The much talked date...
Kata: Evening Hrothgar: Ahh lady Kata.. Hrothgar: Good Eve.. Kata: *smiles* Kata: How are you? Hrothgar: You seek the Baron? Kata: *nods* Hrothgar: I am good thankyou. Kata: How is Baron? You see: Valiro [BoC] Valiro: *nods* Valiro: Sir. Hrothgar: He is good.. Hrothgar: I believe... Kata: *smirks* Kata: And how are things in the neighbourhood? Hrothgar: Quite good.. Kata: *nods* Hrothgar: I have not seen the Baron at this house.. Hrothgar: *Coughs* Hrothgar: Hour... Kata: *nods* Hrothgar: But he is expected to be around a little later.. Kata: That sounds good Kata: I believe we have that dinner later..? Hrothgar: Indeed miss.. Hrothgar: I am sure he has not forgotten... Kata: *grins* Kata: I must go and make myself ready then Hrothgar: *Nods* Kata: Need to find my dress Hrothgar: Uhm.. Kata: *winks* Hrothgar: Will you be needing a dress made miss? Kata: *shakes head* Hrothgar: *Nods slowly* Kata: I think i have some Kata: Old but anyway Kata: Good for the occation Hrothgar: Jewellry? Hat? Any accessories? Kata: Im fine Kata: *smiles* Hrothgar: Very well miss.. Hrothgar: *Smiles* Kata: Could you perhaps come and inform me when Baron is ready? Hrothgar: I shall madame... Kata: *nods* Kata: I show you where i live You see: Hugo [BoC] Hrothgar: *Nods*
Kata: Here Kata: *smiles* Hrothgar: Wow.. Hrothgar: That was far.. Kata: *grins* Hrothgar: *Grins* Hrothgar: Well now i know miss.. Hrothgar: And i shall bring word.. Hrothgar: Until then miss... Hrothgar: *Bows* Kata: *nods*
Kata: Evening Hrothgar: Good Eve miss.. Kata: I am ready Kata: *smiles* Hrothgar: *Smiles* Hrothgar: So i can see.. Kata: Or should i wear red... Kata: *grins* Hrothgar: *Nods slowly* Hrothgar: Follow me then miss..
You see: Lorelei You see: Ryan Greystone [BoC] You see: Octiovus [BoC] Octiovus: Aha, madam! Ryan Greystone: *Rubs the back of his neck* Octiovus: *Bows* Kata: *smiles* Hrothgar: *Motions..* Hrothgar: Lady Kata my lord. Kata: Evening, Baron Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: *Tries to kiss hand.* Kata: *smiles gently* Octiovus: How fares it this day, madam? Kata: Ah Kata: This been nice day Kata: *smiles* Kata: A bit busy tough Ryan Greystone: *Glances at Hrothgar and sniggers faintly* Octiovus: *Nods shortly.* Kata: Hows your day been? Octiovus: Well, would you care to come in? Kata: *nods* Octiovus: Very well, thank you. Octiovus: Where would you like to sit? Hrothgar: Helm up Ryan.. Ryan Greystone: Aye sir. Ryan Greystone: *Shoves his helmet on* Kata: Hmm Kata: On the candle table Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: *Nods and smiles.* Octiovus: *Smiles.* Kata: *smiles* Kata: *takes of hat* Octiovus: *Takes his off and smiles to her.* Kata: *looks around* Kata: This is a tavern right? Octiovus: Indeed, indeed, Ryan Greystone: Sir..? Octiovus: This is private affair, Octiovus: So 'tis closed. Octiovus: *Snaps fingers.* Kata: Ahaa Octiovus: The food! Kata: *smiles* Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Roit away sir! Octiovus: *Eyes her hair and coughs ever so slightly* Ryan Greystone: *Leans down and starts to rummage under the bar* Kata: *spots him looking her hair* Kata: *smiles* Kata: There were an accident Kata: *grins* Ryan Greystone: *Tries to balance the huge boar with both of his arms* Octiovus: .. Oh, uhm, indeed? Kata: *brushesh topknot*
Ryan Greystone: Oi! Voren: Wha'? Ryan Greystone: This re place be closed! You see: Voren [BoC] You see: Rufus Walsch You see: Hrothgar [BoC] You see: Ryan Greystone [BoC] You see: Octiovus [BoC]
Kata: Indeed
Ryan Greystone: Outside citizen! Rufus Walsch: Hrmm... Voren: Wha's tha' baron doin' in 'ere 'en..? Hrothgar: Out! Rufus Walsch: Bah! Ryan Greystone: 'E's' dinin'! Hrothgar: Peasants out! Voren: Pfft
Octiovus: *Mumbles faintly*
Ryan Greystone: Now outside before ye are forced outside!
Octiovus: And how did this accident happen? Ryan Greystone: Terribly sorry about that sir.
Hrothgar: Oi! Kata: *smiles* Hrothgar: OUT!
Octiovus: *Mouths "you will be"* Ryan Greystone: The tavern master must 'ave forgotten to lock all of em doors.
Ryan Greystone: *Carefully places the giant roast pig on the table* Kata: Remember the times when there were the epidemic Kata: Turning people.. Kata: Uhm Kata: Green Kata: *smiles* Ryan Greystone: Ye be wantin' some wine with that Baron sir..? Octiovus: Indeed. Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Roit ye are sir. Octiovus: And wine for you, miss? Kata: *nods* Ryan Greystone: *Kneels down and rummages under the bar* Ryan Greystone: *Rattle rattle!* Ryan Greystone: *Pulls out a bottle of wine* Ryan Greystone: *Holds out the bottle infront of Octiovus and raises a brow* Ryan Greystone: This alroit sir..? Octiovus: *Examines it* Octiovus: I'm sure it shall "suffice." Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Kata: *smirks* Ryan Greystone: Roit ye are sir. Kata: Where were I.. Ryan Greystone: If ye be needin' anythin' else Baron sir... just call. Kata: Oh,, the epidemic Kata: Yes Octiovus: Indeed, indeed. Kata: I dont remember if Cove was infected Kata: But Vesper was allmost ruined by it Kata: Luckily Miss Pyper find a cure for it Kata: Down effect was really that Kata: I lost my long beautiful hair Kata: *shrugs* Octiovus: I see - will it grow back? Octiovus: *Arches a brow.* Kata: Surely Hrothgar: *Stands to attention* Octiovus: Ah, that is good news, then! Kata: I was totally bold for a while Kata: *smiles* Kata: *looks around* Octiovus: Well, I have to main course here. Octiovus: *Smiles* Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: Do, "tuck in" as they say.. Octiovus: *Chortles.* Kata: Dont mind if i do Kata: *smiles* Kata: So how is your leg? Kata: Or was it your leg that was injured? Kata: *tastes food* Octiovus: Somewhat better, yes, I have a friend of mine working on a remedy for the, Octiovus: Traces of poision that remain. Octiovus: *Nods* Kata: Have the villain been caught? Octiovus: *Shakes head.* Octiovus: I'm afraid not - but I'm sure the militia will get them soon Octiovus: *Eyes behind him, momentarily* Kata: *nods* Hrothgar: *Stands still and silent* Octiovus: But with Gregor gone, makes it somewhat more difficult. Octiovus: *Nods sadly.* Hrothgar: Pfft. Kata: Oh right Hrothgar: *Coughs* Kata: The missing persons Kata: *shakes head* Octiovus: Indeed, but here, let us talk of something more cheerful. Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: *Uncorks his wine and takes a small sip.* Kata: But offcourse Kata: *smiles* Kata: How is the wine? Octiovus: It is good - did'st my guard not give you a bottle? Octiovus: *Frowns a bit* Kata: *smiles gently* Kata: Maybe we need to chare then Kata: *grins* Octiovus: *Chuckles* Octiovus: No, no. *Glances behind him* Octiovus: Captain, get the wine from that what's-his-face. Octiovus: Captain? Octiovus: *Frowns* Hrothgar: *Coughs* Hrothgar: Yes my lord.. Hrothgar: Oi! Kata: So tell me about yourself Octiovus: Ah, but of course, Hrothgar: *Stands to attention* Octiovus: Well, there's not much to tell, I fear, Octiovus: I was born a noble of Cove, and I was, Octiovus: Given my position by Lord Twothumb, Kata: *nods* Ryan Greystone: *Leans down and starts to rummage through the bottle contents* Ryan Greystone: *Rattle rattle!* Octiovus: And from there, Ryan Greystone: *Clank!* Octiovus: I turned Cove from a queit hamlet.. Ryan Greystone: *Pulls out a dusty bottles and stares at it* Octiovus: To the economic and military super-power of the North, Ryan Greystone: Well... this 'ere be fancy lookin'. Kata: *smiles* Ryan Greystone: *Holds out a dusty bottle of wine infront of Octiovus* Ryan Greystone: This 'ere alroit sir..? Octiovus: To the madam here, not me. *Motion* Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Ryan Greystone: *Holds out the bottle infront of Kata* This alroit Miss..? Kata: *looks at the bottle* Kata: That is fine Kata: *smiles* Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Kata: Thank you Ryan Greystone: More food sir...? Octiovus: And what of yourself, madam? Octiovus: Indeed, get the pudding. Octiovus: *Chuckles* Kata: *grins* Ryan Greystone: *Rubs the back of his helmet and shrugs faintly* Kata: Oh, im a bit of a traveller Kata: I came to Vesper some time ago Kata: And found it quite nice place to live Kata: I have a small cottage near here Ryan Greystone: Ehhh... well nay pud... err.. thin' sir... But we be 'avin' pies and a cake down there. Octiovus: What would you like, madam? Octiovus: Cake, or pie? Kata: Pies sound splendid Octiovus: Pie it is. Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Roit ye are Baron sir. Kata: And actually im travelling now also Kata: *looks a bit sad* Octiovus: Oh? Travelling? What for, madam? Ryan Greystone: *Balances two steaming pies in his hands* Kata: I just came to check my house on my "vacation" Ryan Greystone: Careful sir... em pies be 'ot. Ryan Greystone: *Holds out one of the pies* Ryan Greystone: *Holds out the pie infront of Kata* Ryan Greystone: I'll be 'ere sir if ye be needin' anythin' else. Kata: I have some... Octiovus: Indeed. Kata: unfinished business to do Octiovus: Ah, indeed? Interesting. Kata: That require me to travel a lot Kata: I have my roots in Felucca Octiovus: Most unfortunate Octiovus: Oh, how awful. Ryan Greystone: *Shuffles his feet and remains standing in attention* Kata: And i need to be there quite a lot Kata: I have kind of a job there Kata: *smiles a bit* Octiovus: Aha, I see.. Octiovus: Not murdering, like the rest of them there, I do hope! *Chortles* Kata: I have some vacations that i spend here Kata: *shakes head* Kata: Im more like preventing it Kata: *smiles* Kata: At least trying.. Octiovus: I see. Kata: You know Felucca. Its messy there Octiovus: Oh quite indeed - I know of Felucca, at least. Octiovus: I would'st not step there, though, Kata: *nods* Ryan Greystone: *Sniggers quietly under his helmet* Octiovus: Although, Sir Hugo of our church order doth go there, sometimes Kata: Im actually leaving there on wednesday Kata: *looks sad* Octiovus: So soon? A shame, a shame indeed! Kata: *nods* Kata: It is shame Kata: But im coming quite soon back Kata: *grins* Octiovus: Ah, well that is some good news, at least! Kata: *smiles* Kata: I got my house here so i need to come and check it from times to times Kata: *grins* Octiovus: Ah, good, good! Octiovus: *Nods.* Octiovus: I can't travel much these days. Octiovus: Bound by duty and such. Kata: *nods slightly* Ryan Greystone: *Shuffles his feet faintly* Kata: You have your responsibility here Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: Much indeed. Octiovus: The town would go into an uprising without me, I fear. Octiovus: All my progress would'st be lost. Kata: *smiles* Kata: Lucky to Cove that they have a good leader like you Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: Ah, well I try, madam. Kata: Im sure your men would tell the same Kata: *grins* Ryan Greystone: *Remains silent under his helmet* Octiovus: *Chuckles* Octiovus: When I started, Octiovus: T'was quite a small town, Cove, then, alas, Octiovus: Full Orc invasion, Hrothgar: *Turns head to Ryan and motions to the wall behind Kata* Octiovus: The Barony was not predicted to last long, Octiovus: But we prevailed. Ryan Greystone: *Glances at Hrothgar and nods slowly* Kata: *nods* Kata: *listens* Kata: I remember the orcs Kata: This was time of chaos Kata: *shakes head* Octiovus: Indeed, indeed. Octiovus: Most sad. Kata: Now it looks good again Kata: Is there much orcs around anymore? Octiovus: *Nods.* Octiovus: A few, Octiovus: Survivers of the invasion, Kata: *nods* Octiovus: Blood eye clan, or some such. Kata: Oh Kata: They have a name and all Octiovus: Yes, they are quite "advanced.." for Orc's. Kata: *nods* Kata: Do they give trouble for Cove? Octiovus: Not really. Octiovus: They are few, and we are numerous. Kata: *nods* Kata: And quite competent i think Kata: *looks at the guards* Ryan Greystone: *Smirks faintly under his helmet* Octiovus: Well, Octiovus: They "suffice." Octiovus: *Chuckles* Kata: *smirks* Ryan Greystone: *Clenches his fist and narrows his eyes faintly* Ryan Greystone: *Remains silent and standing on place* Kata: Are you a warrior or a politician? Kata: There are few ways to be a leader Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: I am both, madam. Kata: Ahaa Octiovus: Sometimes I lead from the fore, Octiovus: But mostly I consign myself to the speeches. Kata: *nods* Kata: Good to know how to do both Kata: *nods* Octiovus: Yes, yes, one of the minority, I fear. Octiovus: Twothumb isn't much of a warrior. Octiovus: *Chuckles* Ryan Greystone: *Raises a brow under his helmet* Baron sir...? Ye and the lady be wantin' the cake..? Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: Care for cake, madam? Kata: Hmm Kata: Sure Hrothgar: *Stands to attention* Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Roit ye are sir. Kata: I personally dont like to give speeches Kata: *smiles* Ryan Greystone: *Carries a large cake in his hands and wobbles faintly* Octiovus: Well, it's not the life for all people. Octiovus: *Chuckles* Ryan Greystone: Ehh... I nay think there be room on that table sir... Kata: *grins* Octiovus: *Mumbles* Kata: *shakes head* Kata: Men Kata: Put it on other table Kata: And make slices Ryan Greystone: *Keeps the cake in his hands and grunts faintly* Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: *Chuckles* Ryan Greystone: *Mumbles faintly* Aye miss. Octiovus: Ingenieus.. Ryan Greystone: *Puts his hand on his cutlass and unsheaths it* Hrothgar: *Eyes the cake and licks his lips* Octiovus: So, what do you work as, miss? Ryan Greystone: *Cuts the large cake into two large pieces with his cutlass* Kata: Uhm... Hrothgar: *Eyes the blade Ryan cut it with and looses interest* Ryan Greystone: *Starts dividing the two pieces into smaller pieces* Kata: I would say that im a warrior Kata: *smiles* Ryan Greystone: *Wiggles his cutlass a few times shaking off the cake remains and sheaths it* Octiovus: A warrior? Octiovus: A guard of Vesper? Kata: *shakes head* Ryan Greystone: *Leans down and rummages through the cups and plates* Ryan Greystone: *Pulls out two fancy looking plates* Kata: Im not going to war for Twothumb Octiovus: Wise words. Kata: There needs to be better reasons Ryan Greystone: *Places the plates on the table and carefully places two slices on them* Kata: So thats the main reason for not being in the militia Ryan Greystone: *Places the plates infront of Octiovus and Kata* Kata: *smiles* Kata: Thank you Ryan Greystone: *Nods* Nay problem Ma'am. Octiovus: Enjoy, miss! Kata: *smiles* Kata: *tastes cake* Kata: Mmm Kata: Not bad Kata: *looks at the guards* Kata: You dont have mages in your guards? Octiovus: *Munches on his cake.* Octiovus: We do, miss. Hrothgar: *Mumbles..* Hrothgar: Wytches. Ryan Greystone: *Snorts faintly* Octiovus: But mages are not fit for the grenadiers.. Kata: *smiles faintly* Octiovus: *Nods solemnly* Kata: Grenadiers.. Kata: You have some sections in your militia? Octiovus: Indeed, three, to be precise. Kata: *nods and eats cake* Octiovus: My own greandiers, Octiovus: The Covian Dragoons, Octiovus: And the light company. Kata: *nods* Kata: *hides a yawn behind hand* Kata: Oh my Kata: Its getting late Kata: *smiles* Octiovus: Oh yes, quite. Octiovus: I shall have uhm.. Octiovus: This man here.. Octiovus: *Points to Ryan* Octiovus: Escort you home. Kata: How nice Kata: *smiles* Kata: I enjoyed the meal Octiovus: I enjoyed this dinner, I hope to see you again. Octiovus: *Smiles* Kata: Ah but surely we will Octiovus: *Smiles.* Kata: Only that my travelling is mixing things for some extend Kata: *smile* Octiovus: I bid you good night, madam. Octiovus: *Bows.* Kata: *smiles* Kata: And good night to you too Kata: Baron Kata: *smiles* Ryan Greystone: *Removes his halberd from his back and holds it firmly in his right hand* Octiovus: *Waves* Ryan Greystone: I'll get ye 'ome safely miss.. nay thin' to worry about. Kata: *smiles*