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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log
on: July 20, 2007, 03:56:35 pm
Patrol to the GraveyardLed by:Recruit Sean Greyson Attended byRecruit Ihiniar Tel'var Recruit Esquaton Quale Recruit Arcturus As we were still at a loose end after the previous patrol and Mr Valentine had taken to writing the report as soon as done, I decided to lead another patrol, this time to the Graveyard. The other recruits were keen to join another patrol, even putting off having an ale for the thought of vanquishing some zombies at the graveyard. Trying to keep the other recruits together proved a little difficult at first as they just seemed to want to split up and attack everything standing. I even had to tell Esquaton a few times to stand still so we could heal him. Other than that we made short work of everything in the graveyard, even two liches that threatened to thwart our efforts. On our return I dismissed them after a short lesson. Gold gathered - 6150
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log
on: July 17, 2007, 04:42:48 pm
Patrol of Altmere - 16.30pm GMT Tuesday 17th JulyLed by Sean Greyson Attending Ihiniar Tel'var Marcus Tel'var I decided it would be a good idea to do a patrol to Altmere as it had not been patrolled for a few days. On the way there we came by the usual Troll in the woods and an Ettin attacking a Great Hart, presumably for it's meal. Making sure the outpost was secure I felt we should patrol the area to the east towards the mountainside. Upon entering one of the mining tunnels we came across a party of brigands that were using the cave as a hideout and possibly location to coordinate attacks on Cove. We believe it is important to keep these caves patrolled in case of further brigand camps occupying them. **
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ~*~Apprentice Task~*~Sean
on: July 07, 2007, 07:05:54 pm
Firstly I wish to apologise for the lateness of my doing this task. I was unable to find time to speak to Miss Illeana so decided to continue on my own. Honour is something many people respect in another and indeed having honour will often gain a person's respect. There are many aspects that honour covers so I shall put together a few of the most thought of examples. Being honourable can also refer to upholding an oath when you have sworn a promise to serve someone you continue to serve them against all the odds including the possibility of losing your own life. Being truthful is also an act of honour, never telling a lie and keeping a promise. Honour can also involve courage, this can be seen in battle where you fight an opponent evenly, some would say using poison, spells and disarming an opponent to get an unfair advantage would be fighting dishonourably. Not backing down from an enemy especially if you are protecting someone you have sworn to protect would again be honourable. From this it is easy to see two of the three principles are covered by Honour, these are Truth and Courage. But in my eyes Love can also be considered a part of Honour for if you truely love someone you would treat them with respect and be honourable towards them in speaking truthful to them, keeping any oaths made and having the courage to stand by their side through all trials and tribulations. I hope this has givn enough evidence of my knowledge of this virtue. *neatly signed* Sean Greyson.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: How did you find BoC?
on: July 04, 2007, 12:02:46 pm
I first began RPing years back and joined my first semi rp guild TNC in Britain which then moved to Yew in the building which later became Shirefolk of Yew. After that I joined KT for a while and then drifted in and out of different guilds. I first came across BoC when Tib split from T*M and thought it was just a blatent copy of Grd.
After a few years of trying to find my niche I decided I'd try BoC as I wanted to play a mage, but I also wanted an active guild with lots of members, I got bored of joining guilds where they were going inactive a few months after I joined and finding myself looking for something else to do instead. I'm very glad I did decide to join and enjoy it every time I log in.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sentry of the Shire
on: June 26, 2007, 01:55:39 pm
We lined up ready to set up a sentry at the Shire, I believe most of us thought we were in for a fairly easy evening and it would be quite relaxing. Unforuntately on our way there the Scouts were already reporting sightings of orcs near the area. On arriving at the Shire we began chopping wood, gathering hides and setting up crates around the openings. Not long after the last crate was set in place a war party of orcs approached us from the West side. They stood there watching us as we threw insults at them, then they walked away making us think we were not going to be attacked. A few minutes later it started, firebombs were thrown at our crates setting them on fire, as we formed up we watched as the orcs began destroying the sentry on all sides of us. I only managed to shoot off a couple of bolts before finding myself unconcious, when I came round I found my comrades bravely fighting the orcs. Unfortuantly the odds were not on our side and we found ourselves rounded up by and being appraised of our worth to them. They even threatened to sacrifice myself to their sky god though it turned out to be more of a scare tactic than a real attempt. When we were finally able to leave the area I aided Eve to get to a healer so her wounds could be attended to. Led byGrenadier Sergeant Raiden Morana Attended byOfficer Cadet Eve Dragoon Sergeant Hoagie Junior Dragoon Flina Trix Regular Scout Dalamar Recruit Sean Greyson (sorry if I missed anyone out)
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Just an idea for Army Admin.
on: June 26, 2007, 01:05:32 pm
As the admin job is obviously a very big role, I'm wondering why it can't be done similar to the Citizen's admin. Just slightly different. If each person was partly responsible for their own admin by posting a link to the report that contains evidence they've met a requirement on their thread. These can always be double checked to make sure it is correct and will at least ease some pressure off one person trying to do it all.
Just an idea..
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: 30th June, 8pm - Harrower
on: June 26, 2007, 01:01:06 pm
From reading last month's hunt it seems the fighting starts from outside the area and there was plenty of other people who were happy to fight them, including rival guilds of their's. As Shadwell says, leave your dyed armour in the bank, we could even perhaps kit out the lower ranks in better armour, which I'd be happy to contribute towards.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: 30th June, 8pm - Harrower
on: June 25, 2007, 09:55:08 pm
Thats what makes it all the more fun. I've not managed to get onto one of these hunts myself yet. If there's enough interest I'll contact the one running it and get all the details for us.
(taken from Stratics)
On the 30th of June (8pm UK time) [W] Wraith will be donating the skulls for another open harrower!
We owe this one to Kamelbarn (again!).
The last 3 open Harrowers have been fantastic! We had quite a few folk who had never been to felucca before let alone a harrower. For that reason alone we can safely say they are a resounding success :-) Its a success many people would like to see again and again!
Everybody's welcome to come along! Got an RP guild that just wears GM armour? Fine! Come along cause you've got nothing to lose that cant be easily replaced! Come fight the great evil that threatens to swallow Sosaria and deliver some justice to some murderers along the way! Never attacked another player in your life? Come have a go now and see how you do!
Sparred with mates in your guild and ever thought to yourself "how good am I at field PvP?". Come along and see! Perhaps your just a PvM guild that bash monsters.... Well the harry is one hell of a monster! Come and bash him!
Although we will all be fighting over the powerscrolls that fall at the end, in all honesty, we just want to have a another big night of Felucca fun with lots of bashing each other going on!
I hope we can see some new faces there this month! As well as the normal army of blues we see in felucca :-) Lets hope the reds of Fate, NDK, I-C, UCH, SaX and the variety of lone murderers turn up to add a bit of spice to it as well aye? :-)
OOC Boards / OOC Board / 30th June, 8pm - Harrower
on: June 25, 2007, 08:33:58 pm
I think it'd be a great idea for the guild to join this month's Harrower hunt. It is run by a lot of people and will involve some reds but I think it'd give us a great opportunity to advertise BoC and be alot of fun too.
What do you lot think?
OOC Boards / OOC Board / In need of a Quiver.
on: June 25, 2007, 02:07:56 pm
If anyone could possibly please let me have one of those fancy black dyed quivers I would be very much grateful. I could even spare some gold towards it if need be.