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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report Number Three By Alkerin Oederys on: April 20, 2005, 06:33:48 pm
Event; Training

Well, I showed up late because I was having a good dream and didn't want to wake up, so I had to run laps.

*you see a picture of Alkerin running laps*

Then we had to display our light sources and bandages and bedrolls, I did good on that!

The Watchman runningthe training session thought my armor was in good repair too.

Then I got to be team captain in a team versus team battle, where you weren't allowed to move! We lost.

That was a good training session.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report two by Alkerin Oederys on: April 16, 2005, 08:42:06 pm
Event: Britain Invasion!

Well, Ryan the Grenadier gathered us up and Kas made a portal to Britain. William Edenfort and Marie were with us too, and Jorn showed up later.
We went up towards the graveyard where all the monsters were...

*you see a sketch of two headed giants and misshapen monsters flinging fireballs over corpses lying on the ground under a canopy of trees*

I loaded my crossbow, and fire at everything I could see. And when Ryan got attacked he would call for us to form up, and we'd all take the thing on at once.

There were generals too, they'd show up and teleport to whoever was attackin' them and start bashing. They hit hard!

*you see a sketch of a green ogre standing over the corpse of a fallen archer*

In any case, we drove the invasion all the way back into the mountains, where a strange fellow in a black and gold robe talked to all of us, and a girl in pink gave us all a hug for doing so good.

3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report number one by Alkerin Oederys on: April 16, 2005, 05:16:31 pm
Event: Training.

I went to training with Kas Valentine. We were drilled on what the Main block and the Skirmishers were, Kas did badly on both...

*you see a picture of Kas Valentine running laps around the training area*

However, I did better...

*you see a picture of Kas Valentine and Alkerin Oederys running laps around the training area*

The guardsman running the training session educated us on what the Main block and Skirmishers actually do, at this point I realised how badly I did.

We did some two on two battles..

*you see a picture of Gregor Eason and Alkerin Oederys laying on the ground and Kas Valentine and Ahmed Maktoum standing over them*

I got some good hits in the second time around using my repeating crossbow. It shoots very quickly.

In the end, the session was very good and I learned alot.

Alkerin Oederys
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Cadre Roll Call - Tursday, 14/04/05 on: April 14, 2005, 09:43:09 pm
*signs* "Alkerin Oederys"
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