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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: New and Improved ICQ list! on: April 19, 2006, 11:50:35 pm
Mine is actually posted wrong, and has been for a while. Doesn't matter anyway, cos it needs to come off the list.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Calling All Covians!! on: March 10, 2006, 09:10:25 am
Any raw materials are appreciated, the amount is largely irrelevant, although the more the better, obviously. As for where they can be stored, please place any large amounts into your bank, as ECTC plan on organising a pack train to move everything to our Altmere depot in the near future (details to follow). Thankyou for your kind offers of help

3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Calling All Covians!! on: March 09, 2006, 10:47:51 pm
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Chain of command... on: March 08, 2006, 08:36:50 am
Just something on your second point, if a superior is there, report to them and ask permission to punish. It's up to the superior to decide whether they take the matter into their own hands or delegate it back to the reporting soldier then. I think they call it covering yer arse Tongue

5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Fear of the known... on: March 01, 2006, 03:01:00 pm
Restlessly, she paced the house, walking round and round the table they’d just moved in, abruptly sitting in one of the chairs she’d made, then getting up to pace some more. The thought of going out and walking around Cove again scared her, and yet, she knew she would have to be able to find her way around in order to work. Somehow, she would have to overcome her fear and walk between the houses like the citizen she was, otherwise, she’d let him down. He had so much faith in her, and in her ability to overcome her nervousness; she had to try, if only to keep from disappointing him.

   Suddenly, she changed direction and headed towards the door, hesitating only when she felt her hand bump against the latch. She froze there, staring at the door with her big, violet eyes, wondering if she had the courage to open it and step through. “Why not?” she asked herself. “Opening a door and walking through a town takes no courage compared to what I have already done!” yet, even while she told herself this, her hand involuntarily withdrew from the latch, creeping up to touch her throat in a fearful gesture.

   As she stood there, immobilised by her own nerves, her thoughts drifted to her return here. Nobody had tried to hurt her, or even spoken unkindly…apart from that lout killing the hind right in front of her…but then, everyone else there had been as shocked as she was by his actions. People had tried to comfort her, and the girl, Yue, had taken her into town to eat chicken legs. Then, the following day, Nicholai had shown her around, and even when she was scared by seeing the church, he had still been kind, taken her to the stable, and shown her his horse. Nobody seemed to even notice how nervous she was, and if they did, they didn’t seem to mind at all.

   “So why am I so afraid?” she asked herself, moving to sit in another chair and gaze back at the door. No sooner had she asked it than the answer came unbidden from deep in her mind “Because -he- is still alive”. Swallowing reflexively, she began to tremble, burying her head in her hands. While there was a chance -he- lived, she could never be truly safe. Not anywhere. Whimpering, she slid further down in the chair, trying to hide from the dark shadows and blades that haunted her dreams. -He- was out there, and she…she was the last one he needed to kill.
6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: New and Improved ICQ list! on: February 28, 2006, 01:35:10 am
Mine wants throwing on the list somewhere Smiley 213-269-600
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Character themesong?! on: February 27, 2006, 11:01:36 am
Hmm, tough choice, but I reckon "My Immortal" by Evanescence for Rina.
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Lost in her thoughts..... on: April 29, 2005, 02:38:48 pm
Rina wandered through the houses and shops of Cove, quietly thinking of him... how long had it been since she first realised how she felt about him? It seemed like forever, even though she knew it hadn't been that long...but her heart was so attuned to his, the bond seemed to transcend time somehow. She knew she would never love another, no matter what happened to either of them, for loving someone else would be a betrayal...

Panic suddenly rose in her heart like a flood-'But...what if....?' Clenching her hands into fists, she quelled the thought, which threatened to drown her with its intensity. It would be alright-he had promised her, and she believed him. She had to believe him-she had nobody else.
Pausing for a moment to collect herself, Rina looked up at the building in front of her. The church. She sighed, then turned around and slowly made her way back to the bank, her thoughts still echoing in her head.
9  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Laurina (updated) on: April 28, 2005, 02:48:34 am
Name: Laurina-known as Rina
Age: 19
Race: Human, but looks like there may be elf blood in there
Occupation: All round Crafter
Hair: Wavy shoulder length Blonde
Eyes: Violet/Blue
Height: 5'3"
Alignment: Lawful Good

Much of Laurina's past is shrouded, even from her. While she remembers sketchy details, some terrible event in her past erased much of her memories, leaving her with only shadows. Her memories clear around the time she turned 18, when her mother and father were betrayed and killed by her grandfather, and she left home with her twin brother Ancamarath to search for their elder brother, Ancalagon. A year later, she found herself alone, the victim of repeated brutalities, her brothers killed in their search for revenge, and her true love unreachably distant. After much soul searching, she agreed to come to Cove, hoping for a brighter future. Her hopes were dashed by the church, and she fled, fearing harsh repercussions, only finding out of the events leading to the collapse of the church after reading a heartfelt public letter from her love, who she believed lost to her forever.
 Laurina is a small, delicately pretty girl with child-like eyes, self effacing to the point of crippling shyness, which is compounded by life's somewhat harsh treatment of her. She is nervous and servile around people, owing to her past, and her deeply shrouded childhood. She does not trust easily or fully, the exception being her beloved, who she views as her sanctuary, hiding behind his strength in front of others. She rarely speaks to strangers, unless addressed directly, and much of the time, it is left to those who know her to answer in her stead.
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