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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: ICQ Roll Call on: July 07, 2005, 09:49:40 am
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: a tough slug match with ogre lords! Lestat on: July 06, 2005, 07:00:10 am
Indeed, a difficult mission it was.   Though I am also worried about Malokim.  She seemed a bit on the fringe...I fear she may have taken a blow to the head from one of the blood thirsty ogres.

*signed, Griffith, Watchman of Cove*
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Compassion Contest on: June 27, 2005, 05:55:36 am
A lot of fun indeed....my paltry total of 15 points is unacceptable!!!  Cheaters I say! 
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: New Rule?? on: June 25, 2005, 08:10:50 am
Damn, well....how about light company?  How pertinent are hiding & stealth to be a member?  Will they have a greater role than scouting out enemy held cities / barracks?\

Ive got to figure out as much as possible about LC to see if I'd be of any use there...otherwise normal poison use is as good as nothing....hell, bleed is as effective and no skill pts are needed for that.
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Jackhera Orange.. Unfortunately I must Leave. on: June 25, 2005, 07:48:45 am
Things dont always work out  the way you plan....battles included.  Good luck no matter what you decide.

[OOC - (Edit: Let's not rub it in. I'm sure he has thought over this many a time.)]
6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / New Rule?? on: June 25, 2005, 07:30:51 am
Ive noticed that a new rule regarding poisoning has been posted, restricting the use of poison to Light Company members.  My character currently uses poison as a Watchman, and more importantly, I was originally planning on joining the Grenadiers.  Unless I have a misunderstanding as to the functionality of  LC, I dont see how my character could contriblute to this militia company.  He has no hiding or stealth within his template, so he really wouldnt make a very good scout.  Is there more to LC than I know of?  I am worried that my use in the BoC miliia has just diminished significantly.
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: A wee little notice [RTR] on: June 23, 2005, 09:19:31 am
a bit off topic, but i was wondering if "luck only" jewelry was allowed?
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Succesful Sweep of Shame on: June 11, 2005, 07:36:10 pm
Hunt in Dungeon Shame!

Led By:
Ryan Greystone, Regular Grenadier

Attended By:
Antonius Proximo, Knight of Cove
Gimbly, Regular Grenadier
Vlad, Watchman
Talon, Guardsman Recruit
Ezekiel, Guardman Recruit
Griffith, Guardsman Recruit
Cor' Ari Ta, Guardsman Recruit
Anari, Guardsman Recruit

It was a tiring day for the Guardsmen of Cove.  For though it was yet early, they had been busy that morning patroling the land, keeping its citizens safe by ridding the forests of foul beasts and other hostile creatures.  Seemingly the patrols would never end...Once dismissed by Watchman, Vlad...Junior Guardsman, Valiro, gathered the guardsmen for yet more scouring of surrounding lands.  Eventually, our work was done...and so, exhausted, we returned to the barracks fiending for an ale and a comforatable chair.

Our brief delusions of relaxation were dashed, when Regular Grenadier, Ryan Greystone, called upon us for yet another assignment:  a routine sweep of the Cave, known by some as Shame.  Tired and a bit hungry, we guardsmen and grenadiers accepted the mission...soon our fatigue vanished and was soon replaced by visions of heaping mounds of gold coin and precious gems.  Excitement ensued as we ventured to Shame. 

Entering the ebony dungeon, illuminated only by a few meager torches, we encountered many Earth Elementals and a few hideously over-sized scorpions.  These creatures posed no threat to our Militia though...so we ventured on through a strange magic portal, leading us to few creatures worth mentioning.  Onward and onward we trecked, in search of treasure and glory in the name of Cove.

*pins poster on the barracks wall*

As we continued on, I realized our Militia had exceeded expectations and were astonishingly well disciplined and organized.  Minor injuries were sustained during the earlier portions of our campaign and though our foes became increasingly strong the farther we ventured, the ferocity in which we battled was plentiful...overpowering even the floating elder gazers...noxious poison elementals...and gruesome blood elementals.

*pins poster on the barracks wall*

The day was highlighted with plentiful bounty and excellent entertainment....for Ryan Greystone challenged us to a race out of the cave...the last one being Ryan...being the last to exit the cavern, Ryan then had to perform the mongbat dance for the rest of the participating Militia.  Har! Har! Har!

*pins poster on the barracks wall*

Altogether, nearly 10,000 gold pieces were donated to the treasurey of the Baron.
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: June 11, 2005, 06:54:27 pm
Patrol - 11/06 2:00pm GMT

Grounds Covered:
Forest from Swaggers Inn, to the Graveyard, to the Northern Mtns., to the Nothern Coast, and back to the barracks.

Led By:
Vlad, Watchman - (first half)
Valiro, Junior Guardsman - (second half)

Those Attended:
Algy, Guardsman Recruit
Talon, Guardsman Recruit
Griffith, Guardsman Recruit
Anari, Guardsman Recruit

There was a bit of fighting on this patrol...as we skirmished with various abominations walking our sacred land.  The evil creatures we did encounter, were dispatched with ease.

*pins drawing upon the barracks wall*
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: - Traitors - on: June 08, 2005, 09:17:20 am
Though I believe the Church deserves our devotion and fealty...I voluntarily stand as witness on behalf of Delkaldur.  I may hold a low rank, however; I have served the barony for a long while and can vouch for Delkaldur's loyalty to the Baron and his consistent servitude therein.

*signed Griffith, Guardsman Recruit*
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: For the ignoble squire Gottfried... on: June 08, 2005, 09:09:14 am
I must agree with the Commander on this one.  Though who have my respect Delkaldur, the Church of Cove, and all members therein, have a certain place among us, demanding our admiration and fealty. 

For God and Country!
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Siege Training on: June 08, 2005, 09:05:10 am
It was yet early morning in Cove, the rising sun illuminated the humble, quiet town of Cove.  Yet is was never too early for some training.  The Guardsmen of Cove, those that were awake, gathered at the Covian gates for some battle excercises.

Led By:
Valiro - Junior Guardsman

Those Present:
Antonius Proximo - Knight of Cove
Griffith - Guardsman Recruit
Indrid Cold - Guardsman Recruit
Invictus Flavius - Guardsman Recruit
Morgoth - Guardsman Recruit
Talon - Guardsman Recruit

The setting were the walls of the city itself.  The objective was for the attacking party to invade the city and subdue its defenders.  Those participating ultimatley had the opportunity to switch sides and practice both roles.  There were a series of perhaps 4 or 5 simulated battles, in which in every case the defenders were victorious no matter how the teams were arranged.  Valiro, Junior Guardsmen, demonstrated various battle tactics, exemplifying numerous strategies of fortifying doorways, walls, and towers. 

*pins drawing on the barracks wall*

*pins another drawing beside the first*

The training was invaluable.  My thanks to Valiro, the organizer of this excersise.  Futhermore, congratulations to both Guardsman Recruit Morgoth and Guardsman Recruit Talon for demonstrating their excellent team fighting skills and battle tactics.  Though all who participated did well, these two soldiers stood out amidst the ranks.

*signed Griffith, Guardsmen Recruit*
13  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: [RTR] All.. on: February 12, 2005, 09:17:36 pm
Chivalry 65 (will be locked at 80)
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