron came to repossess the land that a mere elderly woman couldn't hope to maintain, she sent him off confident she could. Soon a teenage couple were necking on the farm and were frightened to death when a skeleton riding a plough complete with oxen shoo'd them away. The farm has since produced the best turnips in Minoc and the lady Cutter always has a twinkle in her eye.

After Jakob's story, dawn was long past and we packed up our supplies and headed back to the barracks. All in all it was a great intimate trip and we all know each other a little bit more.

Zoie Hayden, Officer Cadet
64  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Today] Hunting in the Yomotsu Mines - Thurs. July 12th, 9pm GMT on: July 10, 2007, 06:14:15 pm
When: Thursday July12th, 9pm GMT
Where: Meet at the barracks - Yomotsu Mines
Who: Any guardsman is welcome to come

To go along with all the mine themed happenings this week, I will be leading as many guardsmen as possible into the Yomotsu Mines on the island of Homare-jima. Rumour has it there are some nasty, but wealthy, red-skinned people there who guard some kind of rare beast. I'd like to liberate their gold and their beast.

Zoie Hayden, Officer Cadet
65  Command Boards / Covian Navy / Re: Navy Shields on: July 09, 2007, 07:34:25 pm
Both Valorite and un-hued look good. I can't pick a favourite but both are decidedly better than the shadow iron one.
66  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Re: What do you want to see in the Dragoons? on: July 09, 2007, 01:38:02 pm
I'm all for it as long as you never say "pwwwwwn" again :p
67  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *A battered lapwing drops a blood stained letter outside the tavern...* on: July 09, 2007, 01:34:02 pm
*Walks past the letter, picks it up, then scowls at dirtiness of it.*

Who is Anari? I've never heard of her...

*Shrugs* A regular though so I'd best bring it in

*Brings the letter into the barracks and pins it up on the board.*
68  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: THE BIG SUMMER HOLIDAY AWAY THREAD on: July 09, 2007, 12:12:04 pm
Can't afford a holiday *sniffles* Have to house watch when my parents, sister and her kids go to Florida, without me..  Cry

Believe me when I say you're not missing anything Mercy. Florida in July/August is about as close to hell as you'll find while still being alive.
69  Command Boards / Covian Navy / Re: Navy Shields on: July 09, 2007, 11:21:23 am
I like the tear kite shield. You can RP it made of leather too, therefore it floats like wood.
70  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Graffiti Found Over Grenadier Recruitment Posters on: July 08, 2007, 09:51:36 am
*Snickers as she passes a Grenadier poster*
71  In Character Boards / Old Events / [Complete] Dragoon camping trip - July 7th, 10pm GMT on: July 07, 2007, 05:51:32 pm
When: Sunday, 7th of July, 10pm GMT
Where: Meet at barracks
Who: Dragoons and Dragoon Recruits only

This will be a camping trip open to all Dragoons and aspiring Dragoons. We will travel to a spot in the dense woods near Cove for fishing, roasted meats and vegetables, and ghost stories by firelight.
72  Command Boards / Dragoon Board / Re: Dragoon Quest: Zoie Hayden on: July 06, 2007, 05:44:54 pm
Task Two: Combat

Guardsmen in attendance:

- Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
- Raiden Morana, Grenadier Sergeant
- Demarian Tel'var, Senior Grenadier
- Eve, Grenadier Officer Cadet
- TYrael Styx, Junior Grenadier
- Mercy, Watchman
- Patience, Guardsman Recruit
- Kal Shadowhand, Church Servant

Having hired the Scouts a few days before, they reported back to me that I would find a Succubus deep within the dungeon of Blood. Although terrified a bit apprehensive about what a dungeon called "Blood" would contain, I gathered as many fit guardsman as I could. We all had wounds from the battle just previous, but most of the guardsmen were still fit for duty.

As I lined them up and explained the destination and that there was a hard battle ahead, Senior Demarian, in his own special way, assured us that it would be a cake walk. So, with Watchman Mercy's assitance, we quickly arrived in front of the gates of Blood, ready for a fight.

We easily cleared out the undead guards outside and descended a dark staircase to arrive in a large, musty room made of black stone with a strange statue in the middle.
Once our eyes had become accustomed to the darkness, I ordered the guardsmen forward to begin our hunt. No sooner had we set off than we spotted a very large, but faint, glow of gold. Before we had a chance to debate what it might be, it moved on us. Before long, we all realized we were being assaulted by a Slayer! Not only that, but this was a Slayer with golden skin; many times more powerful!

It doesn't need to be said that my current leadership skills were no match for this kind of monster, and many of us were knocked before we even knew what hit us. Luckily the more experienced guardsman managed to escape the dungeon and were able to revive us. It was then Senior Demarian offered his extensive experience and I happily accepted. First, he took off his armour and told us to meet him back inside in a few minutes, as he had an idea.

After a few minutes, we cautiously went back inside the dungeon, not knowing how much of Dem would be left. We were pleasantly surprised to find him unhurt and were informed that he has led the Slayer away so we could regroup and try a tactic called "The Arkay Manouever". Demarian told everyone where to stand and what to do. Then he ordered Junior Tyrael to lure the Slayer back to our formation.

When the golden beast finally arrived, Ty quickly pushed past us into the back and he, Patience, Kal, and Mercy threw everything they had at it while the rest of us kept the Slayer away from them. It took a very long time, but eventually we brought the horror down and I carved out it's tooth as a trophy.

After we slayed the Slayer, we took a moment to breathe and discuss what to do next. A few people we so tired out after the battle, that they had to leave; and although Sergeant Hoagie said the Slayer would give me enough credit to pass the task, I wasn't satisfied that I'd properly shown my abilities as a leader. So the remaining guardsmen and I decided we'd carry on and find that succubus.

We travelled through a couple corridors killing the odd daemon and hellcat until we came to a large cavern. It was there we finally saw the succubus, standing facing us as if she expected us all along. We formed up and charged the harlot and brought her down easily. No one was affected by her tempting spells. But as I set about cutting off her hand, we were immediately attacked by her sisters and eventually what seemed to be her mother; a golden skinned succubus.

With much difficulty, we retreated from the dungeon and made it out without any significant casualties.

We all met up back at the barracks and our take was 6,500 gold coins in total (the Sergeant assured me this was enough to pass the task considering our handling of the Slayer). I gave 1,500 coins to each of the remaining guardsmen who stuck it out to the end as a reward.

Trophies Taken:

Tooth of a Golden Slayer
Hand of a Succubus

Zoie Hayden, Officer Cadet
73  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: July 06, 2007, 12:47:26 pm
Aw I want completely random messages of insanity from Octi too! *Pouts*
74  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Shire Safety Patrol Rota [Guardsman Duty!!!] on: July 06, 2007, 12:40:56 pm
And I will glady take Friday's patrol Sir! I have a mind to cause some trouble along their border.....

Cadet Zoie Hayden
75  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: [TODAY]Hunt for a Succubus - Thursday, July 5th, 9pm GMT on: July 05, 2007, 05:50:28 pm

[OOC: If you notice, I guess Jakob has had to move his event because of the inpromtu attack at 8pm. It conflicts with mine now so hopefully there will be enough guardsmen to run both simultaneously. Let's try to get enough people to do both at the same time, but failing that, I'll bow out for Jakob's event.]
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