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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Report on the hunt for bones on: May 17, 2005, 02:15:45 am
Sadly i was not aware of this great deed for i had to lead the destoryed forces back to Cove
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report on the hunt for bones on: May 16, 2005, 08:20:55 pm
As the line up was called many men came out from sleeping and the line slowly grew to a large number of men as soon as the men stoped comeing the march order was given and off they marched to the moongate.
They started to line up at the gate whene all of a suddent two yewish curch men apperd with some guards demanding we surender soon a fight broke out and the guards where defeated with out a singel loss to Cove.
Quickly moveing through the gate after this fight the men of Cove found theme selfs in a strange city with tall black buildingsquickly they made there way across a bridge to the place they where going a dark place called Doom.
As they where entering a friar from the Cove curch joined with theme and down they whent into the darkness soon they where attacked by the undead and other beasts but where no match for theme as the men marched deeper a noise could be heard.
It was a large army of the beasts chargeing the men the Cove army fought as best as they could but where pushed back with heavy losses they where forced to pull back out of the dark place.
Once the men had escaped the leader did a head count but sadly over half the men where missing still traped in the dark dark place where a force of 15 men had once ben now only 4 where left some of the men who made it out had lost there minds from what they had seen and whent insane.
Draging the wounded and insane back the battel worn men made it back to Minoc and soon walked back to Cove.
There heads hung low they made there way to there bunks and started to wonder will they eaver see there lost friends agane.

                        (occ Sadly the point of this patrol was to gather deamon bones for part 2 of this quest since this was not reached there may have to be another try occ)

           *sined patrol leader Lance Sanders*
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Hunt for bones on: May 15, 2005, 01:42:45 am
All roit yer lot it has come to my attion that a few items be needed to be gatherd so i will beh takeing some men to gather some bones naw this will nay be easy and it could get veary dark.
So make shure yer bring lots of bandages and a light source we will depart Monday night at 8pm ill need as many of yer as can come so assambel at the barracks monday at 8 got it yer lot!!!
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