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1  Command Boards / Criminal Tasks / More heads for the Hats! on: August 30, 2007, 01:22:31 pm
The task:

*The Hats need to pull off bigger operations, aswell as maintain the ones they have already. To achieve this feit we will need new members.

The conditions:

*Each player recruited must be a new player to the guild, not an alternative character of an existing player.
*Post the name of the player you recruited, and their ICQ in [OOC:] underneath.

The reward:

*You will be awarded 150 infamy for each new thieve recruited.
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: August 25, 2007, 01:09:44 pm
Dodgy Dutchman ‎(13:45):
Regdar/Obidah (BoC) ‎(13:47):
Dodgy Dutchman ‎(13:47):
omgwtfbbq after all these years I finally mastered the touch of death!
*goes to poke Odenetheus*
3  In Character Boards / Old Events / Thieves' Meeting - Saturday 25th August, 9pm GTM on: August 23, 2007, 10:20:00 pm
*A note is passed to each member of the council*

Come to the docks on the twenty-fifth day; burn this after you have read it.

When: 25th of August, at 9pm GMT
Where: Cove Docks
Bring: Bring yourself and your hat!

Don't be late!

4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Well Im off for certain this time ! on: August 20, 2007, 08:13:49 pm
Hurry back, HURRY BACK! Cheesy
5  Command Boards / The Thieves' Council / Re: The Hats Wood Heist on: August 16, 2007, 11:25:44 pm
"The ship used to carry the wood is left at the docks with a snapped mass, and a fair few holes in it - not very good sailing abilities!"

Infamy awarded: 70

6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: All good things must come to an end... on: August 10, 2007, 03:40:39 pm

No no! Don't come crawling back saying how much you love me, not this time!


Seriously though, COME BACK SOON!

*Throttles* Cheesy
7  Command Boards / The Thieves' Council / Re: Moving in on our Patch! on: August 09, 2007, 08:15:01 pm
"Wha' the... Meh! We'll 'ave t' push 'em away."

Infamy awarded: 50
8  Command Boards / The Thieves' Council / Re: The Prison Break on: August 09, 2007, 08:14:09 pm
Obidah stared blankly down at the words, looking to the pictures to comfort his illiteracy.

"Scribe! Come 'ere an' read what it says, ey?"

"Eeeeh? Shadowhand? What the 'ells that? Never mind... I'll look into it. Now shoo yer friggin' quill pusher."

Infamy awarded:

Charles Fenwick: 70
Straeban: 40
9  Command Boards / The Thieves' Council / Re: The Whack List on: August 05, 2007, 06:18:09 pm
Infamy awarded to Charles Fenwick: 90
10  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: August 02, 2007, 11:53:33 pm
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
I think that's THE dumbest idea I've had.
Camler - Optimus Von Richter says:
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
Well! I want chocolate spread on toast, but we were out of chocolate spread.
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
Let's just say they don't make it with a yorkie bar and a microwave.
Camler - Optimus Von Richter says:
Did you try and melt chocolate and spread it?
Camler - Optimus Von Richter says:
Camler - Optimus Von Richter says:
Camler - Optimus Von Richter says:
How wrong did it go?
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
Well.. I was just stood, my back turned to the microwave, buttering on the peanut butter.
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
I smell burning.
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
I turn around and choke on the smoke.
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
Camler - Optimus Von Richter says:
Bradrich - All I know is I don't know nothing. says:
"Cooking 101 with Obidah"
11  Command Boards / The Thieves' Council / Re: The Hats go Traveling on: August 02, 2007, 06:22:38 pm
"Hur hur! We's bashed 'em smelly orcs good! Got us some booze fer it too, loike!"

Infamy awarded:

Straeban: 70
Flint Stonefist: 40
12  Command Boards / Criminal Tasks / Re: I'll be taking that, thanks... on: July 31, 2007, 11:28:21 pm
Infamy awarded to Flint Stonefist: 50
13  Command Boards / Criminal Tasks / Spreadin' the Shade on: July 31, 2007, 09:47:26 pm
Obidah rummaged through his crates, finally coming to what he was looking for; shade. Running his hands through it, tasting it every so often, he nodded with a grin that bared all his teeth.

"I'm goin' t' be rich off dis sheet."

The Task:

*Shade doesn't shift itself - get on to the streets and sell it on!


*Each member can only take one hundred shade
*You must sell it for 15gp for one gram, or more. (Max being 20gp)
*This task may be completed MORE than once
*This is open to ANY rank
*A Full Report must be placed in this thread.

[OOC: one gram = one nightshade]


*Infamy will be rewarded for the quality and creativity of the report.

*Signed on behalf of Obidah*


14  Command Boards / The Thieves' Council / Thieve's Contact list on: July 31, 2007, 02:48:15 pm

Rex Richter - Gang Boss - 284-429-275
Obidah Lynch - Highwayman - 219-499-625


Straeban - Thug - 347-719-700

Charles Fenwick - Petty Thief - 253-039-131
Henry Walker - Petty Thief - 319-689-364
Marley Briggs - Petty Thief - 329-634-240
Marsten - Petty Thief - 234-748-734
Gareck Hallows - Petty Thief - 349-689-614
Grit - Petty Thief - 402-880-159
Flint Stonefist - Petty Thief - 399-703-442
Alexis - Petty Thief - 397-701-633
Kory Bloodlust - Petty Thief - 472-544-680
15  Command Boards / The Thieves' Council / Re: Smuggling Shade into Cove on: July 31, 2007, 12:24:29 pm
"Damn boat on fire.... Now I needs a new 'un. Good work that kids done, though!"

Infamy awarded: 70
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