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76  Guardsman Boards / Guardsman Duties / Re: Goatbow Mk. III on: June 01, 2018, 09:46:29 am
Grand work, you two!
77  In Character Boards / Old Events / 8PM - June 4th - The Rage of Raaz - Casting & Crew Prep on: May 31, 2018, 09:58:27 am

I'll be holding auditions for the main roles in the play, as well as understudies.

We will also be gathering costumes and props.

This is the chance to let your theatrical flag fly in preparation for the grand performance!
78  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Rage of Raaz: A Theatrical Production on: May 28, 2018, 02:07:59 pm
*Posters have been nailed onto trees across Cove, Minoc, Yew and Vesper.*

The Rage Of Raaz
A Theatrical Production

Hear ye, hear ye! Hoagie Theatrics is preparing a performance of the thrilling Covian tale "The Rage of Raaz."

The date of the rehearsal and performance is yet to be determined, but we are looking for:

Actors! Actresses!


Stage hands!


Please register your interest here, or directly with Commander Hoagie Grayner.

Provisional script available on request.

Let's give them a show!
79  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Commander Hoagie's Notes on: May 28, 2018, 11:44:57 am
Hoagie gazed around as his horse, Oats II, carried him around the outskirts of Cove. He couldn't recall how many Oatses he'd been through. At one point, the numbers had become too high to keep track of, so he restarted at Oats I. He was thankful for the horse, one of the few real privileges of his rank. He was getting old, after all. His old knees couldn't carry him around at a brisk trot all day like they used to.

So much blood spilled in the name of the Baron and Baronship. So much of it his own. So much sacrificed to protect and expand the borders and influence of his home. Was it worth the heavy toll it had taken on him? Would it be worth the heavy toll that it would take on so many others after him? Cove's influence over the North is a map with borders drawn in blood.

His horse carried him to the town gates. He looked up at those familiar torches. He thought of the banners hanging from the barracks. He thought of the thinly veiled fury on Torrak Keres' face as he was given the coveted Commander badge, the badge now resting, polished, on his own chest.

He thought of the map drawn by blood and sacrifice and smiled.

80  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Recruitment Banner Text on: May 23, 2018, 05:17:06 pm
This is just a temporary thread until I get around to writing an actual recruitment guide:

Greetings to you! Looking for a life filled with action, adventure, danger, glory, and riches?

Then read on, for the Baronship of Cove seeks hardy men and women to settle the harsh lands that surround it!

Will you swear to protect the Baron and his people, donning the uniform of a Soldier of the Covian Army?

Perhaps you are better suited to civilian life, crafting and selling your wares or vying for power in the political arena. Or does the simple life of an Avatarian churchman appeal to you?

OOC: The Baronship of Cove is one of the oldest and largest roleplaying guilds on the Europa shard, featuring numerous positions to meet everyone's style of roleplay and experience level. Whether you're a roleplay veteran or a first timer, everyone is invited to join the experience that is BoC! Want to know more?

Visit our tome at http://cove.sugeworld.com or join our Discord on https://discord.gg/DUKQRXf

Let the adventure begin...

You can copy/paste it directly into books, at least in the classic client.
81  In Character Boards / Events Board / [RTR] Event Posting Guidelines on: May 23, 2018, 04:10:33 pm
If you're posting an event (thank you!) please use the Calendar. This allows everyone to easily scan the calendar for the days events. To create an event on the calendar, open it and click the number on your chosen day. It will take you to the calendar entry screen.


Calendar entry: [time] - [short description]

Thread title: [Date in 1st Jan 2018 format] - [Time] - [Event description, including any limitations e.g. Grenadiers Only]

Thread body:
[b]Where:[/b] [Where to meet]
[b]Bring:[/b] [What to bring]

[Short event description]

Taking this extra step will help people see what's going on and come support your event!
82  Guardsman Boards / Light Company Board / Assassination Contract on: May 21, 2018, 12:36:51 pm
*A mysterious man individually approaches the Scouts in the dead of night, hands them a crumpled note, and hurries away without speaking. It is very obviously Hoagie in disguise.*

Target: Sergeant Shadwell's horse.
Reason: Against regulation.

* Eats apples.
* Hooves.
* Mane.
* Big horsey eyes.
* Usually located beneath Sergeant Shadwell.
83  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Town Hall Required on: May 18, 2018, 09:59:58 am

To fulfil our duty as stewards of the North, we require a town hall for council meetings.


* A plot of land.
* Space to accommodate a table with a luxurious chair, a non-luxurious but still comfortable chair, and three regular chairs.
* The Baron's chair should be subtly elevated above the others.
* Luxurious and comfortable chairs should have their backs to the wall. The other chairs should have their backs to large windows.
* Seating for honoured guests.
* Standing room for security details and general onlookers.
* Good acoustics for booing.

Any citizens assisting in the construction of the new Town Hall will be generously rewarded.

Hoagie, Captain
84  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: DAY OF DIPLOMACY! COVE FIGHTS FOR ITS RIGHTS! on: May 18, 2018, 08:32:18 am
A fine recounting, my liege.

Here are the notes from the meeting.

*Attached, hastily scribbled notes.*

We're hosting next one. Town hall.

Vesparians love orcs. Esca gone mad? Orcs bad. Drow bad. Elves bad. BOO Cala'n at next opp.

Want us to present reason for no orcs at next meeting. Obvious.

Trainings for the dunderheads.

Snacks at next meeting. CRISPS?

Crush King Loser Bucktooth. Vesper on board. Trinsic wishy-washy as per.

War on Trinsic. Rickets.

Avatar good. Yew good.
85  Guardsman Boards / Guardsman Duties / Goatbow Mk. III on: May 15, 2018, 01:14:22 pm
Many years ago, I oversaw the creation of the ultimate Covian weapon.


Sadly, the original plans were lost in a fire.

Your assignment is to gather a selection of animals and equip them with mounted crossbows.

Assess them on the following qualities:

* Bloodthirst
* Accuracy
* Menace

Write a report of the experiment! Feel free to include other guardsmen on this voyage of discovery.

Hoagie, Captain
86  Guardsman Boards / Guardsman Duties / Shave. Your. Head. on: May 15, 2018, 01:00:43 pm
There's a single trait that links the most renowned and be-medaled guardsmen in Covian history.

Grit? Courage? Strength?



See the Vesparians, gazing into their mirrors. Funnelling the city coffers into expensive shampoos. Being temporarily blinded by flailing ponytails. It's the road to ruin.

Not convinced?

Prominent Bald Guardsmen

Ahmed al Maktoum
Grief Dryfh Gry
Marcus Kobra
Perrin Stonespear

Shave your head and you may find yourself up for immediate promotion.

Hoagie, Captain
87  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Horses, peasants and baldness on: May 12, 2018, 12:45:13 pm
I needed supplies for a training I'm planning. Sadly, the tinker in Cove has long been dead, so we ventured to New Haven.

There, we encountered the thing all Covians fear. The panda. Locked into the tinkers shop, hearts pounding, we surged out and vanquished it.

A passing peasant gifted us a horse as tribute, which we immediately sold to a passing gargoyle for 50,000 gold.

Huge sum of money acquired, we went and got Kobra's head shaved, spending it all on the job.

Hoagie, Captain

88  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Foreman Hoagie on: May 12, 2018, 09:47:45 am
With my fancy, polished gear, I decided to embark on an early morning trek to Covetous. Once a familiar stomping ground, the walls were strange and threatening anew. The harpies' feathers seemed even more rustled, the gazers' eyes even more bulbous. The mongbats, oh, Avatar, the mongbats. Their tiny claws put a scratch in my platemail!

What I saw deeper within truly took me by surprise. Headless miners. Zombies, slaving away at the rock face, picking out gems only to discard them at their feet.

I gathered several, along with about 1,500 gold for our coffers, and beat my retreat.

Hoagie, Captain
89  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Proposed Screenshot Utility on: May 10, 2018, 10:24:05 pm
It is done.

90  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Crafters of Cove! on: May 10, 2018, 08:57:47 am
The Baronship requires a list of able blacksmiths, carpenters and tailors.

Please sign your name below along with your abilities, e.g.

Bob Bobson
* Master Tailor
* Journeyman Armour Reinforcement (ooc: imbuing)

The Baronship coffers are brimming with gold to give you for your service, but we need to know who you are.

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