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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A Hearty Romp through Tokuno on: June 11, 2018, 01:22:28 am
A Hearty Romp through Tokuno

Led by:
Kelly Sanderson, Corporal

Those attended:

Elizabth Martin, Officer Cadet
Leanne Melior, Officer Cadet
Tiberius, Senior Guardsman
Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman
Keitaro Kazami, Regular Guardsman
Gimbly, Regular Guardsman
Jassi Cowan, Regular Guardsman
Nicolae Sorin, Watchman
Talon, Watchman
Duncan, Watchman
Tereleith, Watchman
Serj Eason, Guardsman Recruit

Note: My memory is a bit faded by all the blows taken that I may o'forgotten one or two. Please let me know and I will reflect that in the report.

Second Note: On the forced march out o'the dungeon, I did stumble and fall, losing all me sketches. For those that were there, ye know how dangerous them fan dancing witch whores be. Tell the truth, I hadn' run that far since I be a youth and me legs nearly fell off. Being that so, I dared not stop and fumble for them sketches, though some were epic, for fear of being entranced by those fan dancing witch whores - or worse - I don' know what them do to their prisoners but, aye, I could imagine foul and nasty things.

The Romp

On a bright an cheery morn that saw promotions, appearances of friends of old, sentry duty, and whining Vesperians, Corporal Sanderson decided it be a grand idea to exercise our swinging arms in a good ole' romp into Tokuno Islands - Fan Dancer Dojo

I think we all agreed.

The arcane arts spirited us away to the fell island, but were delayed whilst we waited for others to swell our ranks - and as time would show - we needed every brave Covian.

Once all were ready, we entered the terrible dungeon and met resistance nay five length of man inside. Foul deamons bore down on us like a mud slide after heavy rains. We all formed on the Corporal and slew the lot o'them with ease. Healing those in the first ranks went well and we progressed further into the lair of evil.

Passing through anti-chambers lined with the dead - guts disemboweled, foul smells of rotting meat (surely the sacrifices of the devil beasts and dancing whores) - we met a dastardly number of Headless corpses feeling their way around for their next meal. Them headless ones ain' too much a problem, 'cept they kept grabbin at cha whilst Deamons cast their flames and them dancing whores cut you with twirling, whirling fan blades.

Indeed, I believe it was on the second level of that fell dungeon that the first of us fell wounded and needed a good stichin. We formed on the Corporal again and protected the injured, stichin and binding as best we could while swingin and knocking them bastards back. Soon, we got the upperhand while corpses of the dead minions hordes, dancing whores, and fell deamons piled so high it nearly build us a sentry post.

Once all were treated well enough, we progressed to the third layer. The resistance grew, more of us fell, and our spirits tested. Corporal gave the order to fall back orderly and we dragged the wounded, including the Corporal herself at one point, and regrouped in an area cleared before.

After patching the wounds again, we knew we had to give it one more try to recover some lost items. We charged in again, dealing blows, felling whores, dispatching minions, and doing Cove proud. We beat them back nigh to the end of the layer, but a call sounded - horns in the deep - and their numbers swelled. All were hurt in some way, our bandages low, and the number of wounded high.

We fell back again. This time Corporal Sanderson, noting the dire situation, ordered a force march back the way we came. This is where I being smashed pretty good fell and spilt my sketches on the dungeon floor. Alas.

We made it out.

However, having a less than graceful retreat, the enemy commander alerted his guards outside and we stumbled into more deamons, fan dancing whores, and minons a'plenty. Another of us fell, wounded by a fan blade to the groin. I couldn't see who it was, but tomorrow I'm sure will be a long day for em.

We beat them.

And we left then. Bruises, bandages, blood, dents, but we gave em hell and smote five times our number in their own lair.

We drank then. I do have a sketch o'that.

"pins sketch to report*

Talon, Watchman
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: August 01, 2005, 08:21:51 pm
Patrol of Cove after Drow attack

Time: Early Evening
Day: A very fine Monday
Purpose: To scour the city of Cove in order to see that all Drow have been exterminated from the premises.

Leader: Ahmed Al Maktoum, Grenadier Corporal

In Attendence:
Talon, Watchman
Kurt, Watchman

Nothing out of the ordinary. All Drow seem to have been eradicated from Cove and all is back to normal again. Until next time.

Talon, Watchman
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Orc hunt with New Recruits on: July 28, 2005, 02:32:35 pm
Orc hunt with New Recruits

To rid the Orc fort of it's nasty inhabitants and to show what the Baronship is all about to the newly recruited guardsmen.

Those who attended
Leader: Valiro, Scout Corporal
Ryan Greystone, Grenadier Sergeant
Griffith, Watchman
Talon, Watchman
Odenetheus, Disciple
Troy, Gaurdsmen Recruit
Sakin Laterali, Gaurdsmen Recruit

Just as the new recruits (Troy and Sakin) slipped on the last of the Baronship uniform, Valiro appeared and called us all to cleanse the Orc fort. This opted as a perfect opportunity for the new recruits to start off their service for Cove. We then all lined up outside the city gates of Cove to wait further instructions. 

pins a sketch on the wall

We were not even within the Orc fort barricade when attacked by all sorts of the nasty, smelly, greenskins. It was a good lesson on healing as well as the new recruits and some of us veterened guardsmen were bombarded by a whole host of foul and ugly Orcs.

takes out yet another sketch and pins it on the wall

After the feirce battle at the gates of the Orc fort, we ventured into enemy territory but to our dismay, or I'm sure for some us our comfort, we were not greeted by anymore of the beasts until reaching the depths of the fort, where plenty were still lurking about, probably digesting the latest of their daily catches.

looks through the many sketches of the events and finds the right ones

As the Orc dead lay all around us, Odenetheus demanded that the dead corpses be burned so as to spiritually clean the odorous place of the evil. Thankfully to ease the Father's mind, Ryan hurled a fire bomb onto the dead and cleansed the evil but not the smell.

Pins another sketch....running out of room

But look at the tight formation of us all in the midst of all this chaos...the new recruits did well in catching on to orders.

Overlaps yet another sketch upon the littered wall

After reaching the back entrance to the fort and slaying and burning many of foul beasts we came upon a boat that would surely take us back home with a bit of good sailing and commanding by Ryan, although he did almost run us aground and he hit another boat and initially docked the boat so that we would have to fly a good twenty feet to solid land
but he did get us back home.
Of course, we then all forced marched back to the barracks where gold was collected, a little over 9000 crowns, and were then dismissed.
For the new recruits, I sincerly hope that this little hunt was indeed educational and at the same time inspirational for ye to go on many a more hunts with us to deeper and darker and fouler and harder and bloodier and downright more insane, and.....well I guess ye get the idea.  Good job all new recruits! Keep yer training up and stick with us through thick and thin and I promise ye that your lives with be richer and more fulfilling.

Pins the last of the sketches to the wall

Signed Talon, Watchman
4  In Character Boards / Old Events / Greenskins BEWARE! 25/6/18:00 GMT on: June 24, 2005, 07:05:29 am
Greenskin Hunt at Fort...... Delayed until further notice

Griffith and Talon shall be leading a Hunt to the Orc Fort and also will build and man a sentry outpost in the opening of the fort as a point of attack as fulfillment of the Militia Duty.

Saturday at 18:00 GMT
Rally at Barrack's Lawn

1. We need at least 5 guardsmen to attend, more would be great.
2. Giffith will lead one group into the Orc Fort, after guarding my team in the initial build of the sentry, to eradicate the vermon and ultimately kill their hardest warriors the Orc Brutes.
3. I will be building with my group a sentry at the opening as a point of attack and also wipe out all greenskins that happen upon us or try to flee.
4. After the Orc Brutes have been beaten, My group will then venture into the fort to eradicate any stragglers or greenskin that have reinforced the fort while Griffith's team will man the sentry.
5. Mission is completed after this is done.

This will be a total cleansing of the fort so that these awful creatures will not be able to do their heathen rituals in the sights of our town.  We will take them out before they are able to scour our provinces looking for helpless souls to fulfill their dastardly sacraficial deeds.
*signed* Talon, Watchman
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Militia Duties: Orc Feast on: June 23, 2005, 03:32:29 am
Griffith and I would like to sign up for this duty.  One of us shall lead the skirmishers while the other will hold down the sentry and then we shall switch off untill the task is complete.

*signed*  Talon, Watchman
6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Tonights Battle on: June 19, 2005, 09:49:08 pm
I look at these painting and I say to myself "How could we have done so poorly?" I mean I think we felled a fare share perhaps but then I realize the force behind us seeming to be friends.  Still, after the battle I don't know what happened exactly.

( I noticed on the UO page that there is a column for allies.  What is that and why don't we use it?  Do allies appear in a different color cause that would help a ton!)
7  In Character Boards / Tournament Archives / Re: Fifth Tournament Results (June 2005) on: June 19, 2005, 12:27:42 am
It's sort of weird to see that Hrothgar won the second round against me...yet if my memory serves me correct (and believe me I've got knocked in the head a few times so i could be insane) I remember coming in second in the Tournament.  I think your scribe had a little to much to drink when he looked over your notes *grins*
8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Alright chaps! [PR] on: June 15, 2005, 04:30:11 am
Griffith and I are active even though we may miss a few days here and there (work and time difference) As far as recruitments Griffith and I will work as a team to build the BoC empire!
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Succesful Sweep of Shame on: June 11, 2005, 11:45:47 pm
And just to let all who were not there to witness the splendour of Ryan's mongbat dance...It was a fantastical sight to behold! The grace and splendour of Ryan's movement followed by the gracious flapping of arms in mockery of the mongbat in his flying state.  The facial expressions of one who has gone mad with ale (being his mouth wide open and his eyes ablaze with the glory of seeing the Avatar himself!) His legs doing about a thousand little prances a minute in jest of the mongbat seeing a brilliant army of Cove approaching! For those of us who were lucky enough to be there, it was truely a pivital moment in each of our lives.

*signed*  Talon, Guardsmen Recruit
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Healing training and Orc Hunt on: June 06, 2005, 08:40:04 pm
Bright and early in the morning at the barracks, some of us guardsmen still yawning, truely started the day out right.  A good training session and a subsequent hunt never killed anyone at dawn.

Led by:
John Dell, Junior Guardsmen

Those attended:
Algy, Guardsmen Recruit
Griffith, Guardsmen Recruit
Talon, Gaurdsmen Recruit

The purpose of this training session can be seen by this paining done by Talon.
*pins the painting to the board*

We entered the graveyard and slew all the nasty wicked heathens insided with ease.  Our healing was only really given the option to be trained when the witchy Lith appeared and we all did a fine job of keeping each other intact.
At this moment our leader assigned us a new leader to get our morning's worth with a hunt and clearing of the filthy Orcs in the fort, seeing as how he had to attend to some other business.

Cleansing of the Orcs

Led by:
Griffith, Guardsmen Recruit

Those attended:
Algy, Guardsmen Recruit
Talon, Guardsmen Recruit

This cleansing was well done.  As soon as we neared the opening to the fort it seemed as if a few of the Orcs wanted to come out and greet us good morning so we did with a good blow to the head and a subsequent slashing to the grion. As depicted in the painting done by Talon.

*Pins another painting to the board*

As we entered farther into the fort the giant Orcs began to appear and our healing lesson was definitely now handy.  We felled the giant and the little beasts with no more than a few sharp cuts and bumps from the beasts as is seen in this next painting:

*pins yet another painting to the board....his arm tiring*

With this we concluded our affairs at the Orc fort drastically reducing the number of Orcs filthifying our close borders.  With all said and done it was a good hardy moring collecting 11, 700 gold coins for the Baronship.

Talon, Guardsmen Recruit
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: June 06, 2005, 07:52:55 pm
Patrol of graveyard and perimiter.

Led by:
Talon, Guardsmen Recruit

Those attended:

Morgoth, Guardsmen Recruit
Vandrake, Guardsmen Recruit

A routine afternoon patrol of the Graveyard resulted in cleaning the area of foul beasts and acquiring 5000 gold for the Baronship.

*Talon pins a painting of patrol on the board*

Signed  Talon, Guardsmen Recruit
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Church Affairs: Brigand Hunt on: June 04, 2005, 01:24:24 am
While being at ease in the barracks, the silence was broken when Squire Lothar of the Church came through the doors shouting orders. There were four of us there at first and were slow to acquiesce to his orders.  We lined up outside of the barracks (reluctantly at best) and heard of his duties.

  Guardsmen who Attended:[/u]

     * Gregor Eason, Commander
        * Arc, Corporal
        * Calico Kate, Watchman
        * Kal Shadohand, Watchman
        * Drachir, Guardsman Recruit
        * Moon, Guardsman Recruit
        * Talon, Guardsman Recruit
        * Arch Stanton, Guardsman Recruit
        * Ezekiel, Guardsman Recruit
        * Nick, Guardsman Recruit

Lothar of the Church's duties were as follows:
         Rally at the Brigand fort outside of Yew and slay all who are inside.  The reason for this was because a church official was assaulted by the heathens and almost beaten to the point of absolute no return.  The orders to kill the women and children inside the fort was also given.  The Guardsmen being of right ethics and morals (perhaps ironic) did not take to these orders very well and sneered at them. 
          Soon, Corporal Arc did one of those interesting Blue teleporter diffusion things and we all met outside the fort. We then split into two groups one led my the Corporal and the other lead by Commander Eason.  We entered the fort to little resistance and felled all the dirty scoundrels with ease.  The battle (for lack of better words) was over in a flash with many felled Brigands and no loss to the Covian Guards.  Har Har Har! 
           The women and children were not harmed seeing how most of them fled out the back of the fort when we busted in.
           The original mission was completed.

*Talon takes the drawing done of the mission and pins it to the board*

A painting done by Calico Kate depicts the ease of our mission.

       Once the the original mission was completed Commander Eason bellowed for us all to follow him and we did. We headed South on the path from the Fort untill we reached a building that Eason was fond of and that I don't remember the name of. However, a few of us were missing and had strayed off to fight some red monsters and this angered the officers so once we regrouped and healed the ones who had been injured in the display of unruliness, all the guardsmen had a short lesson on commands such as "Tracking line", "Form" "and "Fall in".  When it was all said and done.  Us Guardsmen and the Church would surely be pleased with the work done and the lessons learned.

Signed by Talon, Guardsmen Recruit

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