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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol Report on: April 26, 2005, 05:58:02 pm
*A report written in scruffy, messy writing*

T'was about 5pm when a band o' Covian Guardsmen (including meself) went on a patrol.

* Commander Gregor Eason
* Recruit Bengard
* Recruit Kas Valentine
* Recruit Kal ShadowHand
* Recruit Karen

First stop, Cove! We set off from the barracks an' soon approached the gates o' Cove. There were four o' us Recruits, so Commander Eason ordered us te split up inte two groups o' two, and check everythin' was in order.

So we did as we were told an' with nay any problems, we reported back te the Commander.

However, Recruit Valentine and Recruit Karen did find an enchanted ring and an animal corpse...

Cove was safe, an' so we moved on.

Next stop was the cemetery. We made our way from Cove up te the gates o' the cemetery, where we were immediately spotted by those that lurk there..

We kicked some arse, an' the cemetary was clear in nay time!

A successful patrol, which gave me a chance te show them young laddies how te fight like a REAL man!!

*Signed in a barely readable scribble*

Recruit Bengard
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Guard Post Report on: April 24, 2005, 02:55:14 pm
*A report written in scruffy, messy writing*

I approached the gates o' Cove an' saw some Guardsmen just beginnin' te construct a Guard Post so of course, I stepped in an' gave 'em an 'and.

* Watchman Valiro Gryphonclaw
* Recruit Bengard
* Recruit Vlad
* Recruit Shane

I went te gather some 'ides fer the construction an' Vlad came wi' the crates. A fine construction and it did its job grand!

*Signed in a barely readable scribble*

Recruit Bengard
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Gandon Leaving on: March 29, 2005, 02:59:18 pm
Hi all  Grin just to say I'll be resigning from the guild with Gandon because I hate his template and feel he as a character, is pointless. I'll probably be deleting the character sometime soon. You won't be hearing from Gandon in-game because of a little event that occured  Wink
Although I'm leaving with Gandon, I'm gonna make another character who isn't so 'pointless'  and will be applying to join with him sometime because the guild really is brilliant  Smiley
Good luck! And don't worry, it won't be too long before I come back and save y'all from those baddies  Cheesy
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Duke o' Trinsic Missing! on: March 21, 2005, 10:32:22 pm
After tha' battle with the bloody Kaldorians, I went ter Trinsic ter see what was going on, ye know... just getting an update...
*clears throat*
Ther' was a great gathering o' folk by the jails, and I happened ter hear a Duchy Sergeant informing the guards o' how tha' miserable old Duke has gone missing. He's been abducted, so tha' Sergeant said, although 'e doesn't know who 'twas that captured 'im...
I don't know 'ow useful this information will be...but I think 'tis the right thing ter do...

That'll be all fer now Sah'!

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