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631  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Getting older? S'a hammerin'. on: September 03, 2010, 06:19:00 pm
Happy Birthday you old and lazy and fat git! Arrr Yaaarrr In Vas Arrr!
632  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Joint Training with Trinsic on: September 02, 2010, 07:07:50 pm
Attended Guardsmen:
- Hoagie, Captain (leading)
- Torrak Keres, Commander
- Bersi, Arcanist Corporal
- Celuvian Haap, Regular Arcanist
- Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
- Sergio Jarrett, Junior Scout
- Cor'Vani, Junior Guardsman

Yelena Lockheart, Alusair, Angeline, Brynhild from Trinsic

Sadly, but Trinsic has been the only true peaceful nation to Cove since ages. To celebrate this, we held a joint training in Cove fields. First, we started with a team training, while all the Trinsic lassies were with me and the men teamed up. Standing four to five, we got beaten up badly. Not because we were not strong enough to take them, more because except for me and Yelena, no one was healing. To make things even worse, after I was the only one left of the ladies, Sergio shouted clearly to cease, but our men were in such a rage, that they "missheard" it and striked me with all they had...
We started again, and this time, I was actually giving commands, as my lovely fellows weren't able to. They concentrated to damage Bersi and point the enemy healing on him, so I took out the Commander in seconds and one after another, we won.

After Angeline left, we got Sergio in place for her and it was four to four. Still, was a pretty easy fight for us, standing Sergio, Yelena and I against Bersi in the end. Once again, a cease shout had been "missheard", as Sergio and Bersi happily continued to beat each other up, not even paralyzing those two could stop them...

Captain Grayner noticed the lack of crosshealin' his fellows of some soldiers, so we made teams of two people, and were only allowed to heal our teammate, not ourselves though. However, crosshealin' ain't tha' easy when some people shoot like every three seconds mortaly at you. After I complained about, that this would not be a crosshealin' training at all, the Captain got what I ment and those devilish strikes were banned. This time, Sergio and I managed to stay up a long time, but Alusair from Trinsic stealed my mana, so I was hardly not able to heal my teammate.

Definitly, most fun thing was the end, a classical free for all. My tactics were surrounding succeses. Meaning, I watched the going of the battle and striked those down that were already weaken, while healing myself from the attacks of Captain Grayner and Celuvian, while the last thought it'd be funny to dispel my armor spells randomly. Good thing I was paying enough attention so I could simply recast those spells, before I got attacked. In the end, only Bersi and I stood, but we finished it with a tie, as we both were equally strong.

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist

633  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: A rant on: August 21, 2010, 07:34:10 pm
I may be guilty a bit too for the lack of discipline. Beside Ilyana, which is respectful to commanders but open-minded to close friends and throwing fireball at undisciplined soldiers, I only have two characters in BoC, and those are not getting seen much, tho each of them have their own personality and what so not.

Errr, where was I? Ah yeah! Playing only for keeping up the RP is a bit lame IMO (Or did anyone of you actually seen ever a firethrowing man in medival books?). UO is a game after all, so there should be lots of fun in it, which I think we have right now. Don't get me wrong, there can be too much of fun, like getting way to OOC while IC, like Brenna sometimes with Keres (don't get me wrong dear, I love you ^^). Usually recruits didn't have their heads for much longer when they'd do such things to a Commander.

The civilian thingy. Yes, I think too, it should be revamped. Also with Penny gone, the civilian system died actually, and many civilians do whatever they want (My crafter is there no exception, wearing leather armor without earned shillings for it). I think beside the re-arranging the system, there should also be like two Civi-"commanders", overviewing the whole thing.

About the GC... Well, if the people are like miles away from each other but have to discuss something and can't party, why not talking over GC? The GC is there for something.

Gosh... Now I was reading my lines for like ten minutes over and over and totally lost what I actually tried to say... I hope you get it, as I don't. *coughs*
634  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Away on: August 17, 2010, 07:05:37 pm
Of course I remember you,, Victor! I hope to see you soon back IG Smiley

Sort up your life, get well and hopefully until soon.
635  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Altmere Sentry on: August 14, 2010, 03:22:49 pm
Excellent work, Railen! Always keep in mind; PANDAS hate recruits, but hates Watchmen even more. Good for us it travelled by and not towards us. Also, mere's are as evil as PANDAS, for not havin' sausages as tails.

As promised, the scetches..

636  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Miss me?! on: August 14, 2010, 01:34:23 am
There's no such thing as Kangaroo. That's aborigini for "I don't understand you" (true story)
637  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Training in Serpent's Hold on: August 14, 2010, 01:30:02 am
Guardsmen Attended:
- Torrak Keres, Commander (leading)
- Bersi, Arcanist Corporal
- Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout (left after round three)
- Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
- Sergio Jarrett, Junior Guardsman
- Isabella, Guardsman Recruit (left after round two)
- Synara Kahn, Guardsman Recruit (joined in round four)
- Brenna Night, Guardsman Recruit (joined in round two)

Keres once more forced us attend one of his devilish trainings. This time, it turned out to be in Serpent's Hold. One team was always to defend the north tower, while the other assaulted. In round one, Kal, Sergio and I did quite a well job of defending, as we won most attacks.

After Brenna joined in and Isabella left, Kal, Brenna and I attacked, but lost horrible... We had our plans, but unfortunaly, our opponents had them too... Kal left afterwards as well, and we got some "Obviously-not-dead"-recruit in our team. May it be because of her long abscence or her lack of fighting knowledge, but Synara was sort of unable to follow my commands. Oh, it'd turned to be an easy win if she had just done as her told...

Altough, we set our teams new again, and this time I was with Keres and Brenna. First attack, we won pretty fast and without any los. Second tho... It was probably the most interesting attack of all of them. It took ages, before anyone fell. Unfortunaly, it was Brenna who did first, leaving me as a cleric. Keres and I managed to stay up a long time, but when Bersi stealed my mana, he left me there without the chance of healing Keres, nor to defend myself...

So, things we learned were; Keres likes hammers, Bersi loves to steal mana, recruits start to panic quick, and... yeah, that's pretty much it.

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist

638  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: August 06, 2010, 08:30:29 pm
Torrak ‎(19:48):

Ilyana ‎(19:48):

Torrak ‎(19:49):
Ilyana ‎(19:49):

Arr... Arrr!
Torrak ‎(19:50):

Translation of the above;
"Hey, 'sup?"
"Not much, you?"
"Not much."

Ilyana ‎(19:51):
Heh, i thought:
"What's it boss?"
"Hereby I promote you to mega arcanist!"

Torrak ‎(19:51):
No, that'd be;

Torrak ‎(19:52):
"Arrr, yarrrarr, arar, rarrarrr."
"In Vas Arr"

Ilyana ‎(19:52):
Aw, I knew I read something wrong Tongue

Yeah, Keres and I have our own sort of speaking to each other
639  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Going away for about 5 days on: August 05, 2010, 07:09:05 pm
Welcome back! Say... how long has it been since Sergio has recieved the last all-of-a-sudden fireball from Ilyana? S'about time he gets them again
640  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines on: August 05, 2010, 07:06:25 pm
Indeed! Kennit Tel'var also attended the hunt and donated his share of 8,000.
641  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines on: August 02, 2010, 10:05:10 pm
Decent report! It seems ye two work well together! Just a few hints for all for the future.

  • When I say "form", do so. Do not run to a random guardsman standing somewhere outside. EVERYONE stands next to the guardsman that shouted it. Or else we'll do it next time like Keres and everyone standing more than two tiles away will be shot down.
  • Arcanists, don't run away from a healing hand. You may be beaten up a bit, but the form command is there for a reason.
  • People always complain about powers of magic types. So those Yamotsu priests should have been first priority always, but unfortunaly I always had to say, to take care of them first.
  • All in all, keep always an eye on orders, especially with the constand re-attacking of them. When I say "Move further!", do so, and not wait minutes, kill those in rear and then move. It's way easier to kill foes in a safer place.

Do not take these hints as an offence. Beside all that, everyone was doing an excellent job. I'm sure the Baron would be proud of you all.

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
642  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Sonisphere on: July 29, 2010, 06:34:25 pm
Have fun there, mate Smiley I hope weather will be better than it was here in Switzerland (giant knee-deep mudpit) and Beer will not be sold out as early Cheesy
643  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Bersi's Hunt for trophees on: July 28, 2010, 11:00:45 pm
Attended Guardsmen:
- Bersi, Arcanist Corporal (leading)
- Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout
- Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
- Keitaro Kazami, Junior Grenadier
- Brenna Night, Guardsman Recruit

First Bersi controlled our survival supplies, as bandages, light sources and bedrolls. After that, he complained something about he had no thin trophees in his belongings. S'why he forced us to move to Ilshenar to slay a golden lich lord...

After gathering outside the tower held by undeads, we fought our way to the entrance, slaying many skeletons and green zombies, one was even golden. Good lad Keitaro threwed a confusion potion before we entered the tower, and the stupid golden lich lord waiting behind the door immediately went outside. Safed for now, we thought.

We cleared out the lower level of the tower and defeated many other undeads. While on the second floor, there was another golden lich, luckely not a lord one. But... Worst thing came yet. As the golden lich lord somehow managed to get inside again and waited for us behind a door, we prepared for a decisive battle. As we opened the door and started an assault, we got ambushed from behind. Only Kal and I managed to flee from the battle somehow. We regathered on the first floor and went back upstairs, to beat the lich lord for good!

After that, Bersi set the lich's corpse on fire, collected the ash and we went back outside and went back to Cove, where everyone donated their share of 3,000 coins except for Bersi.

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist

644  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Eye to eye on: July 24, 2010, 07:13:28 pm
Attended Guardsmen:
- Ilyana, Junior Arcanist (leading)
- Torrak Keres, Steward
- Faden Wildheart, Senior Scout
- Cor'Vani, Junior Guardsman

In Haven I met two annoying orcs, callin' us Covians cowardly for wearing fancy and shiny armor. After I argued with them, I promised them that I'll be come and hunting them that evening with the first bunch of guardsmen I could gather, quasi in a naked run.

Starting with Keres and Wildheart, we cleared up the entry area of the orc fort and soon got reinforced by my apprentice Cor'Vani. Moving southwards to the pier, it seemed the entire orc army waited there for us. After we got fought back for a while, I decided it'll be best to lure them away from my fellows so they could regroup. Best no one asks how I managed to survive this 'orrible assault.

After the others managed to get back on their feet, we moved southwards again and arrived at the pier and slashed one of those big ones there. When we headed back, another big one was awaiting us at the exit, but was all in all no real match for us. At the barracks, everyone donated their share of 1,500 coins except Keres who took his.

I wanna hear the orc callin' us cowards now!

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist

645  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: July 23, 2010, 10:24:53 pm
Ilyana ‎(20:42):
[MASS] Guardsmen, rally at the barracks in 20 minutes for most awesome hunt ever!

Torrak ‎(21:00):
Rally at the Barracks now for Ilyana's hunt!

Torrak ‎(21:01):
*masses you for your own event*

Ilyana ‎(21:01):

Yeah, Keres loves to mass people
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