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616  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Rate the song above you thread.. on: September 21, 2010, 06:00:50 pm
I like the song... 4/5

Now, one of the greatest musicians ever!

617  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Rate the song above you thread.. on: September 19, 2010, 11:31:39 pm
Above; Just because it is Bowie, a 10/10!

618  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Arresting Brenna Night the second on: September 16, 2010, 10:07:50 pm
Dear Council of Cove,

Once more, I's managed to seek the criminal Brenna Night out and put her into the cells. She already showed up early in this evening, some sort of trying to threaten us, even trying to take Bersi as a hostage. Some civilian however, managed to put our attention on him, so she could escape.

But that wasn't as bad as we thought early. The civilian was obviously some sort a related kid of Brenna, her adopted son as he claimed. This was the perfect opportunity for, as this time, I could use him as a bait for the real threat. Burning his skin slowly, making him scream and cry for his mommy, she could not else than to show up once.

Disarming her and throwing her into the cells, I released the civilian, simply could not standing his plearing all the time. He ain't a danger nor some sort of threat, taking the space for other potential criminals.

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
619  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Arresting Cor'Vani on: September 13, 2010, 08:38:43 pm
Council of Cove,

Cor'Vani Thaeldan has been arrested this evening nearly the barracks. I moved along the building, as my eyes gazed upon his face. He stood there, not knowing he had been wanted. However, I explained him why he had been and shaked his head in disbeliev of the reasons why.

He did let me arrest him without any kind of fighting nor making any other trouble. In the cells, I confiscated his herb bag.

If I bring my own opinion... I think he ain't guilty. Because really, shall we give the word of a Vesperian whore any believe?

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
620  OOC Boards / Scribe's Trove / Order and Chaos on: September 12, 2010, 12:55:45 pm
Ilyana walked through Cove, after she left the Goblin. Her mind was twisted, and full of sorrow... It all started when Bersi had to talk with her about certain things about the Shadowhands. Her blind loyality to him has brought chaos not only upon her, also about Cove.

With arresting Brenna, she had drawn the hate of many other people on herself, including her apprentice, perhaps even the parents of her godchild. Ilyana never really trusted Brenna, that is right, but... Did she really deserve this torture? Ilyana shrugged the thought away, as she recalled, that potential criminals have to be arrested until they are speaken not guilty.

But, what brought her even more sorrow was, that Kal surely would not stay silent after what Ilyana did. One of her closest friends could now to try to assaniate her. But for sake of Bersi, she gladly would give her life, even if it would mean to betray her closest friends.

With sad expression in her face, she thought about the nearby future. The situation between Vesper and Cove had not been going any better, since bailiff Kiran had been attacked by Rhet and Trent. If things getting worse, Ilyana had to choose between her fiance on Vespers side, and her "older brother" on Coves side.

The day may come, she feared, and yet, she would not know to choose any side. In fact, on her recruiting, she told Raiden, that she would serve as a soldier, not as woman. Therefor, she should choose to fight for Cove. However, a marriage between Lucas and herself maybe could bring some sort of peace back, perhaps even to restore a bit of order in the chaos she helped to spread over Cove... I wonder how Raiden does these days... she thought absently, as another bird circled over her head and landed on her arm... Another letter...
621  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *a personal letter sent to Cor'Vani* on: September 10, 2010, 09:02:16 pm
Dear Cor'Vani,

I'm not happy about the latest events that happened, even though I may act like it. Ever since I joined the army of Cove, you and Kal, whom I met first as Fred, where always treatening me well. Keep in mind. I didn't arrest your fiance because of personal matters, I did it because I was ordered to and all evidences point that she really did take part in criminal acts.

It is true, I never trusted her really. A former Vesperian soldier getting into Covian ranks so soon after she left Vesper? I don't know if you are a part of this... conspiracy... However, orders are orders and I only do as I must, to protect the people of Cove. And also keep in mind, you're a part of the army. While on duty, you'll have to let your personal feelings for Brenna behind and treat officers or any higher ranked with respect. I could understand if you do not wish that I'm any longer your mentor, though I really hope you leave the personal matters behind.

Trust me, I really wished things would not had turn out like this.

622  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Arresting Brenna Night on: September 10, 2010, 07:48:08 pm
When I showed up at the barracks, Bersi told me had a mission for me. He was talking about a certain recruit playing behind the scenes for criminals on Covian citiziens and was also responsible on the attack of one our of our people from McCloud. And as I already expected, Bersi said it was no one else than Brenna Night.

Mission was to find Brenna, arrest her and let her there for interregation. I asked Celuvian Haap to help me in this matter and he accepted, as he saw what kind of danger Brenna really was. We marched among the nearer lands, seeking for her, but were unwilling to find her. Already when wanted to quit the search for the evening and talked a bit with Keitaro, Brenna jumped out of nowhere and stabbed Celuvian in his thigh. I was able to handle quick though and paralyzed her for good and was bonded her hands with a rope.

I led her to the cells, where this betrayal scum of the Baron shall wait for her deserved punishment.

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
623  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Who missed me!?!? on: September 08, 2010, 10:20:49 pm
About time you're back! Finally another low rankie to shoot fire at!
624  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Late Night "Training", Haap-style on: September 08, 2010, 10:19:13 pm
*a few words have been scribbled on the bottom of the report*
Showing interest in joining the arcanists squad alone should make you Watchman, however... I doubt you're already on this rank officialy, as you wrote in.
625  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The Picture Thread - "More Pics, Less Babble, Replies With Pics Only"™ on: September 06, 2010, 11:59:13 pm
If the nipple rings was on a lass, I'd be more interested. Cause there not, I really dont care.

*eyes the ladies waiting for a pic like that to pop up one day*
Ahem... Maybe in another time... Another space... *shifty eyes*

Raven, your dog is soooo beatiful... And Grass Valentine. You are some hardcore arcanist ^^
626  Element boards / Citizen Board / Gahtering woods for winter on: September 05, 2010, 10:14:12 pm
Those in attendance:
Sergio Jarrett, Junior Scout
Naesala, Civilian
Amielia Pond, Random Pain in the Arse

The goal was to gather up wood for winter so we got chopping.
At the end, we'd gathered 3363 normal wood and about 200 oak and ash each.

During the task we got two visitors one of which wanted to join cove.

I told them they'd have to talk to the commander.

We put the wood in the coffers until it's proper place could be accessed.

Sergio Jarrett Junior Scout
I'd like to collect my shillings for this. Gathering wood for winter is important.

627  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Sentry & Training at Vesper Crossroads on: September 04, 2010, 11:11:10 pm
*a few notes had been added at the bottom*

Decent report, Jassi! You really made your job good in making me look awesome! You shall be awarded with five Ilyana-points!
628  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Orc Invasion! on: September 04, 2010, 09:45:56 pm

This evening, I and some random guardsmen were outside the barracks, when suddenly the alarm bells of Cove sounded! We immediately ran into the town and found it attacked by orcs!

In a hard fight, we managed to clear them out. Sergio, Maccen and I looked around the city for evidences from where they came from. First option is, that they climbed over the mountains, that would at least explain the loosen rocks everywhere. Second is, that they came with boats, but took them back before we spotted them.

Hoagie Grayner, Captain
Celuvian Haap, Regular Arcanist
Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
Sergio Jarrett, Junior Scout
Brenna Night, Guardsman Recruit
Graum Trolle, Guardsman Recruit
Maccen Korten, Commoner

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
629  In Character Boards / Old Events / Sunday, 5. Sept. 6pm - Gathering woods for the winter! on: September 04, 2010, 04:17:03 pm
As the air is getting colder and the days shorter, it can only mean one thing: Winter knocks at our doors!

Therefor, I call all up all available guardsmen and lumberjack's of Cove to help me with gathering lots of wood from the proud forests that surround us.

Meet me outside of the Forge and Loom and bring your sattled horses and sharp axes.

*signed with a sparkling ink*

Crafter of goods in which you can trust
630  OOC Boards / Scribe's Trove / The future may show on: September 03, 2010, 06:38:02 pm
Ilyana sat outside of the barracks, when an owl flew over her head away. Strained she watched the night-loving creature, when suddenly something fell from the sky not far from her.

Remembering, it could concern something edible, she ran immediately to the object and picked it up in a hurry. But which found it, nothing edible was definite, or at least the edible was already eaten.

"I'm coming home - Kien"

Ilyana remained for short time air away and became bleaches. Couldn't it be THIS Kien? The man, who she could call her first love? The time could not be worse. Since Victor had disappeared, much happened. Her marriage with Starkad, her misscariage and now the fiance of Lucas Drachen,, the concerns of her closest friend Bersi about the Shadowhands, the threatening conflict with Vesper. Certainly, he should be actually alive and come home, would have her him much to tell. However, the thought to see him again gave her both the feeling of joy and of fear and mourning.

She put the "letter" away and kept it reliably. She wiped herself a tear of the cheeks, when she went back to the barracks again and tried to be able to be marked nothing.
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