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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Gruesome Find on: August 12, 2005, 10:10:59 am
Aye,  hair keeps growing 'parantly after death, *shivers* them undead be scary, untrustworthy buggers that they are.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrol Report on: August 11, 2005, 09:41:48 am
Thank ya' sah, i did also log the report in the patrol log, but thort this too long ter put in thar..

Signed: Recruit Vandrick
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol Report on: August 10, 2005, 12:09:27 pm
Patrol of Graveyard
10/08/05    11:30am

Leader: Watchman Garand
Present: Recruit Troy
              Recruit Vandrick
              Recruit Fenix

Starting from the Barracks we were aproached by a 'uge spider that got us of to an 'ard start, after a lil' discussion we 'eaded for the graveyard ter slay the monsters there.

After some monsters escaped from the gates and attacked us before we arrived properly one recruit fell but was helped up and the battle continued against lich, ghouls an' zombies, the usual graveyard rabble..

After a small congratulations from the leader we all 'eaded back to them Barracks for a lil' spar and a sit well earned sit down!

Signed: Recruit Vandrick
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: August 10, 2005, 11:51:07 am
Local Area Patrol

Patrol from Barracks to the Graveyard desposing of all creatures there.

Leader: Watchman Garand

Present: Recruit Troy
               Recruit Vandrick
               Recruit Fenix
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A fluttery note with a sketch on. on: August 04, 2005, 03:08:56 pm
*studies the note with a smirk on his face and walks away muttering "good ol' Arc, har har"*
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Recruit Returns on: August 04, 2005, 03:06:32 pm
*stumbles up to the board looking sleepy yet well, gripping a piece of paper in his hand, studies the paper and nodding pins it to the wall*

Everyone, I 'ave been awah fer some time now, meybe say forty days, but i be back now, har har, and one cadet cadre away from promotion, or so i seem ter remember..har har, just a not ter tell you all.

Signed: Guardsman Recruit Vandrick
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Late Patrol on: June 08, 2005, 09:11:38 am
*Vandrick stumbles wearily up to the board an pins a rather shoddy looking piece of parchment to the board*

Late Patrol of Cove and Altmere checking for Bandit activities
Date: 6th 7th
Time started:11:15 GMT
Time finished: 11:45 GMT

Leader: Recruit Guardsman, Vandrick

Recruit Guardsman, Ingrid Cold
Squire, Mikael
Sergent?, Althalus

The patrol started from the Cove Barracks with just Ingrid, Vandrick and Mikael, the intention was to search for bandits following the nights previous bandit activities:

The patrol arrived at the Gates of Cove and checked every house and the Watchtower for sign of the bandits:

After finding no signs of trouble the patrol returned to the gates and discovered that Squire Mikael had to leave, Thanked for his efforts Mikael returned to his church duties

After leaving the Gates the patrol bumped into Althalus, upon hearing the reason for the patrol he hastened to join.

On the treck to Altmere a couple of creatures were encountered, those bird women, trolls, two head an' the like, they were dealt with and Coveshire reamains a safe place:

Finally reaching Altmere the group searched, and found again, no signs of bandit activity, it looked as though Cove was safe for the night:

After seeing that all was safe Althalus challanged the patrol to a race to the barracks......

which he won quite easily, seems some sort of animal magicks was 'elping him.

The patrol ended, Cove was safe for the night,

Total Bounty: 1162 Gold Crowns

Signed: Guardsman Recruit, Vandrick
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: June 07, 2005, 11:08:21 pm
Late Patrol of Cove and Altmere To Check For Bandit Activity    7th 6th    11:15

Lead by: Recruit Guardsman Vandrick

*Recruit Guardsman Indred Cold
*Squire Mikael
*Sergent Althalus

Just a small late night patrol to check Cove and Altmere arefter earlier Bandit activites, Cove and Altmere were free from any Bandit activity and only a few creatures were encountered

Bounty: About 1400 Crowns
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report on Crate Expedition on: June 07, 2005, 11:43:52 am
*Vandrick sheepishly lumbres up to the board clutchinga piece of parchment, thinks to himself, then pins it up, walking away grumbling*

Expedition to find crates for Gate Duty   11:30 GMT  7th June

Those Present:
Recruit Vandrick
Recruit Morgoth
Recruit Spritz (briefly)

Recruit Vandrick and Recruit Morgoth set out from the barracks in search of crates at 11:30, after meeting Recruit Spritz on the stairs they told him what they were doing and he agreed to join them.

First the Recruits headed for the Cove bank to clear their packs at the bank ready for the crates they were to find...

Upon entering the bank Recruit Spritz disapeared, and did not rejoin the group on their expedition. The recruits decided to go to Vesper to buy crates and this meant they needed a disguise, after doning their robes and cloaks..

 the two recruis entered the city of Vesper and headed for the carpenters shop, after talking to the men working in the carpenters it became apparant that there was a lack of crates in the town.

The two recruits headed out in search of an independent crate source and after much searching found a brightly coloured shop that had but one crate.

The two recruits slumped back to the barracks carrying the measly crate and presented it to Regular Vailro, who decided it would be better to do the gate duty later, when more crates were available...

Things returned to how they were again, the two recruits slumped against the wall and admired the crate that had taken them so much time to get. Morgoth turned to Vandrick and said "thats the best crate i've seen" and all Vandrick could do was agree and return to eating the peas on the table.

Signed: Vandrick Freewater
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol Report on: June 06, 2005, 08:39:56 pm
*Bounds up to the board pining his first report proudly*

Patrol of Coveshire  8:30 GMT  6th June

Leader: Guardsman Recruit Morgoth

Guardsman Recruit Vandrick
Guardsman Recruit Arch Stanton
Guardsman Recruit Ezekiel
Guardsman Recruit Nemo

After patroling the shoreline and Coveshire, encountering the usual creatures, spiders, harpies, you know the kind.

 Arch Stantons Boots were playing up and Nemo was asked to trade boots with him, as this was happening the patrol was ambushed by a Gang of Bandits.

 The leader, not giving his name was knocked out and crawled away, while another member of the gang escaped unharmed one member, Elminster was captured and is currently being held captive in the Barrocks Prison.

Signed:   Guardsman Recruit Vandrick           
*He limps away still injured from the fight that just took place but happy with the report*
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Paint results! on: May 05, 2005, 03:43:45 pm
Peggy!  Captures the essance o' the Baron perfectly..
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